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FI2+BI2 or FI3+BI3? --from scientific point of view--

FI2+BI2 or FI3+BI3? --from scientific point of view--. Hironori Matsumoto (Kyoto Univ.). Effective Area (1 sensor). FI CCD. BI CCD. From response files for AO-1. EA:FI2+BI2vsFI3+BI1. Log scale. Linear scale. EA ratio: FI2+BI2vsFI3+BI1. Log scale. Linear scale.

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FI2+BI2 or FI3+BI3? --from scientific point of view--

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FI2+BI2 or FI3+BI3? --from scientific point of view-- Hironori Matsumoto (Kyoto Univ.)

  2. Effective Area (1 sensor) FI CCD BI CCD From response files for AO-1

  3. EA:FI2+BI2vsFI3+BI1 Log scale Linear scale

  4. EA ratio: FI2+BI2vsFI3+BI1 Log scale Linear scale

  5. My scientific interests: early-type galaxies M87 (SWG target) 50ks exposure brightest CD galaxy (Fx=1.2e-10cgs) With what uncertainties can we determine parameters?

  6. NGC4406 (SWG target) 50ks exposure 3rd brightest early-type galaxy (Fx=6.0e-12cgs)

  7. If NGC4406 has 1/10 X-ray flux? i.e. typical flux of early-type galaxies. 50ks exposure

  8. Conclusion As for the observations of early-type galaxies, which emit X-rays within the entire XIS band pass, the two combinations (FI2+BI2 and FI3+BI1) make no difference. We should determine which combination we employ from the technical point of view (reliability, endurance etc.), not from the scientific point of view.

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