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The hottest stuff on earth! Physics at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

Explore the fascinating world of Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider physics, from quark-gluon plasma to QCD phase transitions. Learn about high-density matter and early universe evolution.

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The hottest stuff on earth! Physics at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

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  1. The hottest stuff on earth! Physics at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider Colloquium Barbara V. Jacak Stony Brook February 18, 2003

  2. outline • Why collide heavy ions? • the QCD phase transition • Creating and studying super-dense matter in the laboratory • the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider • Experiments and observables • What have we learned so far? • A few interesting mysteries…

  3. Physics of RHIC • Collide Au + Au ions at high energy • s = 200 GeV/nucleon pair, p+p and d+A to compare • Create in the laboratory high temperature and density matter • as existed ~1 msec after the Big Bang • inter-hadron distances comparable to that in neutron stars • use heavy ions to achieve maximum volume • Study the hot, dense system • is thermal equilibrium reached? • do the nuclei dissolve into a quark gluon plasma? • characteristics of the phase transition? • transport properties of the plasma? equation of state?

  4. QCD Phase Transition • we don’t really understand • how process of quark confinement works • how nature breaks symmetries  massive particles from ~ massless quarks • transition affects evolution of early universe • latent heat & surface tension  • matter inhomogeneity in evolving universe? • equation of state of nuclear matter compression in stellar explosions

  5. + +… Quantum ChromoDynamics • Strong interaction field theory : colored quarks exchange gluons • Parallels QED but gluons have color charge • unlike E&M where g are uncharged •  they interact among themselves (i.e. theory is non-abelian): curious properties at short distance: force is weak (probe w/ high Q2, Calculate with perturbation theory) at large distance: force is strong (probe w/ low Q2, calculations must be non-perturbative)

  6. Early Universe plasma of free quarks & gluons T (MeV) RHIC 200 SPS AGS baryons <qqq> mesons <q q> Color superconductor? hadrons m (MeV) Baryon density Phase diagram of hadronic matter normal nuclei

  7. Phase transition temperature? From lattice QCD Karsch, Laermann, Peikert ‘99 e/T4 T/Tc Tc ~ 170 ± 10 MeV (1012 °K) e ~ 3 GeV/fm3

  8. Experimental approach Look at region between the two nuclei to see maximum temperature & density Sort collisions by impact parameter head-on = “central” collisions yield maximum volume

  9. RHIC at Brookhaven National Laboratory RHIC is first dedicated heavy ion collider 10 times the energy previously available!

  10. STAR 4 complementary experiments

  11. The challenge • Determine experimentally that conditions are sufficient to search for evidence of new phase of matter • Figure out its properties • Address by correlating different variables • First look at “global” quantities • number, energy flow of produced particles • hadron production and patterns at “end” of collision • Then look at probes of the earliest phase • processes at small distance (high energy) scales • collective behavior • thermal radiation

  12. Energy  to beam direction per unit velocity || to beam pR2 2ct0 Is the energy density high enough? PRL87, 052301 (2001) Colliding system expands: • e 4.6 GeV/fm3 (130 GeV Au+Au) 5.5 GeV/fm3 (200 GeV Au+Au) YES - well above predicted transition!

  13. How many particles are produced? dNch/dh = 640 Rises somewhat faster than Npart

  14. Central Au+Au collisions (~ longitudinal velocity) Density: a first look sum particles under the curve, find ~ 5000 charged particles in collision final state (6200 in 200 GeV/A central Au+Au) In initial volume ~ Vnucleus

  15. Almond shape overlap region in coordinate space Pressure? a barometer called “elliptic flow” Origin: spatial anisotropy of the system when created, followed by multiple scattering of particles in the evolving system spatial anisotropy  momentum anisotropy v2: 2nd harmonic Fourier coefficient in azimuthal distribution of particles with respect to the reaction plane

  16. Preliminary STAR STAR Preliminary v2 measured by the experiments 200 GeV: 0.2< pt < 2.0 130 GeV: 0.075< pt < 2.0 200 GeV: 0.150< pt < 2.0 4-part cumulants v2=0.05 200 GeV: Preliminary - Consistent results - At 200 GeV better pronounced decrease of v2 for the most peripheral collisions. QM2002 summary slide (Voloshin)

  17. Large v2: the matter can be modeled by hydrodynamics v2: Much larger than at CERN or AGS! Hydro. Calculations Huovinen, P. Kolb, U. Heinz STAR PRL 86 (2001) 402 pressure buildup  explosion Happens fast  early equilibration ! first time hydrodynamic behavior seen

  18. Thermal Properties measuring the thermal history v2 builds up g, g* e+e-, m+m- p, K, p, n, f, L, D, X, W, d, Real and virtual photons from quark scattering is most sensitive to the early stages. Hadrons reflect thermal properties when inelastic collisions stop (chemical freeze-out).

  19. Particle Spectra @ 200 GeV BRAHMS: 10% central PHOBOS: 10% PHENIX: 5% STAR: 5% QM2002 summary slide (Ullrich)

  20. Spectral shapes <pT> for radially expanding hadron gas with Tth and <b> STAR preliminary F. Wang <pT> in pp with “Tch” = 170 MeV and <b>=0 pp no rescattering, flow or equilibrium

  21. _ ¯ early universe 250 RHIC 200  s quark-gluon plasma 150 SPS Lattice QCD AGS deconfinement chiral restauration thermal freeze-out 100 SIS hadron gas 50 neutron stars atomic nuclei 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Baryonic Potential B [MeV] Can now locate RHIC on phase diagram Antibaryon/baryon Collisions at RHIC approach zero net baryon density Conditions when hadrons freeze out – fit yields vs. mass (grand canonical ensemble) Tch = 175 MeV mB = 51 MeV

  22. What does theory say about these data? • To get proper particle yields must tweak models so they no longer agree with pp collisions • Must add some kind of a partonic phase with large scattering cross sections to reproduce v2 • Need QGP-type equation of state to get the v2 (and also radial expansion) correctly • Superposition of pp collisions gives insufficient initial pressure as the “strings” don’t scatter.

  23. schematic view of jet production hadrons leading particle q q hadrons leading particle Early density - use a unique probe Probe: Jets from hard scattered quarks Observed via fast leading particles or azimuthal correlations between the leading particles But, before they create jets, the scattered quarks radiate energy (~ GeV/fm) in the colored medium  decreases their momentum  fewer high momentum particles  beam  “jet quenching”

  24. nucleons Something new at RHIC? • Compare to baseline: nucleon-nucleon collisions at the • same energy • To zero’th order: Au + Au collisions start as a superposition • of N-N reactions • (modulo effect of • nuclear binding and • collective excitations) • Hard scattering processes scale as the number of N-N binary collisions <Nbinary> • so expect: YieldA-A = YieldN-N. <Nbinary>

  25. Preliminary Baseline: p+p collisions Agrees with pQCD predictions (next to leading order)

  26. Is Au+Au different? For p0, plot: PHENIX Preliminary Central Peripheral collisions Yes!!

  27. So, is there jet quenching? • Suppression observed to 9 GeV/c! (in 3 independent measurements) Theory agrees with data when quark/gluon energy loss is included

  28. trigger-jet not much modification (the trigger particles from jets!) Away side: strong jet suppression STAR Look for the jet on the other side! Centrality  • Strong jet suppression  surface emission of jets? • Colored glass back-to-back jets simply not created…

  29. p/p at high pT Higher than in p+p collisions or fragmentation of gluon jets in e+e- collisions Vitev & Gyulassy nucl-th/0104066 Can explain by combination of hydro expansion at low pT with jet quenching at high pT

  30. Other penetrating probes • Open Charm • J/Y • Dileptons Need (a lot) more statistics in the data But getting a first sniff of physics already

  31. J/Y Energy/Momentum Data consistent with: Hadronic comover breakup (Ramona Vogt) w/o QGP Limiting suppression via surface emission (C.Y. Wong) Dissociation + thermal regeneration (R. Rapp)

  32. Open charm - Lin about x2 within predicted curves with or w/o energy loss no x4 suppression from peripheral to central, as predicted for dE/dx=-0.5GeV/fm But - Is 40-70% peripheral enough? error bars still big!

  33. Some old things and some new things • HBT • High pT baryons • Dijets vs. monojets • Well, there was a prediction but for 10x the pT • Parton saturation

  34. HBT – lots of questions Panitkin, Pratt • How to increase R without increasing Rout/Rside? • EOS, initial T and rprofiles (Csőrgó), emissivity? • Why entropy looks low? • Low entropy implies equilibrated QGP ruled out

  35. protons p0, h Baryons at high pT Yields scale with Ncoll near pT = 2 – 3 GeV/c Then start to fall Meaning of Ncoll scaling? Accident? Complex hard/soft interplay? Medium modified jet fragmentation function?

  36. conclusions • Rapid thermalization & strong pressure gradients • high gluon density, extensive scattering • flow reproduced by hydrodynamics; EOS beyond hadronic • theories requires QGP, “string melting”, large s… • The hot matter is “sticky” – absorbs energy • High pT, high mass data look like pQCD + something • Haveenergy loss and disappearance of back-to-back jets • Colored glass condensate? • Too early to tell, but stuff is dense, hot, and equilibrated • NEED TO KNOW • d+Au “control experiment” results (run underway!) • Tinitial from thermal photon spectrum • Is there deconfinement-driven J/Y suppression?

  37. Still flowing at pT = 8 GeV/c? Unlikely!! A puzzle at high pT Nu Xu Adler et al., nucl-ex/0206006

  38. Vitev: they can get v2 right • There is a quantitative difference • Calculations/fits with flat • or continuously growing Check against high-pT data (200 AGeV) b=7 fm b~7 fm C. Adler et al. [STAR Collab.], arXiv: nucl-ex/0206006 Same for 0-50% • The decrease with pT is now • supported by data • For minimum bias this rate is • slightly slower K. Filimonov [STAR Collab.], arXiv: nucl-ex/0210027 See: N.Borghini, P.Dinh, J-Y.Ollitrault, Phys.Rev. C 64 (2001)

  39. v2 of mesons & baryons Au+Au at sNN=200GeV 1) High quality M.B. data!!! 2) Consistent between PHENIX and STAR pT < 2 GeV/c v2(light) > v2(heavy) pT > 2.5 GeV/c v2(light) < v2(heavy) Model: P.Huovinen, et al., Phys. Lett. B503, 58 (2001) v2

  40. Nbinary ? 2003 ? PHENIX 130 BRAHMS PRL88(02) STAR 130 Npart/2 hch 15% too many particles, baryons over-quenched, but predicted the suppression BUT: dE/dx =2 GeV/fm or 0.5 GeV/fm or not linear with x?

  41. kT dependence of R Centrality is in top 30% • Broad <kT> range : 0.2 - 1.2 GeV/c • All R parameters decrease as a function of kT •  consistent with collective expansion picture. • Stronger kT dependent in Rlong have been observed. kT : average momentum of pair

  42. Comparison of kaon to pion In the most 30% central

  43. Comparison with hydrodynamic model Centrality is in top 30% Recent hydrodynamic calculation by U.Heinz and P. F. Kolb (hep-ph/0204061) Hydro w/o FS • Standard initialization and freeze out which reproduce single particle spectra. Hydro at ecrit • Assuming freeze out directly at the hadronization point. (edec = ecrit) kT dependence of Rlong indicates the early freeze-out?

  44. kT dependence of Rout/Rside A. Enikizono QM2002 C.M. Kuo, QM2002 poster (PHOBOS) 200 GeV: @0.25 GeV/c

  45. HBT PUZZLE Small Rout implies small Dt P.Kolb Small Rbeam implies small breakup t, ~10 fm/c Large Rside implies large R

  46. near-side correlation of charged tracks (STAR) trigger particle pT = 4-6 GeV/c Df distribution for pT > 2 GeV/c signature of jets also seen in g (p0) triggered events (PHENIX) trigger particle pT > 2.5 GeV/c Df distribution for pT = 2-4 GeV/c Jet Evidence in Azimuthal Correlations at RHIC QM2002 summary slide (Peitzmann) M. Chiu, PHENIX Parallel Saturday

  47. raw differential yields PHENIX Preliminary 2-4 GeV Identifying Jets - Angular Correlations • Remove soft background • by subtraction of mixed event distribution • Fit remainder: • Jet correlation in f; • shape taken from • PYTHIA • Additional v2 component • to correct flow effects

  48. Verify PYTHIA using p+p collisions Df (neutral E>2.5 GeV + 1-2 GeV/c charged partner) Make cuts in  to enhance near or far-side correlations Blue = PYTHIA ||>.35 ||<.35

  49. In Au+Au collisions Df (neutral E>2.5 GeV + charged partner) 1-2 GeV partner Correlation after mixed event background subtraction Clear jet signal in Au + Au Different away side effect than in p+p ||<.35 ||>.35 1/Ntrig dN/d 1/Ntrig dN/d

  50. jets or flow correlations? fit pythia + 2v2vjcos(2) 1-2 GeV/c partner = .3-.6 GeV .6-1.0 GeV/c 2-4 GeV/c 1/Ntrig dN/d Df v2vj Jet strength See non-zero jet strength as partner pT increases!

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