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Technologies for Global eBusiness Jason Hall and Adam Asnes

Technologies for Global eBusiness Jason Hall and Adam Asnes. Internationalization Assessment and Execution: How Do You Get There From Here?. LingoPort, Inc. Internationalization Focused Internationalization consulting Software solutions Global Investigator String Externalization tools

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Technologies for Global eBusiness Jason Hall and Adam Asnes

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  1. Technologies for Global eBusinessJason Hall and Adam Asnes Internationalization Assessment and Execution: How Do You Get There From Here? LingoPort, Inc. 1734 Sumac Avenue Boulder, Colorado USA 80204 +1 303 444 8020 www.lingoport.com

  2. LingoPort, Inc. • Internationalization Focused • Internationalization consulting • Software solutions • Global Investigator • String Externalization tools • Pseudo Judo • All localization through partners

  3. Jason Hall Globalization Design Specialist Experience: • Over 15 internationalization assessments • Wide variety of technologies and domains • Project planning and process consulting

  4. Decision Pathways Customer Driven Internally Identified Opportunities Other? Keys to Success Proper Planning Training I18n Only Once High initial cost Lowest cost in long run How Do You Get There From Here? • I18n Process • Planning • Marketing Requirements Analysis • Architectural Requirements Analysis • Code Review • I18n Design • I18n Execution • Testing • Localization • Support

  5. Marketing Requirements • Case Study: XYZ Software • VP: “XYZ Software must be in Japanese, French, Germany, Chinese, and Spanish by November” • Three-tiered web application • 100,000 Lines Java/JSP • Oracle DB • Crystal Reports • Where do you start?

  6. Marketing Requirements cont. • First, analyze the locales • Locale vs. Language • Simultaneous Locale Support? • User levels: Administrator vs. Regular User • Rule of thumb: Match locales with character sets; the more characters, the more difficult I18n! • Key Product Launch Dates • Any flexibility? • Drivers and stakeholders

  7. Marketing Requirements cont. • Concurrent Development • Watch out for code forks! • Resource availability • Product Support Channels • Foreign language support calls • New product sales • Minimum Technology Requirements • Target Customers • Understand Your Target Cultures

  8. Marketing Requirements Summary • Visualize Product from: • Customer Experience/Usability • Sales/Support Channels • Compile Locales • Develop list of required features • GUI • Character Sets • Additional Features • Legal • Cultural • Currency • Marketing Requirements Specification

  9. Marketing Analysis Case Study • XYZ Software • Phased Rollout • Phase 1: Spain, Germany, France, Mexico, Peru • Phase 2: Japan, China • One server farm in US, single database • Foreign partners for sales/support channels • Must support IE 5.0+ • All resources dedicated to I18n

  10. Architectural Analysis Database Application U/I 3rd Party Products Business Logic Platforms, Browser Support Requirements

  11. Architectural Analysis Cont. • Analyze each technology • Character set compliance • Match with supported locales! • Programmatic locale • Organic or New Feature? • Dependencies • Fonts • Service Packs • Libraries • Third Party Products

  12. Architectural Analysis Summary • Gather research and recreate architecture • Character tracking • From GUI to DB and back • Analyze each technology boundary • User locale tracking • Critical for GUI formatting/display, data storage • Database vs. Dynamic • I18n Architectural Document

  13. Architectural Analysis: Case Study • XYZ Software • JSP/Java/Oracle to support Unicode • GUI formatting per locale – locale switching • Locale tracked by Java’s LOCALE object • Extracted from browser at runtime • Oracle to accommodate dynamic locale switching • Crystal Reports only localizable: research alternative strategy

  14. Code Review and i18n Reengineering • Code Review to Identify: • Unsafe methods/functions • Strings to extract • Image references • Unsafe programming constructs (ex: regular expressions) • How to Identify? • Brute force • I18n-aware software tool • Global Investigator

  15. Strings Dates Times Sorting & searching Currency Transaction process Disparate offerings Character set conversions Telephone formats Postal formats Region-specific functions Shipping conditions Numerical formats Page layout Reporting, workflow Database enabling Multi-byte enabling Code Review Considerations

  16. Code Review Examples – Detailed Reporting

  17. Configure – Add Functions/Filter False Positives

  18. Code Review and i18n Reengineering Cont. • Develop I18n enhancements (example) • Locale-chooser • Other based upon Architectural Analysis (Currency, etc.) • I18n Reengineering • Extract strings • Fix Unsafe Methods • Internal Resources vs. Outsourcing • Internal: Retain new knowledge, understand system, but loss of normal development cycles • Outsourced: Knowledgeable about I18n, rapid execution, but must transfer knowledge to existing team/learn system

  19. Code Review and I18n Development: Case Study • XYZ Software • Internationalized Software • Pseudolocalization Testing • Unit/Regression Testing • Localization Kits

  20. Testing and Deployment • Pseudolocalization Testing Before • UserNameLabel=Username • SomeMessage=The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. • Pseudolocalization Testing After • UserNameLabel=捗XXUsernameXX捗SomeMessage=捗XXXXXXXXXXXXThe quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.XXXXXXXXXXXX捗 • Tests character set handling and size expansion • LingoPort’s Pseudo Judo

  21. Testing and Deployment • Pseudolocalization Example:

  22. Testing and Deployment Cont. • Regression Testing • Localization Testing • Test with all possible combinations! • Languages AND platforms • Deployment • Case Study: XYZ Software • Phased approach: partner channels developed • Online documentation translated into targets • Deployment team training/foreign counterparts • Go Live • Packaging/Documentation • Professional Services Training

  23. I18n As An Ongoing Process • Pervasive influence on entire organization • Paradigm shift: not US-Centric! • I18n Coding Standards • Quality Assurance • I18n software lifecycle tools: Global Investigator • Avoid code forks • New features with international focus to launch in ALL locales • Relationship with Localization partner

  24. Questions and Answers • For a beta trial of Global Investigator visit: • http://www.lingoport.com/public/demo • or email aasnes@lingoport.com • Contact Adam for a copy of this presentation • Thank you for your time and attention!

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