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Applications of COSMIC to Weather and Climate. Bill Kuo UCAR COSMIC and NCAR ESSL/MMM. COSMIC (Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate). 6 Satellites was launched: 01:40 UTC 15 April 2006 Three instruments: GPS receiver, TIP, Tri-band beacon
Applications of COSMIC to Weather and Climate Bill Kuo UCAR COSMIC and NCAR ESSL/MMM
COSMIC (Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate) • 6 Satellites was launched: • 01:40 UTC 15 April 2006 • Three instruments: • GPS receiver, TIP, Tri-band beacon • Weather + Space Weather data • Global observations of: • Pressure, Temperature, Humidity • Refractivity • Ionospheric Electron Density • Ionospheric Scintillation • Demonstrate quasi-operational GPS limb sounding with global • coverage in near-real time • Climate Monitoring A Joint Taiwan-U.S. Mission FORMOSAT-3 in Taiwan
The velocity of GPS relative to LEO must be estimated to ~0.2 mm/sec (velocity of GPS is ~3 km/sec and velocity of LEO is ~7 km/sec) to determine precise temperature profiles
The velocity of GPS relative to LEO must be estimated to ~0.2 mm/sec (20 ppb) to determine precise temperature profiles
Over 1 Million Profiles in Real Time4/21/06 – 9/28/2008 Neutral Atmosphere Ionosphre 1,333,237 profiles 1,574,947 profiles
Global FORMOSAT-3 / COSMIC Data Users 882 users 48 Countries
Presentation of first results from COSMIC/ FORMOSAT-3 to appear in Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, March 2008 Anthes et al.
ECMWF SH T Forecast Improvements from COSMICAssimilation of bending angles above 4 km Sean Healy, ECMWF
100 hPa Temperature vs. radiosondes Sean Healy, ECMWF NH tropics SH
NCEP Impact study with COSMIC • 500 hPa geopotential heights anomaly correlation (the higher the better) as a function of forecast day for two different experiments: • PRYnc (assimilation of operational obs ), • PRYc (PRYnc + COSMIC) • Assimilated ~1,000 COSMIC profiles per day • Assimilated operationally at NCEP 1 May 2007 • Assimilating refractivities from rising and setting occultations at all levels (including low level), provided they pass QC • Results with COSMIC “very encouraging” • Lidia Cucurull, JCSDA
UKMO Bias and RMS as function of forecast range mean mean Temp, 250 hPa, SH Wind speed, 100 hPa, SH RMS RMS
Hurrican Ernesto: Formed: 24 August 2006 Reached Hurricane strength: 27 August Dissipated: 1 September 2006 15:50 UTC 27 August 2006 Picture taken by MODIS, 250 m resolution
Forecast experiments • No GPS: initialized from AVN/GFS analysis at 2006-08-23-06Z • GPS all: assimilate all 15 GPS profiles at 2006-08-23-06Z, followed by a 5-day forecast • GPS 1 : only assimilate 1 GPS profile at 2006-08-23-06Z, followed by a 5-day forecast WRF/DART EnKF system 36-km, 36 member ensemble Use non-local excess phase observation operator
Assimilate this sounding only Low-level moisture change by assimilating GPS GPS all GPS 1
2006-08-23-12Z (06h forecast) COSMIC data was critical in prediction the formation and track for Hurricane Ernesto (2006) Assimilate a total of 15 soundings over a 6-h period, and assess their impact on prediction of hurricane genesis Sat. IR No GPS With 15 GPS
2006-08-24-00Z (18h forecast) Sat. IR No GPS GPS all
2006-08-24-12Z (30h forecast) Sat. IR No GPS GPS all
2006-08-25-00Z (42h forecast) Sat. IR No GPS GPS all
2006-08-25-12Z (54h forecast) Sat. IR No GPS GPS all
2006-08-26-00Z (66h forecast) Sat. IR No GPS GPS all
2006-08-26-12Z (78h forecast) Sat. IR No GPS GPS all
2006-08-27-00Z (90h forecast) Sat. IR No GPS GPS all
2006-08-27-12Z (102h forecast) Sat. IR No GPS GPS all
WRF/DART ensemble assimilation of COSMIC GPSRO soundings • WRF/DART ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation system • 36-km, 36-members, 5-day assimilation • Assimilation of 171 COSMIC GPSRO soundings (with nonlocal obs operator, Sokolovskiey et al) plus satellite cloud-drift winds • Independent verification by ~100 dropsondes. 171 COSMIC GPSRO soundings during 21-25 August 2006
No COSMIC With COSMIC 06/8/21 12Z 06/8/22 12Z 06/8/23 12Z 06/8/24 12Z 06/8/25 12Z Genesis of Hurricane Ernesto (2006) Continuous data assimilation during genesis stage with WRF EnKF system
Verification of WRF/DART analysis by about 100 dropsondes during the Ernesto genesis stage.
06/8/21 12Z 06/8/22 12Z 06/8/23 12Z Analysis increment in Q (water vapor) due to the assimilation of COSMIC GPSRO data. 06/8/24 12Z 06/8/25 12Z
No COSMIC With COSMIC 06/8/21 12Z 06/8/22 12Z 06/8/23 12Z 06/8/24 12Z 06/8/25 12Z Genesis of Hurricane Ernesto (2006) Cloud and Rain water Continuous data assimilation during genesis stage with WRF EnKF system
Prediction of Typhoon with a High-Resolution Mesoscale Model Typhoon Jangmi (2008)
WRF 1.33 km Movable GridInitialized with NCEP GFS analysis Initial Condition: 1200 UTC 27 September 2008
WRF 1.33 km Movable GridInitialized with NCEP GSF analysis Accumulated Rain + SLP Surface wind speed and directions
Assimilation Experiments To examine impact of RO data on analysis of the subtropical anti-cyclone over Western Pacific and prediction of a heavy rainfall event over Taiwan DART/WRF ensemble data assimilation at 36km resolution continuously for June 1-14, 2007 over East Asia • Analyses are produced 6-hourly GPS run: Assimilate radiosonde, satellite cloud-motion winds, cloud-free AIRS temperature + RO refractivity •NoGPS run: The same as GPS run but without RO refractivity
Effect of RO data on 850 hPa Water Vapor Flux Analysis GPS Analysis June 1-14 PV 850 mb RO data Enhances flux from Western Pacific toward Asia Difference of GPS - NoGPS
Effect of RO data on 850 hPa Water Vapor Flux Analysis GPS Analysis June 8-9, 2007 PV 850 mb Difference of GPS - NoGPS GPS RO shows enhanced flux from South & East to Taiwan
Heavy rainfall Caseover Taiwan (June 6-9, 2007) Accumulated gauge precipitation from Pilot SoWMEX Rainfall > 200mm/day on June 7 & 8, 2007
Effect of RO data on 24-hour Prediction of Rainfall (00Z 8 - 00Z 9 June, 2007, unit: mm) GPS Forecast RO data increases forecast rainfall over Taiwan consistent with gauge observations NoGPS Forecast PV 850 mb Difference of GPS - NoGPS
Precision of COSMIC Profiles • Collocated COSMIC soundings (FM3 - FM4) • 2006.150-2006.300 • Tangent point separation (TPS) < 10 km • Precision of Refractivity (N) < 0.2% between 10 and 20 km altitude • For TPS < 5 km, N precision ~0.1% (~0.25oC precision for temperature) • For TPS< 1 km, N precision ~0.02% (~0.05oC precision for temperature) • Post-Processed products more precise than real-time products • Schreiner, W., C. Rocken, S. Sokolovskiy, S. Syndergaard and D. Hunt, 2007: Estimates of the precision of GPS radio occultations from the COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 mission. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L04808, doi:10.1029/2006GL027557.
Compare GPS RO synthetic BT with NOAA SNO calibrated MSU BT Mean bias CHAMP-COSMIC temp from 500mb to 5 mb =-0.021K 2002/09 2006/09 COSMIC (launched in 2006) vs. CHAMP (launched in 2000) atm tmp
Precision of COSMIC RO Data With 0.02-0.05 K precision at all vertical levels, COSMIC data are useful to inter-calibrate measurements from other satellites Dry temperature difference between 2 nearby COSMIC Satellites Within 10 km
a b c COSMIC data to calibrate AMSU on NOAA satellites