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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Explore Acts 19:11-41, focusing on God's miracles through Paul, spiritual warfare, pursuit of righteousness, and the Ephesian Uproar. Learn how to resist evil and turn away from ungodly practices.

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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. Third Missionary Journey – to Ephesus

  3. Overlooking Ancient Ephesus toward Bay

  4. Ruins of Ancient Ephesus

  5. Ruins of Ancient Ephesus

  6. Living in the Power of GodActs 19:11-41 God’s Miracles Through Paul – vs 11-12 Extraordinary miracles (cf. Acts 5, Jn 4; Lk 7) God can do anything He wants in keeping with His own character God is not now working as in the 1st century Paul was doing signs of an apostle (2 Cor. 12:12) There are no apostles now – cf. Acts 1:21-22 Miracles were not “normal” even back then.

  7. Jewish Exorcists OverpoweredActs 19:13-17 Contrasts the power of God working through Paul and the failure of religious rituals Invoking Jesus’ name is not an incantation / it is not a magical formula

  8. Spiritual Warfare Spiritual warfare is real – Daniel 10:10f; Eph. 2:2 – the prince of the power of the air 2 Cor. 4:4 – the god of this world 1 Pet. 5:8 – prowls around like a roaring lion Eph. 6:12 – our battle is not against flesh 2 Cor. 11:14 – disguises himself as an angel of light Demons are real, organized & dangerous

  9. Spiritual Warfare The Christian is never alone & Jesus is greater than our adversary – 1 John. 4:4 Fear God, not Satan – Matt. 10:28 (cf. Rev. 20) God’s love casts our fear – 1 John 4:18 Therefore, never be intimidated Submit to God, resist the devil – James 4:7

  10. Spiritual Warfare What about “Deliverance” ministries There are no Bible passages commanding or directing Christians to “hunt demons” Jude 8-10 Mathew 7:22-23

  11. Spiritual Warfare Be strong in the Lord & put on the armor of God – Eph. 6:10-18 James 4:7 The Strategy of Satan by Warren Wiersbe

  12. The Pursuit of Righteousness Acts 19:18-20 Believers became more serious in walking in holiness. Repentance led to the destruction of their ungodly materials valuing 50,000 days of labor

  13. Things to Turn Away From: Occultic materials: fetishes, books, ouija boards, tarot cards, palm readings, astrology charts, etc. False Religion & Cultic materials: home altars, idols, pictures, books, devotionals, rosary beads, audio recordings / music, etc. Worldly Practices: Reading materials, music, entertainments / recreation, drugs, drinking, etc.

  14. Things to Turn Away From: Any ungodly practice or materials that aided that practice. The Christian is to be holy – 1 Peter 1:16

  15. Paul’s Future PlansActs 19:21-22 Complete his original plan to return and strengthen the disciples Then back to Jerusalem before going on to Rome

  16. The Ephesian UproarActs 19:23-41 It’s Cause – vs. 23-27 The siversmiths were losing business due to conversions to Christianity. This also reflected badly on their pagan goddess, Artemis (Diana)

  17. The Ephesian UproarActs 19:23-41 It’s Characteristics – vs. 28-34

  18. Confusion in the streets of Ephesus

  19. An uproar in the 25,000 seat theater

  20. An uproar in the 25,000 seat theater

  21. The Ephesian Uproar Its Calming - Acts 19:35-41 The town clerk was the official that announced governmental decrees He pointed out their impropriety and the danger to their reputation He also directed them to a proper resolution to any claims through the city courts.

  22. Conclusions Never be surprised when evil people incite others to do evil Never be surprised at the foolishness of a crowd

  23. Conclusions The Ephesian Riot was another manifestation of spiritual war God is more powerful whether working miracles through Paul or calming a riot through a pagan government official

  24. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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