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Progress on Development of SIS in Liberia. Presented by: Andrew Giahquee & Clarence E. Buigbo Monrovia, 14 June 2018. Development of Liberia’s SIS Deliverables 0 and 1 have been submitted. Ob jectives of Liberia’s REDD+ Safeguards Information System.
Progress on Development of SIS in Liberia Presented by: Andrew Giahquee & Clarence E. Buigbo Monrovia, 14 June 2018
Development of Liberia’s SIS Deliverables 0 and 1 have been submitted
Objectives of Liberia’s REDD+ Safeguards Information System • Produce summaries of information on REDD+ safeguards for UNFCCC • 2. Provide assurances on safeguards implementation and non-carbon benefits to donors • 3. Provide assurances to international companies and markets • 4. Provide information to Liberian government on contributions to sustainable development • 5. Provide assurances to local stakeholders on their social and environmental priorities
Functions ofLiberia’s REDD+ Safeguards Information System • Information collection • Compilation • Analysis and interpretation • Quality assurance and validation • Dissemination • Information management
Key goals that define high social and environmental performance Principles Conditions that must be met related to processes and impacts to deliver on principles Criteria Quantitative or qualitative information to show progress achieving a criterion Indicators
Principles UNFCCC Cancun safeguards Conditions in Liberia’s context that must be met related to processes and impacts meet UNFCCC safeguards Criteria Quantitative or qualitative information to show progress achieving a criterion Indicators
UNFCCC Cancun safeguards with minor adaptation for Liberia if needed Principles Conditions in Liberia’s context that must be met related to processes and impacts meet UNFCCC safeguards Criteria • Documents used as input for criteria • Analysis of Liberian policies, laws and regulations vs Cancun safeguards • World Bank FCPF – Environmental Social and Management Framework (ESMF) • Gender Policy of Green Climate Fund • Liberia National Interpretation of RSPO • FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement • Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) • SESA outcomes
Safeguard (a) - REDD+ actions complement or are consistent with the objectives of the national forest and development programmesand relevant international conventions and agreements
Safeguard (b) – REDD+ actions promote and support transparent and effective national land sector governance structures
Safeguard (c) – REDD+ actions respect for the knowledge and rights of members of local communities
Safeguard (d) – REDD+ actions ensure the full and effective participation of relevant stakeholders, in particular local communities
Safeguard (e) - REDD+ actions are consistent with the conservation of natural forests and biological diversity, ensuring that REDD+ actions are not used for the conversion of natural forests and other priority ecosystems, but are instead used to incentivize the protection and conservation of natural forests and ecosystem services, and to enhance other social and environmental benefits
Safeguard (f) - Actions to address the risks of reversals Safeguard (g) – Actions to reduce displacement of emissions
Development of Liberia’s SISDeliverable 2 has been submitted
Existing information systems identified • Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) • Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade/ Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT/VPA) • Household income and expenditure survey • Liberia Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (LEITI) • National Forestry Management System • National population census • Rural Energy Management Information System • Farmer e-Registration Platform • Liberia Comprehensive food Security and Nutrition Survey 11. Forest Atlas of Liberia 12. National Concessions Cadastre (NCC)
For each information system, the following information was compiled: • Institutional home • objectives/purpose • types of information • indicators • sources of information • methods for collecting information • uses of the information • other organizations involved and role • geographical coverage • how are the information stored • how can the information be accessed • quality control/reliability/credibility • periodicity/frequency • when last updated or plans to update • challenges
Process for analyzing existing information systems • Step 1: Screening for relevance of the information systems • Content criteria • Does the system include information relevant to the agreed principles and criteria of the SIS? • Quality criteria • Is the system regularly updated (at least every 2 years)? • Does the system involve quality assurance validation to ensure the information is accurate? • Does the information cover all forested areas in Liberia where REDD+ may be implemented? • Step 2: Identification of relevant indicators in existing information systems • Analysis using a matrix of SIS criteria to identify the detailed information and indicators that could be relevant for the SIS.
Development of Liberia’s SISNow working on Deliverable 3 including: