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Coyote School News. Written and Illustrated by: Joan Sandin Meet the Author Day 1 Day 4 Day 2 Day 5 Day 3 Vocabulary Definitions Vocabulary Sentences Additional Resources. Study Skills. Genre: Historical Fiction Comprehension Skill: Draw Conclusions
Coyote School News Written and Illustrated by: Joan Sandin Meet the Author Day 1Day 4 Day 2Day 5 Day 3 Vocabulary Definitions Vocabulary Sentences Additional Resources
Study Skills • Genre: Historical Fiction • Comprehension Skill: Draw Conclusions • Comprehension Strategy: Prior Knowledge • Comprehension Review Skill: Setting • Vocabulary: Dictionary/Glossary
Genre: Historical Fiction • Historical Fiction is set in the past. It is a story in which some of the details are factual but in which others are made up or are loosely based on history. Look for the factual details as you read.
Summary Ramon Ernesto Ramirez grew up on a ranch in the southwestern United States in the 1930’s. His life was the same as ours in some ways. He went to school every day, he had to do chore before he could play, and he celebrated holidays with his family.But his life was different, too. Because he lived on a ranch, he helped round up and brand the cattle.
Comprehension Skill Review: Setting • Setting is the time and place in which a story occurs. • Sometimes the settingis important to the lot of a story. At other times, the setting is only background. • Sometimes pictures show the setting, and sometimes you have to imagine it. • Details the author has written can help you see, hear, feel, and smell what it is like to be there.
Day 1 - Question of the Week • How can we work together to achieve our goal?
Vocabulary - Say It • spurs • coyote • dudes • roundup • bawling
More Words to Know mesquite promote convince energetic offers
Comprehension Strategy – Prior Knowledge Background CD – Life on a Cattle Ranch • Good readers use what they know to help them understand what they read. They try to connect it to what they already know. They think about whether they have ever seen or experienced what they are reading about. This helps understand the new information. • Let’s practice what we know about life on a ranch.
Play Life On a Ranch People Work
Comprehension Skill Tested –Draw Conclusions • When you draw conclusions, you use details and what you already know to form opinions or make decisions about characters and events.
1.Tornadoes sometimes sweep, through the western states? 2. They can blow. The rooves off houses.
Singular and Plural Nouns singular plural
To change most singular nouns to plural nouns, add s chair cat rock chairs cats rocks
For nouns ending in sh, ch, s, x, add es brush church grass box brushes churches boxes grasses
Spelling WordsIrregular Plurals • loaves • hoofs • tornadoes • banjos • patios • beliefs • cuffs • sheep • radios • moose
Spelling WordsIrregular Plurals • halves • roofs • cliffs • leaves • lives • themselves • potatoes • teeth • videos • sheep
CHALLENGE • portfolios • embargoes • handkerchiefs • calves • lassoes
Day 2 - Question of the Day • What work must be done on a ranch?
Vocabulary Strategy Dictionary / Glossary • Some words have more than one meaning. • Sometimes readers need to check a dictionary or glossary to find the meaning that makes sense for the sentence.
Vocabulary Strategy Dictionary / Glossary • The dark, or bold, words defined are called entry words. • The entry word may not match the word in the selection exactly. • Entry words are often are words without endings, prefixes, or suffixes.
spurs metal points or pointed wheels, worn on a rider’s boot heels for urging a horse on
coyote a small, wolf-like mammal living in many parts of North America
dudes people raised in the city, especially easterners who vacation on a ranch
roundup the act of driving or bringing cattle together from long distances
bawling crying out in a noisy way
mesquite any of several trees or bushes common in southwestern US and Mexico, which often grown in dense clumps or thickets
promoted raised in rank, condition, or importance
convince to make someone feel sure; cause to believe; persuade by argument or proof
energetic full of energy; active; vigorous
offers to hold out to be taken or refused; to be willing if another approves
Weekly Fluency Check-Emotion • Read aloud “A Big-City Dream” on p. 162m. Explain that you will express Luz’s emotions by changing your pacing and tone of voice. Point out reading with emotion makes dialogue more interesting • Read aloud Pg. 172,paragraphs 2-3. Have students notice how your pitch and tone changes to express feelings.
3. We saw cows, horsies, sheeps, chickens, and pigs on the ranch. 4. There were to many cows two count.
Nouns that end in “ch”, “sh”, “x”, add “es”. bush bushes box boxes churches church
Nouns that end in a consonant letter and “y”, drop the “y” and add “ies”. sky skies puppy puppies donkeys donkey key keys
GROUP WORK • Readers & WB 64 • Spelling- Day 2 WS 26 Irregular Plurals • Language Arts- Day 2 WB 25 • Tri-Fold Section 2 • SmartBoard- Vocabulary Practice
Day 3 - Question of the Day • How do all the children contribute to Coyote News?