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The Italian Environmental Footprint Program. Martina Hauser Head of the ITALIAN TASK FORCE “ Environmental and Carbon Foot Print ” Office of the Minister for the Environment, Land and Sea. The Task Force.
The Italian Environmental Footprint Program Martina Hauser Head of the ITALIAN TASK FORCE “Environmental and Carbon Foot Print” Office of the Minister for the Environment, Land and Sea
The Task Force The Task Force “ Environmental and Carbon Foot Print” has been established by the Italian Minister for The Environment, in the framework of the Europe’ssustainable & low carbon growth strategies Europe 2020-2050. The priority of the TASK FORCE is the promotion of voluntary actions of private sector and public institutions for integrating the mandatory commitments in the emissions reduction: the voluntary actions, included in agreements with the Ministry, are focused in combining the carbon emissions reduction with the increasing of the competitiveness in the market.
The European context The Task Force is promoting, designing and testing pilot projects in environmental and carbon footprint, in different sectors of the economy, in the context of the European strategies and policies: 1. The ”Sustainable Consumption and Production, and Sustainable Industrial Policy Action Plan” adopted by the European Council in December 2008. The Council invited the European Commission and the Member States to start working on common voluntary methodologies facilitating the future establishment of carbon audits for organizations and the calculation of the carbon footprint of products.
The European context (2) 2. The “Sustainable materials management and sustainable production and consumption: key contribution to a resource efficient Europe" adopted by European Council in December 2010. The Council invited the Commission and Member States to continue their efforts in: • further optimising and promoting the use of designated methods, such as Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA) of products, addressing environmental, social and economic aspects; • developing a common life-cycle-based approach to lower the global impact of organic material flows (such as food), and seek greater consistency between environmental, energy, trade, land use, agricultural and other policies in this field.
The European context (3) 3. The “Manifesto for a resource-efficient Europe”, adopted by the European Resource Efficiency Platform in December 2012, recognizes the priority of “creating better market conditions for products and services that have lower impacts across their life-cycles, and that are durable, repairable and recyclable, progressively taking the worst performing products off the market”. 4. The “European Commission study on Product Environmental Footprint-PEF”, aimed at developing a harmonized environmental footprinting methodology to address the environmental impact of products, including carbon emissions. The adoption of the policy by the European Commission is planned for the 1st quarter of 2013.
The European context (4) According to the outcomes of the pilot projects already implemented by the Task Force in many sectors: agriculture&agroindustry, chemicals, food, ICT, retails, services (universities, motorways, transportation of goods), manufacturing (cars, coffee, fashion, mineral water), the Italian Ministry for the Environment is building original and innovative methodologies and best practices, based on the international UNI/ISO procedures. We want to share the methodologies and best practices with the Member States and the European Commission, in order to contribute to the policy making process in adopting harmonised European procedures for environmental and carbon footprinting.
Framework for Environmental Footprint UNI EN ISO 14040:2006Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment - Principles And Framework UNI EN ISO 14044:2006Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment - Requirements and guideline UNI ISO/DIS 14067Carbon footprint of products - Requirements and guidelines for quantification and communication ISO/CD 14046Life cycle assessment - Water footprint - Requirements and guidelines ISO 14064-2:2006Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements ISO 14025:2010Environmental labels and declarations - Type III environmental declarations - Principles and procedures GHG Protocol PAS 2050
Methodology and sustainability indicators Life Cycle Assessment (UNI EN ISO 14040, UNI EN ISO 14044) Carbon Footprint (UNI ISO/DIS 14067) Water Footprint (ISO/CD 14046)
Metodology and sustainability indicators Life Cycle Assessment (UNI EN ISO 14040, UNI EN ISO 14044) The LCA approach allows the evaluation of the industrial/productive systems life cycle “from-cradle-to-grave”. The analysis starts from the soil (collection of raw materials to make the product) and ends when all the materials return to the soil (End of Life).
Methodology and sustainability indicators Carbon Footprint (UNI ISO/DIS 14067) Carbon Footprint is a tool able to provide the data of the exact amount of Greenhouse Gases emitted during all the steps of the production process of goods or services. The carbon footprint expresses in CO2 equivalent the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions directly or indirectly associated to a product, an organization or a service.
Methodology and sustainability indicators Water footprint (ISO/CD 14046) The water footprint is an indicator of water use that looks at both direct and indirect use of a consumer or producer. The water footprint of an individual, community or business is defined as the total volume of freshwater that is used to produce the goods and services consumed by the individual or community or produced by the business. The global amount of water footprint results from the wide-ranging of blue, green and grey water.
The Italian Program for the Environmental Footprint Voluntary agreements with the companies The Ministry started a pilot project with the Italian productive sector in order to test and promote different methodologies on the environmental impact assessment of production and consumption patterns. Open competition for small and medium enterprises To increase the investments for sustainability in the SME sector (Small and Medium Enterprises), the Ministry co-financed 22 companies with 1,600,000 euro through an open competition. On January 25, 2013, a new call for companies producing goods has been launched for a total fund of € 2,000,000.00. International cooperation The Ministry drives projects involving Italian companies that work in developing countries and promotes sustainable initiatives with local enterprises.
Italian frame Partners of the Ministry are 70 companies 3 universities 4 municipalities Carbon footprint of 143 products and 21 organizations Water footprint of 18 products Other LCA impacts of 33 products Volume of business of the companies involved: from 2 million to 4 billion euro of revenues Volume of export: up to 160 countries Total of employees: about 100.000
The Italian partners DISTRIBUTION COOP Italia AR Alimentare EcorNaturaSi Ai Trai Cispa Leroy Merlin FOOD & BEVERAGE Industrie Rolli Alimentari Eridania SADAM Sorrento Sapori e Tradizioni Azienda Agricola IANVS Castello Monte Vibiano Vecchio Illycaffè Carlsberg Italia Birra Castello B&G Alimentare - Pasta Mosconi Eataly Real Estate Caseificio dell’Amiata Latteria Montello Distretto Latte Lombardo Granarolo Lete Acqua Minerale San Benedetto Cantine San Marco INDUSTRY Emilceramica Gruppo Millepiani Grafiche Bovini Bauxt Suncover Pirelli & C. Dallara Palazzetti Lelio MCZ Group Colorificio San Marco L’Oréal Italia Confindustria Ceramica Sabox Automobili Lamborghini Archimede Solar Energy VITICULTURE Principi di Porcìa e Brugnera Tasca d’Almerita Azienda Vitivinicola Planeta Marchesi Antinori Mastroberardino Castello Monte Vibiano Vecchio Masi Agricola F.lli Gancia & Co. Michele Chiarlo Azienda Vitivinicola Venica&Venica INFRASTRUCTURE & SERVICE Autostrade per l’Italia Autovie Venete UniCredit Telecom Italia SAP Italia Telespazio GiPlanet Vintage - Autodromo di Modena Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori NTV Auta Marocchi EDUCATION Università Cà Foscari Venezia Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata Università della Calabria TEXTILE Gucci Gruppo Benetton Brunello Cucinelli Cruciani MUNICIPALITY Comune di Leni, Comune di Malfa Comune di Santa Marina di Salina, Comune di Gemona TOURISM Lefay Resorts
Working plan ANALYSIS Carbon footprint analysis of consumer goods during their life cycle MITIGATION Identification of possible measures apt to reduce the emissions through the life cycle of the selected consumer goods. COMPENSATION Identification of possible measures for the neutralization of the residual carbon footprint. COMMUNICATION Strategies to communicate the carbon footprint analysis results.
Voluntary agreements: some examples San Benedetto Ca’ Foscari Osklen (Brazilian) Pirelli Illy Benetton Lamborghini A model of sutainable island Italian Sustainable Wine
San Benedetto: “easy” bottle • The new bottle is made of • 30% recycled PET • Sales increased: +78% • Energy consumption: -30% • • Results: - 30.000 t CO2e • Domino effect: San Benedetto, in collaboration with COOP (Italian food retailer), launched a project supporting PET recycling. Carbon Footprint of the new one liter bottle - 2011 production: 173 g CO2e Carbon Footprint of the old one liter bottle – 2010 production: 210 gr CO2e Totally neutralized: the bottle is carbon neutral
Ca’ Foscari: Carbon management of universities Analysis results:students and employees’ mobility emerged as critical point for the GHG emissions. CO2 calculator:results (04/02/2013): registered users: 353; completed questionnaires 428; users’ saving average 41,79%. Guidelines: Carbon Footprint methodology for Universities has been developed. Domino effect: Master in Sustainability and Carbon Footprint Management. The University statute contains the commitments for sustainability. 1000 students asked to have “sustainability skills” (1 credit) in their plan of study
Osklen:The Italian-Brazilian Project Traces Life Cycle Assessment:In the frameworkof the Italian-Braziliancooperationprogram, the LCA of 6 products and a mitigation project in Mexiana Islandhavebeenrealized. The social-environmentallabel:The label traces the whole process of production, from the raw material to the end of life of the product, as well as the social aspects of the production. Water footprint:It is ongoing a project for the water footprint assessment on four products.
Osklen:The Italian-Brazilian Project Traces Organic cotton GHG emission: 4.081 gr CO2e Pirarucu leather bag Recycled cotton and PET shoes Recycled cotton and PET backpack Eco-juta bag Organiccotton T-shirt Organic silk tennis shoes
Mexiana Island The mitigation project: • 100 workers • from diesel to biogas • installation of the solar panels • new houses • gardens with medicinal plants 80.000 liters of diesel used each year to generate electricity
Pirelli: beyond national boundaries Carbon footprint analysis of the Cinturato P7 has been completed. The agreement undersigned in January 2013 starts the second step for reducing the impact on climate. Foreseen actions: realisation of Solar Thermal Energy plants in Campinas and Bahia (Brazil). Rolling resistance Dry braking Noise Mileage Wet braking Handling Pirelli reference Cinturato P7
Illy: the Italian coffee Ongoing the Carbon footprint of two coffee boxes (250 and 125 grams), ESE paper coffee pods, iperespresso capsule. Planned evaluation of the socio-environmental impact of coffee's plantations in Brazil and in other countries.
Benetton in Tunisia The carbon footprint of two “kids" products (t-shirts and polo shirts) has been completed. It is ongoing a project to improve the energy efficiency of Monastir plant in Tunisia. Benetton’s production in Tunisia: about 35 million items per year (about 30% of the total production per year). Kid’s T-Shirt Kid’s Polo
Strategy for the environment in the automotive industry Lamborghini is the first in the automotive company to sign an agreement on the environmental footprint in Italy It is ongoing the GHG emissions assessment for the new CFK plant, producing the monocoqueand parts made by carbon fibre Management system for the reduction of emissions, specifically for the design, development and production of luxury cars Product efficiency improvements • Optimum weight / power • Weight reduction • Lightweight materials in carbon fiber Aventador LP 700-4: 20% CO2vs previous model
A model for a sustainable islandSalina – Eolie’s island Analysis, reduction and neutralization of the environmental impact of the island: • Ongoing Baseline Emission Inventory 2010 – 2011 • Agreement for the Carbon footprint analysis of the island and Pact of Islands (SEAPI) Municipalities Malfa Leni Santa Marina Salina
Italian sustainable wine • Companies: Tasca d’Almerita, Planeta, Antinori, Mastroberardino , Montevibiano Vecchio, Masi, Gancia, Chiarlo, Venica&Venica • Methodology: identified 4 sustainability indicators: Carbon footprint, Water footprint, vineyardagronomic evaluation and socio-economic indicator of the landscape. • Sustainable label:the results will be contained in a environmental label, which will be presented at Vinitaly 2013
Why do companies assess their environmental footprint Competitiveness and marketing: environmental values of products represent drivers of competitiveness on the market. Economic saving: measures for GHG reduction involve eco-save actions and technologic innovation useful to decrease production costs. Certification: the work done is certified by other certification bodies, it is internationally recognised and it could be required in specific public competitions. Consumer relationship: data disclosure is useful to make the consumer aware and to answer his demand of “green” products. In this context the voluntary market of carbon credits is playing an increasing role.
The Voluntary Market The voluntary initiatives aimed to reduce the emissions are able to add value to products and services in the market, due also to green marketing The economic value of the voluntary investment, necessary to compensate the produced emission, is calculated according to the price established by the carbon market. The average market price of the credits varies (from$1/tCO2e to $100/tCO2e) depending on the project cost and the cost for putting the credits on the market (place, technologies, standard). Voluntary credits price raised in 2011, reaching the value of $6,2/tCO2e ($6,0/tCO2e in 2010).
The voluntary market Due to the growing public opinion sensitivity for Greenhouse gases effects, a parallel market to the Kyoto Protocol market is emerging: the voluntary market. Core value in the voluntary market system is the carbon credit: 1 tCO2e (one tonne of carbon dioxide). Global carbon market growth The price of the credits varies between $1/tCO2e and $100/tCO2e. The average raised up to the value of $6,2/tCO2e ($6,0/tCO2e in 2010). Source: State of Voluntary Carbon Markets 2012”, Ecosystem Marketplace & Bloomberg New Energy Finance. 2012.
The voluntary Italian market In 2011, 244.181 tCO2e (economic value 2,02M €) were sold in Italy against the 34.560 tCO2 in 2009.The average market sale price of the credits is about 5,34 €/tCO2 (European: 4.70€/tCO2; Global € 4.80/tCO2).
Voluntary market potential In spite of the global financial crisis the voluntary market grows rapidly. The positive trend is confirmed by the projections elaborated in Bloomberg’s 2012 report. The total amount of the expected transactions within 2016 is 400 MtCO2e. Source: State of Voluntary Carbon Markets 2012”, Ecosystem Marketplace & Bloomberg New Energy Finance. 2012.
Contacts Task Force for the environmental and carbon footprint Office of the Minister Italian Ministry for the Environment Land and Sea 44, Via Cristoforo Colombo 00147 – Rome Phone: (+39) 0657221 www.minambiente.it hauser.martina@minambiente.it pansini.annalidia@minambiente.it ianna.roberta@minambiente.it