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This workshop brings together stakeholders to discuss and implement the WMO Strategy for Service Delivery in South-East Europe. The workshop focuses on the hydrometeorological service in Macedonia.
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 Regional Stakeholders Workshop to Implement the WMO Strategy for Service Delivery for NMHSs in South-East Europe Hydrometeorological Service R. Macedonia 2016-07-02 13:30 UTC Mkd. Skopje - Wet Microburst Author: Sekirarski Boris
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 Author: Sekirarski Boris
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 Author: Sekirarski Boris
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 All tasks are separated to small applications.The main applications is SynopManager Forecaster on duty job Author: Sekirarski Boris
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 Forecaster on duty job 1. After the midnight update - today tomorrow and 5 day information- publish meteoalarms to our web and meteoalarm.eu 2. Send morning rain/snow information to few list of customers and users 3. Create this document every day usually available for users as xml, ini and partly as jpg image (the map only) information NOTE!- When the word document is created few graphics products are generated also. AUTOMATED UPDATE to our web site and few other location (heat/cold). Mail resending is not active in this moment! Multilanguage is not active in this moment! Resend to a list of many users every day! Author: Sekirarski Boris
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 Forecaster on duty job 1. After the midnight update - today tomorrow and 5 day information- publish meteoalarms to our web and meteoalarm.eu 2. Send morning rain/snow information to few list of customers and users 3. Create this document every day usually available for users as xml, ini and partly as jpg image (the map only) information NOTE!- When the word document is created few graphics products are generated AUTOMATED UPDATE to our web site and few other location (heat/cold). Mail resending is not active in this moment! Multilanguage is not active in this moment! Resend to a list of many users every day! Author: Sekirarski Boris
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 Web oriented procedures • To meet the basically needsof potential users! • We started with developing at year 2000 ; • Since year 2003 NMS has own vusualisation and estimation process; • This system works with spatial distributions and provide calculations between the terms; • This system is based on own application and system of Basic language written procedures for automated work of the Surfer application. • NOTE!Contain automated update on the web for limited number of products. Create graphical and text products on 2 languages ! Author: Sekirarski Boris
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 CASE Super cell in a region of Skopje town • 1. Administrator covers the extreme weather event on FB from the beginning and during more then 6 hours • 2. Still developing RadRep format available on FB only in a last 10 monthsCONTAIN- Radar image from Serbian radar composite ; • - Cloud movement analysis on the radar image • - Recent lightning • Position of main dangerous phenomena in the previous terms; • 3. During the process of collect the information this system buld a lot of elements to evaluate situation and create • xml, ini and images • Taking care about regions and appropriate users in this regions • NOTE! • AUTOMATED UPDATE to our web site and few other location (heat/cold). Mail resending is not active in this moment! 15:45 Stajkovci Supercell 2016 08 06 Well formed supercell at 17 UTCall the time with update of Facebook social network 17:00 Author: Sekirarski Boris
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 CASE Supercell in a region of Skopje town • We provide as usual daily weather information contain warning for unstable weather for afternoon. • Afternoon weather information was resend to the Center for crisis management and when the weather was worst by telephone was contacted same subject. • It was one rare Supercell phenomena and we can say that whole system was not trained to be prepared for this water amount on this location • NOTE!Our Facebook community has 10000+ friends 17:45 Stajkovci Supercell 2016 08 06 Lightning report 18:20 UTC …on the beginning of the maximum rain in the region Befor the catastrofic weather event we publish COMPARATION between the results of forecst of two version of WRF ARW models 3.4 and 3.7 Author: Sekirarski Boris Run 00 for 14 UTC
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 Rain data distribution obtained with Nearest dist. method Rain data distribution obtained with Kreeging method POSTER: Stajkovci Supercell, 2016.08 06 Author: Sekirarski Boris
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 NMS and Social Networks MKD NMS7 hours nowcasting on FB(20160706) CASE: Forecaster on duty stay on the Facebook 7 hours too Author: Sekirarski Boris
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 Experimental automated work 1. Downscaling wind on 200 m. 2. Based on GFS weather model half minute NOTE: KMZ and other different file format are available Can resend files to users! Author: Sekirarski Boris
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 Automated creation! • MEDICAL METEOROLOGY FORECAST • All parts of the process is automated • Collecting data • Estimation of the parameters • Document creation • Can resend to web and user • NOTE!- When the word document is created few graphics products are generated. • AUTOMATED UPDATE to our web site. Mail resending is not active in this moment! Multilanguage is provided, but is not active in this moment! This product is based on own data collection for health symptoms of near 60 people and 12000 recorded health problems! Author: Sekirarski Boris
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 List of the other main products started this 2 years! • Growing degree day (first year ever as spatial distribution); • Rain estimation from radar images (first year ever as spatial distribution) by regions; • Lightnings (first year ever as spatial distribution) by regions; • RainDay periods (first year ever as spatial distribution) by regions and spatial comparison with forecast model data precipitation; • …now we started new “Anti Flash Flood” strategy named ELIF, to build “on-street sensors“ capable to read web data show the level of flash flood danger;- Elif Fejzula is 16 months babe never found after August flooding! Author: Sekirarski Boris
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 Regional Stakeholders Workshop to Implement the WMO Strategy for Service - Delivery for NMHSs in South-East Europe Hydrometeorological Service R. Macedonia 13:00 13:30 14:00 2016-07-02 13:30 UTC Mkd. Skopje - Wet Microburst Author: Sekirarski Boris
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 Author: Sekirarski Boris Weather report for the meaningful date
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 Two hydrology related graphical products Author: Sekirarski Boris
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 Rain spatial reports on 3 languages!Mk, Al, En Author: Sekirarski Boris
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 The end Author: Sekirarski Boris
Hydrometeorological ServiceR. Macedonia Tirana, October 2016 list of users • We have 4 different lists to resend every day forecast as a document and regular weather forecast twice in a day + irregular weather information if it is something wrong. • Governmental organizations and gov. important positions; • Media • Energy, transport, environment, agriculture; • Temporary list of users and positions to cover also. • During the day and mainly on 3 hours we send to some media recent weather table and weather stage (few elements only) to Direction for fire management (during the season). We obtain information from the user if something is wrong, or something should be changed.