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EAPN: Fighting for a Social Europe Free of Poverty

This report highlights EAPN's policy work, advocacy efforts, and projects aimed at fighting poverty and promoting social inclusion in Europe. It includes updates on key initiatives such as European Semester, Semester Alliance, EMIN Project, and Membership Development. The report also discusses communication tools, publications, and lobbying activities undertaken by EAPN.

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EAPN: Fighting for a Social Europe Free of Poverty

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  1. EAPN: Fighting for a Social Europe Free of Poverty Director’s Report EXCO, Brussels 8th and 10th of October 2015 Barbara Helfferich, Director Director’s Report 20 June to 20 September 2015 EUROPEAN ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN DES ASSOCIATIONS DE LUTTE CONTRE LA PAUVRETÉ ET L’EXCLUSION SOCIALE

  2. EAPN’s POLICY WORK • EUISG- Europe 2020/European Semester • Advocacy around the new Commission/EP • Semester Alliance • EMIN Project and Drivers’ Projects and beyond

  3. EAPN Policy Work/EUISG • Contribution to the EuropeanSemester • Finalisation and Publication of the NRP Report 2014//20 national contributions/evaluation and analysis by EUISG • Contribution to the Mid-TermReview • PreparationswithMembers/EUISG • Policy Conference and meeting of the EUISG • EAPN contribution/input to the mid-termreview • Delivered at end of October • Events/Task force driven • DecentWork Event in the EuropeanParliament/Joint Event with ETUC and S&D • Work on Migration Report has been restarted • Toolkit on Stakeholder Engagement

  4. Advocacy/Commission/EP • Meetings withMEPs –support for Inter-group • EP President Schulz – EP hearing of PeP in 2015 • Questions to future Commissioners • Letters of Congrats to the new European • Commission:(Juncker/Thyssen/Dombrovskis) • Letters/meetings regarding the EuropeanSemester – European Council • Requests for meetings/ re. PeP meeting • 2015 - Presidency

  5. Semester Alliance Project • Toolkit CSR and Alliance Report • Advocacy Actions – New Commission • Preparations for Hearing in the EP in December • Evaluation of the Alliance • Preparations for the Future of the Alliance/new round of possible funding

  6. EMIN and Drivers’ Projects • EMIN • All national conferences took places • Finalisation of Reports • Looking towards the continuation – next steps • Drivers’ Project • Wrapping up the project • New Project Applications • 2 New projects

  7. Membership Development • This year’s Network Development Seminar will be held under the framework of making the most of the MASS tool and drawing practical on member annual reports to exchange, learn and be inspired to strengthen national networks (28-29 November in Brussels) • Capacity building is also happening in all the policy work of EUISG, the Alliance on Europe 2020 and the EMIN project. • Preparatory work for the new Member Development Group

  8. Building knowledge on EAPN members • Communication tools include bigger spaces for members to share their work. EMIN conferences are also an important space of mutual learning and sharing of experiences of National Networks. • Annual reports are the basis for building better knowledge 22/29 Networks have submitted so far Annual Reports for 2013 and several have indicated that they would submit them later. • Member development and MASS implementation • MAPP/the Macedonian network has carried out an internal assessment and a capacity building support meeting. The meeting was positively assessed by all those who participated. • Enlargement and induction support • Induction processes for the Croatian and Latvian networks began after the General Assembly and will continue in 2015. Meetings with their national boards/Exco focusing on engaging better with EAPN work are in planning phase.  

  9. THE PUBLIC FACE OF EAPN • Regular Member Mailings • 10 Issues of the FLASH • 2 Policy Updates • 2-3 briefing papers and toolkits • Review of website and blogs • EAPN: www.eapn.eu • PEP Meetings: http://voicesofpoverty-eu.net/ • Semester Alliance: http://semesteralliance.net/ • EMIN Project: http://emin-eu.net/ • Social Media maintenance (main: FB, Twitter, LinkedIn) • Publications and lobbying letters

  10. Thank you for your attention See: www.eapn.eu EUROPEAN ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN DE LUTTE CONTRE LA PAUVRETÉ ET L’EXCLUSION SOCIALE SQUARE DE MEEUS, 18 – 1050 BRUSSELS TEL: 0032 2 226 58 50 – FAX: 0032 2 26 58 69 www.eapn.eu - team@eapn.eu

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