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The Engagement The problem in the Holy land, its roots and solution. Who are the Palestinians? How many Palestinians live west of the Jordan ? Who are the refugees ? Compromises and disengagements complicate the situation – a change in direction is needed
The EngagementThe problem in the Holy land, its roots and solution • Who are the Palestinians? • How many Palestinians live west of the Jordan? • Who are the refugees? • Compromises and disengagements complicate the situation – a change in direction is needed • "You cannot solve a problem with the same consciousness that created it” – Albert Einstein • The origin and numbers of the Palestinians negates separation and the two states solution • "Yes” to engagement and to one state solution
Conclusions of primary Leaders of Zionism • Belkind: The Arabs of Eretz-Israelare blood brothers of the Jews • Borochov: The Arab peasantry (Fellahin) of Eretz-Israel are offspring of the remnants of Hebrew farmers in antiquity. • Ben-Gurion: The majority of the peasantry and their offspring in Eretz-Israel…undoubtedly have a lot of Jewish blood in their veins, [from] those simple Jewish farming folk who chose due to hard times chose to deny their religion to prevent being uprooted from their soil. • Ben-Zvi: Anthropological studies on the Jewish origin of the Palestinians
Genetic StudiesIndependent, on proximity of Jews & Palestinians • Relatively old study on blood groups, enzymes & antigens. • 1990s sickle-cell anemia study • Studies on the Y chromosome published in 2000(82% of the Palestinians are very close to the Jews!) • Immune system research published on 2000 • Study on DNA from Embryo Mitochondria • Hereditary deafness research (exclusive to the 2 sides!)
Customs, Names and Testimony (Already discovered among 50% of the Palestinians) • Sabbath and Hanukah candles,Tashlich, Yom Kippur, burial, mourning, circumcising, butchering, divorcing, 7 agricaltural species,Thfilin, hafrasht Khala, Bedouin Judgement, signs of mezuzahs, synagogues, menorah, books and Magen David. • Jewish family names • Village names that have not been changed – evidence of continuity of population • The word ‘kufur’ in names of ‘Arab’ villages is not Arabic • The name Yahud el-Arab given to the Palestinians • Testimony of Bedouin, Palestinian villagers and in towns in the West Bank, the Galilee, Wadi Ara, Gaza, Hebron, Nablus, Lod and more • Palestinian leaders’ claims that “they and the Jews are ‘one people’ (King Feisal, Anton Atallah), ‘sons of the prophet Samuel’ (Arafat), descendents of the Early Christians (Ashrawi), non-Arabs (historians, Arafat)
Historio-Geographic Research Differentiations between two parts of the Holy Land: mountainous regions & lowlands The Holy Land as a ‘land bridge’ – major crossroad Exposed to frequent penetration from beyond the borders Most penetration concentrated in the coastal region Population exchange in the coastal region
The Geographic-Demographic Dimension • Differentiation between two types of movement of peoples: The movement of colonizing peoples vs. imperialistic peoples • Settlement movements – popular settlement – colonization • Imperialist movements – regime change, not population changes
The Israelite Settlement in the mountain Country (~1200 BCE) Only the Canaanites, the Philistines and the Israelites were colonizing peoples. Only the Israelites settled in the mountainous regions. Canaanites and Philistines settled only in the lowlands. All other peoples: Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Crusaders, Turks and British – were movements of imperialistic peoples.
Settlement in Eretz-Israel on the Eve of Zionist Settlement (1860 CE) In the Muslim Period (from the 7th to the 19th Century) primarily the lowlands were depopulated. The population that survived was primarily in the mountain regions. As a result: The first Zionists encountered a country that was largely a wasteland in the lowlands compared to populated areas in the mountainous regions. The conclusion: Most of the longtime population (75%) is in the mountainous regions and is of Israelite descent.
Settlement in the Holy Land in Modern Times Movement of people in the 19th & 20th centuries was primarily in the lowlands. Parallel to Zionist settlement, there was influx of foreigners from Arab countries. The violent confrontation between the sides was primarily in the lowlands. The inhabitants of the mountain regions were for the most part ‘outside the arena’. Result: Most foreigners fled from the lowlands & created the refugee problem. The Palestinian population that remained in the Holy Land was for the most part Descendents of the People of Israel (65%-85%) mainly dwellers of the mountainous regions.
The Roots - A Demographic Survey of the History of the Holy Land The People of Israel 2000 years ago (in millions) • 5.5 (M) Jews in Eretz-Israel. • Samaritans: Israelites in Samaria – 0.9 • Others: 0.2 small nations (Phoenicians, Philistines, Canaanites) and Romans • The People of Israel in the Holy land: a 97% majority The damages of the Revolts against the Romans (135 CE) • 1 (M) Jews remained, 0.3 Samaritans • The People of Israel were Only 46% of the population • Change of the name of the country from Judea to Palestina!!!
The Arab Conquest (640 CE) • Came after depopulation following the wars between the Parthians and the Byzantines • There was no Arab settlement in the Holy Land • People of Israel 34% – lowest in history • During the first 400 years of Arab rule, only a small percentage accepted Islam. The Key Point - the al-Hakem Edict (1012) • Prohibition of non-Muslims to remain in the Holy Land • Most Christians leave • Most of the People of Israel become Musta’arbim • People of Israel (670,000) again becomes the vast majority (73%)
1914 - West of the Jordan Only • People of Israel among non-Jews: 74% • Local Descendants of Israel reside in the Hill Country, far distant from most Jews • Descendants of Israel that moved from the east feel threatened they will have to move again due to the influx of the Jews • They engage in terrorism against Jews Up to 1948 – Prior to the Flight • Influx of many Jews • Influx of Arab and Druze immigrants • People of Israel among non-Jews drops to 62% 1949 – After the Flight • Most of the flight (75%) – not initiated by Israel • Most of those fleeing – Desc. of Israel from the east • Arab refugees remained in West Bank & Gaza awaiting next war • People of Israel among the non-Jews: 55%
1967 • Flight of many Arabs from the West Bank. • People of Israel rises to 71% • By the close of 2008 • Emigration of most Arabs – gave up hope of defeating Israel (after 1967 & 1973 wars) • The number of Palestinians inflated by 2 millions • Genuine number of Palestinians, including Israeli ‘Arabs’: 3.2 million (5.6 million Jews) • Desc. of Israel – 2,900,000, Arabs - 90,000 • Desc. of Israel among the Palestinians – 89.5% • Most of the Palestinian refugees are foreign to land west of the Jordan
The Finding is Supported from 7 directions • Genetic, based on various studies (82%); • Religious behavior, based on Palestinians customs related to religious practice (Ben-Zvi and others); • Linguistic and nomenclature, Arabic dialect, names of villages and families (Condor, Ben-Zvi); • Palestinian traditions, according to testimony, claims and narratives of many Palestinians as to their origins (Ben-Zvi and many others); • Historio-Geographical (Elon Yarden 65%-85%) • Historio-Demographic (Tsvi Misinai 89.5%) • National-Territorial, the uniqueness of the conflict
One State for One People The Solution is Self-Evident
David Ben-Gurion: • The common origins of Jews and Palestinians carries the keys to a future solution to the problem of the Holy Land! • To live in Israel without believing in miracles is impractical! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • In reality: Among the 50% with witness on Jewish or Israelite origin there is a desire to rejoin!!
The Real Just ‘Right of Return’:The Return of the Palestinians to the People of Israel • Return to Jewish-Israeli nationality, without religious coercion, in accordance with halacha in the Holy Land • Return via ulpans to master the Hebrew language, Jewish culture, the history of the Holy Land, the Bible and exposure to Jewish traditions. • Such schooling will enable Returnees to integrate as First Class Citizens. • Gradual reincorporation of tens of thousands a year over a 30 year period. • Those who do not wish to re-engage will become residents, hinging on loyalty • In parallel, Jews will be schooled in the history of the country and Arabic culture. • Conversion of child allowance grants into reductions in income tax will prevent ethnic-demographic problems and rectify encouragement of parasitic dependence on state welfare.