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Join us on Sep. 20, 2018, with Fiona Wright for discussions on policy context, school improvement, partnerships, and leadership in East Sussex education system. Explore strategies for excellence for all.
WelcomeNEW HEADTEACHER MEETINGThursday 20th September 2018Fiona Wright: Assistant Director Schools and ISEND, East Sussex County Council
National Policy Context • Policy for academisation of schools • School to school support to deliver school improvement • Teaching schools to provide additional capacity for school led improvement • RSC responsibility for improvement in maintained coasting schools • Brexit: impact on pace of policy change?
Role of the LA in a changing landscape • As the schools’ landscape develops and matures, East Sussex County Council will continue to: • Act as champion of children and young people and their parents, in particular the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. • Promote high standards of education and have high expectations of educational outcomes of all groups of pupils. • Safeguard and promote the welfare of children. • Plan the provision of sufficient good quality school places
East Sussex Excellence for All strategy “We believe that East Sussex county is a fine place to grow up and our children deserve the best education possible to prepare them for life.” “Our vision is that every early years setting, school and college judged good or better and that every child and young person supported to prosper and achieve.”
Our commitment to partnership All partnerships will need to build on the progress they have already made and further develop their capacity to plan, commission and provide effective support. This will necessitate further development of local leaders and governors with the expertise and vision required to work successfully across a number of schools
Leadership for a networked system • School collaboration as the driver for improvement: • Founded on a clearly articulated shared moral purpose • Underpinned by transparency, trust and honesty • Committed to effective peer review • Delivered through school to school support • Moving towards shared professional accountability
Transformational system leaders • Preoccupied with the interests of learners • Balance of professional judgement and support • Consistent and sustained approach to long-term reform • Teachers and leaders as part of the solution • Joint practice development as the key driver of change • Leads change at pace but builds coalitions
Meeting the challenge in East Sussex • Early Year and KS1 consistently above national average • Significant improvement at KS2 in 2018 but not yet in line with national average • KS4 progress in line with average but attainment consistently below • Underperformance for vulnerable groups • Exclusions and attendance need to improve
“Our strong belief is that all schools, 100%, should be involved in focused. Productive networks within which leaders, teachers and students challenge, support, innovate and learn from one another” Inside-out and downside up (Jan 2016) Steve Munby & Michael Fullan