protein in lettuce
Commonly-used recombinant protein expression systems include bacterial, yeast, insect, and mammalian cell culture systems. With the rapid development of plant transgenic technology, the plant expression system has been widely applied in both agricultural and plant biological studies. It has been reported that many biological products (such as bioactive peptides, therapeutic proteins) were generated from plant systems such as tobacco, tomato, rice and lettuce. Transient expression of target proteins in the plant systems is realized by agroinfiltration of plant tissues. Following successful agrobacterial transformation, target recombinant proteins, such as antibodies, vaccines, and enzymes can be expressed in high amount within the plant system. Comparing to the traditional bacterial, yeast, or mammalian expression systems, the plant expression system has the advantages of higher protein yield, lower cost, shorter turn-over time and increased safety. Among all plant species, the lettuce transient expression system is considered as the most promising system for the expression of recombinant proteins.
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