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GSI - Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Darmstadt, Germany. Mission: Accelerator Operation and Fundamental Research with the Facility. Budget: 90 Mio. € (90% Bund,10% Hessen). Employees: 1000. External Scientific Users: 1000.
GSI - Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Darmstadt, Germany Mission: Accelerator Operation and Fundamental Research with the Facility Budget: 90 Mio. € (90% Bund,10% Hessen) Employees: 1000 External Scientific Users: 1000 Large Scale Facilities: Accelerators and Experiments MC-Pad Kick-Off Meeting, CERN , Jan. 13-14 2009, C.J. Schmidt
Worldwide Cooperations more than 50 countries
(10-3 m) Electron (10-10 m) (10-14 m) (10–15 m) (10-5 m) (<10-18 m) Structure of Matter Matter Crystal Lattice Atom Atomic Nucleus Proton/Neutron Quarks Cell
Rc 1505; 2f18 GSI Unilac
Accelerator Facility Ring-Accelerator several GeV/u (4.5 GeV for p) Ion Sources Linear-Accelerator all elements several 10 MeV/u SIS UNILAC FRS ESR Experimental Areas
Synchrotron Resonator Rc 1569; 2f17
HMPID PID (RICH) @ high pt TOF PID TRD Electron ID TPC Tracking, PID ITS Vertexing Low pt tracking MUON m-pairs PMD g multiplicity PHOS g,p0 Engagement at LHC: The ALICE Experiment EMCAL(not shown) Jet-calorimetry
FAIR - the future accelerator center Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
Observers: Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research @ GSI Darmstadt FAIR 2015 existing GSI Start of construction: 2007/2008 staged commissioning: 2011-2014 Full operation, CBM: 2015 International project:
SIS 100/300 UNILAC SIS 18 CBM ESR HESR PANDA Super FRS RESR CR FLAIR NESR 100 m FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research GSI today Future facility From Anti-Protons to Uranium Project Management: Start of construction: 2007/2008 First beams: 2011 Full operation, CBM: 2015
Universal detector system Most technologies involved GSI detector-lab engaged in TPC (MC-Pad Project) and Silicon Tracker Interactions of Anti-Protons with nucleons and nuclei
CBM ECAL (12 m) TOF (10 m) TRDs (4,6, 8 m) RICH dipole magnet beam target STS (5 - 100 cm) Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment STS zoom-in GSI Detector-Lab engaged in Silicon Tracker System (MC-Pad Project) and large area gas detectors
CVD Diamond Detectors Diamond, a large bandgap semiconductor unsurpassed in signal speed (28 ps time res.) enormous radiation hardness Poly – CVDD: size up to 4"Ø d = 12µm–2mm CCE ≈ 50% SC-CVDD: "standard": CCE = 100% d =300-500µm; size=5x5mm2, ”advanced/special”: d =40-500µm; size=10x10mm2 Courtesy of Element Six (UK) Ltd. (Group De Beers) High speed ASIC readout electronics for Diamond targeted by MC-Pad project P11 Diamond expert at GSI: Eleni Berdermann/Detectorlab.