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Public health & health services research. RTD Activities of a Generic Nature & Support to Infrastructures. C hronic & degenerative (esp. cancer & diabetes), cardio-vascular diseases, and rare diseases. Research relating to the disabled. Biomedical ethics & bioethics.
Public health &health services research. RTD Activities of a Generic Nature& Support to Infrastructures Chronic & degenerative(esp. cancer & diabetes), cardio-vascular diseases, and rare diseases. Research relating to the disabled. Biomedical ethics & bioethics Research into the genome & diseases of genetic origin. Socio-economic aspects of life sciences & technologies Neurosciences. Support for research Infrastructures Biological collections, Clinical research facilities, Facilities for aquaculture and fishery research, Pre-clinical research facilities, Biological information resources
RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES OF A GENERIC NATUREin the EC Research Programme on “Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources” The Fifth Framework Programme (1998-2002)
RTD activities of a generic nature • Content • Definition • Overall Objectives • Scope of Generic RTD Activities • Road map
RTD activities of a generic nature • Objectives • Reinforce the knowledge base in chosen areas of strategic but generic importance for the Life Sciences • Promote interaction between basic and applied research • Involvement of research and health sectors in order to ensure maximum transfer of knowledge between research and its users, including industry • Promote networking of projects in order to create a critical mass for optimum exploitation of results
RTD activities of a generic nature Scope of RTD Activities - Action Lines • 7. Chronic and degenerative diseases, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and rare diseases • 8. Research into genomes and diseases of genetic origin • 9. Neurosciences • 10. Public health research • 11. Research relating to persons with disabilities • 12. Bioethics • 13. Socio-economic aspects of life sciences and technologies
RTD activities of a generic nature 7. Chronic and Degenerative Diseases, Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseasesand Rare Diseases Objectives • Reduce the impact of human multifactorial diseases through integration of basic and clinical research: • contribution of cellular, molecular, genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors which determine disease • integration of different disciplines and advanced technologies to develop effective approaches to prevention, diagnosis and treatment
RTD activities of a generic nature 7. Chronic and Degenerative Diseases, Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseasesand Rare Diseases Priorities • Common underlying pathogenic mechanisms involved in disease initiation, progression and maintenance • Evaluation of therapies through multinational, large scale studies / trials • Optimised use of relevant databases, registries, repositories
RTD activities of a generic nature 8. Research into Genomes andDiseases of Genetic Origin Objectives • Identification of the biological function of genes • Improvement of the interpretation of sequence information (animal-, microbial-, plant- model genomes and human genome) • Exploitation of genomic information for health, industry, agriculture and fisheries
RTD activities of a generic nature 8. Research into Genomes andDiseases of Genetic Origin Priorities • Genome analysis • Functional genomics and proteomics • Development of novel expression systems, model organisms, mutant, transgenic and hybrid organisms • Development and application of underpinning biochemistry, biophysical, statistical and computational approaches
RTD activities of a generic nature 9. Neurosciences Objectives • Better understanding of the nervous system in animals and humans, and of the mechanisms governing biological / psychological processes • Promotion of diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic approaches to neurological and mental disorders • Provision of new education and learning tools • Explore synergies between neurosciences and IT
RTD activities of a generic nature 9. Neurosciences Priorities • Cell communication • Brain theories, computational neurosciences and neuroinformatics • Brain development, disorders and repair and their clinical, epidemiological and social implications • Behaviour, cognition and functional mapping of the brain
RTD activities of a generic nature 10. Public Health Research Objectives Health services research and health and safety at work • Improve the health of European citizens through Community activities in health services research, and health and safety at work Fighting drug related problems • Prevent and control health and social problems related to drugs, including doping agents in sport, alcohol and nicotine
RTD activities of a generic nature 10. Public Health Research Priorities • Health services research and health and safety at work • Effectiveness of health intervention / promotion / prevention • Variation in health care models / inequalities in health status • Socio-economic / organisational aspects of health care systems • Epidemiology / disease management / occupational health • Fighting drug related problems • Factors related to hazardous consumption and consequences • Prevention, treatment, epidemiology ---> demand reduction • Techniques for detection, profiling and biological monitoring
RTD activities of a generic nature 11. Persons with Disabilities Objectives • Enhancement of the quality of life and the independence of persons with physical and mental disabilities • Take account of their expectations and contributions to society
RTD activities of a generic nature 11. Persons with Disabilities Priorities • Determinants of impairment, disability and handicap • Methodologies for the assessment of quality of life • Innovative technological research for rehabilitation and assistance • Health and social care delivery
RTD activities of a generic nature 12. Bioethics Objectives • Response to ethical concerns arising from Life Sciences • Clarification of responsibilities of researchers, policy makers and economic actors • Balanced dialogue between public and actors • Inform decision makers / citizen on appropriate policy options
RTD activities of a generic nature 12. Bioethics Priorities • Ethical aspects of scientific and technological developments • Ethical framework for life sciences • Public policies, law and bioethics • Bioethics infrastructures and methodologies
RTD activities of a generic nature 13. Socio-economic Aspects of Life Sciences and Technologies Objectives • Encourage research into aspects of life sciences and technologies within the perspective of sustainable development • Provide information to policy makers • Promote public debate
RTD activities of a generic nature 13. Socio-economic Aspects of Life Sciences and Technologies Priorities • Development of indicators and knowledge bases relevant to public policy making • Managing technology in society • Analysis of social and economic driving forces and of new opportunities in the bio-industries
RTD activities of a generic nature Road Map Deadlines • 1 June 1999 EUR 104 m • 15 November 1999 EUR 86 m • October 2000 EUR 106 m • October 2001 EUR 110 m EUR 406 m
Quality of LifeSupport to Research Infrastructures A paper has been prepared by the QoL Management for the information of potential applicants: Information Document “Support for Research Infrastructures” in the Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources Programme Document may be downloaded from CORDIS as follows: http://www.cordis.lu/life.calls/199902.htm (scroll to end of page for additional reference documents)
Research InfrastructuresDefinition The term “research infrastructures” refers to facilities and resources that provide essential services to the research community in the life sciences. Research infrastructures may be “single-sited”, the service being provided from a single resource on a single location; they may be “distributed”, the service being provided by a network of distributed resources under some degree of coordinated management; and they may be “virtual”, the service being provided electronically, either from a central or a distributed resource.
Research InfrastructuresRationale The principal rationale for a Community action in the field arises, however, from the relatively low level of cooperation that currently exists between infrastructure operators in different countries. A strong European added-value would arrive if the same culture of cooperation could be created among infrastructure operators as is now existing between Europe’s researchers.
Research InfrastructuresGeneral objectives The support for Research Infrastructures action of the QoL Programme has the following general objectives: • To encourage the optimum use of Europe’s research infrastructures, notably by fostering transnational cooperation in their rational and cost-effective development and by broadening access, particularly for young researchers: • To improve the European-wide consistency and complementarity of these infrastructures; • To help improve the quality of services offered to the European research community. The role of this Community action in the QoL Programme, is to add value by supporting the research at the European level.
Research InfrastructuresInfrastuctures relevant to the quality of life programme (1) • Biological information resources • Biological collections • Pre-clinical research facilities • Clinical research facilities • Aquaculture and fishery research facilities • Exploiting High Bandwidth Communication Networks
Research InfrastructuresDetermination of macromolecular crystal structures: integrated, automated and user-friendly approaches X-ray crystallography continuous to expand very rapidly and there are 100s of laboratories in academia and industry. This expansion will increase in response to genome based structural programmes. This proposal provides the growing community (often relatively inexperienced) with the crystallographic tools to meet the technically advanced demands of modern structural biology. The aim is to bring together major European crystallographic to design, implement and support a framework.
Research InfrastructuresSteroids in health and disease Steroid-responsive conditions with major health cost implications include (I) inflammatory diseases (e.g. arthritis, asthma) (ii) cardiovascular disorders (e.g. hypertension) (iii) reproductive health (hormone replacement therapy) including reproductive cancers (e.g. breast, prostate) (iv) cognitive disorders including anxiety, depression and age-related dementias (Alzheimer’s). This project draws together teams at 7 European centres where high-calibre research is carried out on the biology and pharmacology of steroids in health and disease. The infrastructure offers open access, shared resources and materials and training. It will establish the knowledge base that is needed to improve diagnosis and clinical management of diseases and European standards based on best clinical practice.
Research InfrastructuresNetwork of European Brain and Tissue Banks for Clinical and Basic Neuroscience's This project proposes a European network system of brain banks. The main objectives are (1) the standardised acquisition of brain tissues for basic research, (2) standardisation of neuropathological diagnosis and (3) laying the groundwork for future RTD projects dealing with clinical, genetic, epidemiologic and other aspects of brain diseases. Diseases of high frequency and outstanding medical and social importance such as Alzheimer disease and schizophrenia will be one aspect of the project. In addition it contributes to research in rare diseases, a research branch which can only be worked on successfully on an international European level. Harmonisation of data capture, neuropathological diagnosis, and quality control will be important milestones.