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FM Mulaudzi

FM Mulaudzi. Authentic leadership: the key to unlock the future of nursing education. Outline of the paper. Introduction The aftermath of democracy Strategies from the Nursing Summit Current Challenges in nursing Authentic leadership Collectivism Conclusion and recommendations.

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FM Mulaudzi

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  1. FM Mulaudzi Authentic leadership: the key to unlock the future of nursing education

  2. Outline of the paper • Introduction • The aftermath of democracy • Strategies from the Nursing Summit • Current Challenges in nursing • Authentic leadership • Collectivism • Conclusion and recommendations

  3. Introduction • The history of nursing is intertwined with the global history of humanitarian work , • Locally, nursing is intertwined with racist exclusion and divisions which continue into the democratic era. • Historically, nurses’ entry into and opportunities for development were determined along racial lines, as well as sexism, which kept nurses (as predominantly a women’s profession) as second-rated (the “hand-maiden”) to other professionals in healthcare.

  4. Aftermath of democracy • Euphoria of democracy • Amalgamation of colleges • Merging of black and white wings • Freedom to work overseas (external threats & opportunities) • Parallel structures: Mushrooming of private colleges • Improved access to previously white universities • Massive training of enrolled nurses and enrolled auxiliary nurses • Degeneration of Morality and ethics 20 years

  5. The future of nursing • The future of nursing, however, can be changed and need to take a different route, not only because of historic events and policies, but also because of changing demands related to healthcare and the future health and wellbeing of people • The prospects of achieving better health outcomes on all levels increases when patient-centred care and professionalism in nursing become the golden thread in all pre-registration nursing education and continuing professional development. • “Few professions enjoy the public standing of nursing and any challenge to that standing should be addressed.” (Lord Willis, Willis Commission on Nursing Education, 2012)

  6. Current challenges in nursing Major challenges facing the nursing profession, identified by the Summit, are categorised as follows:

  7. Nursing Education • Nursing education and training should be a national responsibility. • Response to HEQF • Proposed qualifications • Colleges becoming Higher Education Institutions • Staff nurse category vs three year professional degree • Are we promoting the status Quo? • Are we doing justice to the future of our profession? • What about Global Trends?

  8. Nursing Education • Recruitment and selection of students • Preparation of nurse educators • Congested nursing curricula • Bottle necks such as you need two years practicals to continue with further training • Myopic decisions such as training large number of lower categories to prevent brain drain and to get cheap labour

  9. Nursing Practice • Image of the profession dented • Moral degeneration in society • Lack of commitment to caring • Lack of role models to prepare for a role in leadership, ethical responsibility and accountability • Lack of Ubuntu • Reluctance to address issues of diversity and equality

  10. Leadership in nursing • Challenges in nursing leadership • Uncoordinated efforts • Talking over each other- • Fragmentation of the Nursing Fraternity • Unequal distribution of resources • Lack of mentoring and succession plan • Focus on health care service output vs input (HR)

  11. The tightrope between past and future

  12. Where to from here? • How do we create sustainable solution that address current and future challenges? • How do we co-create a nursing workforce which is dedicated and committed to human caring? • How do we strengthen nursing leadership which will be able to face and address challenges facing the nursing profession?

  13. Where to from here? • How do we address the issue of social justice? • How do we protect the future of nursing education and the future professional nurse? How do we create curriculum that are responsive to the needs of the country? • How do we contribute to research production that will lead to evidence informed practice and quality health care for all?

  14. Nursing: Backbone of health care system More than 60% of the health professionals that we have, are nurses. The people who spend most of the time with the people who visit our facilities, are nurses. You can have the best doctors in the world, you can have the best specialists in the world, but if your nursing cadreship lets you down, that system will crumble. DrNtsaluba 1999 I view us as brain cells of the health care systems. We must dictate the destiny of our profession by informing policy.

  15. The role-players and stakeholders Government DoH & DHE Service delivery & health outcomes Authentic leadership Nursing regulatory bodies Universities & training colleges A changing environment, increasing demands, changing nursing workforce

  16. Authentic leadership • An approach to leadership that emphasizes building the leader’s legitimacy through honest relationships with followers which value their input and are built on an ethical foundation.

  17. Authentic leadership

  18. Elements of authentic leadership

  19. Unlocking our challenges through authentic leadership •  embrace growth thus being able to embrace changes • Be  trustworthyand selfless in decision-making • Authentic leaders have wisdom. • Authentic leaders take the initiative. • Authentic leaders encourage diversity. • Authentic leaders practice integrity..

  20. Stewardship I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of you, the people. Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today. I therefore place the remaining years of my life in your hands. - First day of his release, Cape Town 11 February 1990 The time is always right to do right. - February 200

  21. Collective intelligence • The expertise of the few • The power of the many • The results that matters. • It assist us to realize unexpected consequences

  22. Collective Wisdom • When human beings gather in groups, a depth of awareness and insight, a transcendent knowing, becomes available to us that, when accessed, can lead to profound action • We call this transcendent knowing “collective wisdom” • Collective wisdom allows us out of our capacity to stretch creatively into the unknown and the unacknowledged • It allows us to break our “silos” mentality • It has to consider the deep needs of people long gone and yet unborn • It delve into deeper levels of understanding and caring Ott , J & Pinard, R

  23. Summary: three key arguments

  24. Conclusion For developing the collective narrative about and commitment to the rightful standing of nursing in healthcare and in society. For reinstating morality, ethics and integrity in the nursing profession and in nurse-patient relations. For developing nursing education, practice and research in the interest of improved patient-centred care and better health outcomes Nursing requires mentorship, preceptor ship and continuous professional development for improved patient outcomes. Greater attention must be paid to the next generation of nursing academics and facilitating their work in both academic and clinical settings.

  25. Recommendations • Resuscitate our profession by empowering and emancipating the future cadre of nursing • Renew the legacy and protect the noble heritage of nursing • Revitalise through collaboration and form an advisory committee representing all nursing organizations and associations in the country to speak with one voice • Reframe mindsets to improve the image of the profession in society • Restructure and give direction going forward • Recreate and co-create by joining hands in save credibility of nursing education • Regeneration of morals

  26. Conclusion

  27. UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL Ndo livhuwa/Thank you

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