Bulletin n° 13 PRESENTATION Talking about Cris is a very pleasant thing, I am honoured to be her friend for such a long time. We went through good and bad moments and she's always been a remarkable person, a leader. She draws around her many friends who share her ideas and points of view. Her greatest feature: she's aperson. She's a sample of the human race, not accidentally, she's been chosen by the Informers, that consider and respect her. In general, she contacts beings from other dimensions and this is her objective. She knows ufology deeply, she's very descreet, unlike those who claim to know all about it but have no concrete evidence of contact with these beings. That's because the informers are the ones who choose the communicators from Our Side and not the opposite. Because of that, so many technicians are so surprised for not getting any result, but this is not what the senders need from us, they have all this technology they need ethics, decency, and Cris is an example of that. Sonia Rinaldi THEKROON GROUP THE BEGINNING Chris tells us that her group got started after an unexpected abduction. Such an uncommon fact has to be told in details. Maybe some of the readers don't even know what an abduction is. Well, an abduction is when somebody disappears and is taken to other places, usually to a speceship. These people come back feeling strong emotions, widely studied by serious people that know that this kind of thing can happen.
AN ABDUCTION: In Cris' words, what happened: In March 1988, I was coming back from work at around 11:20 pm with a friend. We looked at the sky and we saw a plate-like object, we thought it looked like a flying saucer. We stood by the building that I live and that was intriguing us. At that time, this subject was too surrealist for me as I am a bachelor in mathematics. I went upstairs. When I was in my bedroom I felt a headache and a strange noise in my ears, my eyes were irritated. I went to the kitchen and looking at the clock, I realised it was 01:30 am. I found it weird, as in my watch it was 11:30 although the watch had stopped working. I went to my bedroom and the clock there was 01:33 am and, without any logical explanation I thought: the light is over! So I immediately went to the second floor where my friend lived and I asked if the light was over. It wasn't. I came back to my apartment. I went to sleep a little confused, not understanding anything. That night I had the sensation of being outside of my body, but conscious, aware. A creature came into my room, slim, light hair. He took my hand in my bedroom and all of a sudden I saw myself inside a spaceship, sitting by his side. I see a lake, or a river, I don't know exactly, we go deep into the water with the spaceship. Panicking, I look at him and I see him as a creature with round eyes, looking at me. I get scared and he tries to calm me down, passes his hands in my face. I wake up with scratches in my face, I still don't know if this was a conscious projection or a real time happening. Right after this, I startto see them every night with other beings, short (around 1.40 m), I hear voices in my ears, strange noises, it seems like I have the universe inside of my head, I feel connected to everything and everyone. They call themselves Droppa and say they came from Sirius. Well, with all that, I thought I was stressed, not understanding anything about it I tried to find a psychologist, neurologist, etc... the dignostic: stress. (I ended up understanding that when a doctor doesn't know the diagnostic he says that) trying to understand this enigma, I met Dr. Gilda Moura, famous psychologist among the ufologists, she let me in her apartment in Ipanema, in Rio, and helped me a lot. Then I looked for a hypnologist from Ippa Institute in São Paulo and as I started the regression, I clearly saw that I had been anducted by those beings. Two years after the contact with these beings from Sirius, Kroon showed up as in a hologram, in a moment I was already understanding a little more about the process that I am a part of. .
THE BEINGS The question is: why me? They say that it's part of my proexis, that is, my existencial program, there are no chosen people, it's a matter of genetics and vibration...that all of us are called, but only a few choose to do so. They also say that the only diference between them and us, is that we have more questions to ask and they have more to answer. They say that they don't want lovers nor followers, they want a bilateral relationship with our humanity. Well, with a lot of help and research, I've been studying this for almost 20 years.With my group, I make contact with these sideral friends through transcommunication, voices and images. The ITC garantees that we're not alone in this universe and that life transcends death. The ITC started in our group because the Ets asked us to use it. Only like this, researching in a serious and objective way, we will have extraphysical friends, serious and objectives....
CHATTING: Here, an informal chat with Cris, so that our reader can know a little more about this group, as simple as the coordinator. She, from the beginning, tells all of them her view of the cosmos, life and the relationship with the Other Side, specially with the extraterrestrials. Many people do not realize that this is the secret of success in Transcommunication, that is, to be modest and admit that this job is in the wise hands of those who give us the honour to help them. Once you practice this secret with the soul,the success is garanteed. Cris speaks: 1.How did your group start? The group started 18 years ago, as a consequence of my abduction 2.Who founded it? Angela Cristina De Paschoal. 3. When? In 1989 at that time we called it Alfa Centurion due to the contact with Zeta beings. 4. How many people take part of it? Transcommunication 20 people / lectures 40 people. 5. What's the group's philosophy? To comprehend Ufology and self-knowledge 6. What's the group's objective? Bringing self-knowledge, understanding, breaking paradigms and accessing multidimensions. 7. How did you find out about ITC? In 1994 a creature of Zeta race asked us to make an experiment. We tried but we didn't have enough knowledge to reach results. At the beginning of 1996, they asked again. From that time, through Geraldo dos Santos and Flavio Pereira indicated us some books of Sonia Rinaldi. We started with a recorder and a black and white TV with a security camera donated by Geraldo dos Santos. Right at the beginning we captured voices in the recorder and a lot of images on TV that surprised us a lot. .
8. What are the objectives of the recordings? The interaction with other dimensions. In our case, specially with extraterrestrials; to prove their existence and culture and knowledge exchange. 9 . In general, what do the messages point out? They are about the subjects that the group studies. 10 . What are the messages about? Metaphysics, archaeology, consciousness. 11 . When and how do you record? Every thursday at 7:30 p.m , in Espaço Metafisico Kroon, using a Pentium IV, software Cool Edit Pro, bubbles from ANT, microphone and sound plate. The analysis are made right after the recordings with all members of the group, we don't have any kind of ritual, we don't allow any kinds of religious discussion. 12 . Is there a meeting ? Yes, as it's said above. 13 . Do you use any specific equipments? Yes, I answered before. (11) 14 . What are the evidences that ITC is real? a)They say the facts before they happen b) they say things, people, names, places, events ; c) subjects we are studying and would study later d) logical answers. 15 . What benefits is it bringing to you? The evidence that there are many dimensions and being sure that life continues and that there are many homes in this Universe. 16 . Do you have any material to widespread the content of the messages? Yes. Every year we produce a CD with the best captions and we spread around the Spiritualist, Scientific and Psychoanalitic communities. 17 . Who are the communicators from the Other Side? We connect with extraterrestrial stations Marduk, Fobus, Nibiru but we realize that there are also transcommunications coming from earth, ocean and spiritual beings. .
SOME OF THE IMAGES CAPTURED BY THE GROUP Hand of an ET waving Plasmed Spaceship. One of the beings that make contact with the group.
KROON'S AUDIOS 14.Voz: “He's a good friend, never steals!” “- É amigo dos bom, ele não rouba!” 15. Voice: “It's from the kidnappers!” 16. Voice: “He has control down there!”17. “In each space I am from other now!” “- em cada espaço sou de outro agora!” 18. Voice “ - in light asks us to go away, talk to Cris, she's the one!” em luz pede pra gente ir, conversa Cris ela é que é 19. “Kroon is cool!” “- kroon tá bacana!” 20. Voice “death because it's a gameta!” 21.Voice: “the spaceship is coming!” 22. Voice: “Tur fools Kroon and much more!” 23. Voice: “A dream is a hope!” “- Um sonho ser esperança!” 24. Voice: “Dedicate and do everything to get it right!” “- Vá dedicando fazendo tudo para acertar!” 25. Voice: “Will see kind of UFO take, take Cris!” “- vai ver tipo ufo levar, levar Cris!” 26. Voice: “You got it, girl!” “- venceu menina!” 1. Voz: ” To know a new race!” “- conhecer uma nova raça!” 2. Voz: “You've got it now!” “- esta com xeque mate agora!” 3. Voz: “Mars is seeing the children evolve!” “- Marte vê evolução nos filhos!” 4. Voz: “Proud of the one who makes the presentations. Pray!” “- orgulho quem faz apresentação rezai-te!” 5. Voz: “It's an allie!” 6. Voz: “There's an enchantment in good!” “- tem um encanto no bem!” 7.Voz: “Everything from Mars is good!” 8.Voz “White and red uniform!” “- uniforme vermelho e todo branco!” 9. Voz “Pointed out that it could see home!” 10.Voz: “From here it's the groups selection!” 11.Voz: “where does so much interest come from?!” “- de onde sai tanto interesse assim!” 12.Voz: “From Santo André, they will go away!” 13.Voz: “God, in the name of the Father!”