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Explore innovative methods and technologies to minimize the environmental footprint in oilfield operations. Discover solutions in areas like marine seismic surveys, land exploration, drilling practices, and production monitoring. Learn how Schlumberger is leading the way in eco-friendly oilfield services. Witness the shift towards sustainable practices and the adoption of "green chemicals" in drilling operations. Join the movement for a greener future in the oil industry.
Reducing the Environmental Footprint in Oilfield Operations Dieter Hiller Environmental Advisor Schlumberger Limited WEC European Roundtable Hamburg, 15th April 2005
Schlumberger – The Company • World’s leading oilfield services company supplying technology, project management and information solutions • Formation evaluation • Directional drilling • Well cementing and stimulation • Well completions and productivity • Consulting, software, information management • Two business segments: Oilfield Services and WesternGeco
Schlumberger – Key Figures • 52,000 employees of >140 nationalities • Presence in > 100 countries • Operating revenue (2004) $11.48 billion • Net income (2004) $1.22 billion 4 Areas
From Plankton to Production… Three principal stages: • Detection • Evaluation • Production
Streamer Steering Monowing Streamer Exploration: Marine Seismic Surveys Reduced fuel consumption, less marine life disturbance
Cooper Basin, Australia Seismic Lines Vibrators Seismic surveys are intrusive and may leave visible marks for a long time Exploration: Land Seismic Surveys
Solutions: Specific EMS …the Rubber Tracked Vibrator (RTV) and GPS/inertial navigation units that help reduce clearing of overhead obstacles Exploration: Land Seismic Surveys
Evaluation: Modelling and Planning Advanced data acquisition (3D and 4D Seismic), processing and modelling improve the planning of well path and location
Interpretation: High Resolution Seismic • Identification of • pay zones • oil-water contact • oil-gas contact enables improved well positioning and design. Less wells equals less impact, at improved performance
Drilling a Hole in the Ground • Cuttings require disposal (and possibly treatment) • Mud and fluids needed for borehole stability, cuttings removal, cooling, lubrication, gravel packs, etc. • Wider holes • require bigger drill bits and more power while drilling (friction, weight of drill string), • require more mud (chemicals), • produce more cuttings, • Give better access for downhole tools • Drill string for wider holes is less flexible
Coiled Tubing Drilling Wytch Farm, UK Horizontal displacement 10,114 m Production: Directional Drilling
Production: Directional Drilling Coiled Tubing Drilling
The drill string from the rope: Smaller diameter, flexible, fit for many purposes Production: Coiled Tubing
Environmentally acceptable chemicals in drilling mud and other chemicals used in drilling, stimulation, completion and gravel placement: Viscoelastic surfactants (VES) Production: “Green Chemicals”
Flaring of oil and gas… …produces huge emissions and, during well cleaning, toxic by-products Production: Flaring
Well Testing in Abu Dhabi Background • Offshore Abu Dhabi, wells drilled into carbonate reservoirs require acid stimulation in order to produce at their potential • During the clean-up phase of well testing operations: • The produced well effluents were flared and, • Spent acid and produced water dumped in the Gulf. These operational practices were causing major sea and air pollution.
Well Effluents From Well Head Choke Manifold Separator Gas to Burner Contaminated Water to Sea Oil Surge Tank Transfer Pump Oil to Flare Conventional Well Testing Operations
Well Testing in Abu Dhabi Developments • The situation became worse with the increased number of multilateral horizontal wells as longer intervals were now stimulated. • Consequently large quantities of well effluents were produced and contributing to further pollution. • Customer wanted environmentally friendly well testing operations.
Choke Manifold Separator Gas to Burner Injecting Neutralizer Oily Water Injecting TFA 400 Chemicals Oil Surge Tank Skimmer To Treat Separated Water Transfer Pump Clean Treated Water Disposed to Sea Oil to Production Line Well Testing in Abu Dhabi The next stage…
Well Testing: PhaseTester Vx • No flaring during production • Low pressure loss • Returns to production or export line Zero Flaring and Zero Pollution to the Environment
Production Monitoring: 4D (Time-Lapse) Seismic Mapping fluid movements and identifying unswept hydrocarbons Gullfaks Field, North Sea Large change No change 0 1 SHC indicator
Seismic Contribution to Improved Recovery Before 1980: 2D: 25-30% of oil recovered 1980-95: 3D: 40-50% recovered 1996 - future: 4D: 65-75% recovery* Slices Volumes *BP/Shell’s Foinaven field estimate, Petroleum Engineer International; January, 1996. Changes
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Year Global Geochemical History • Concentrations of GHGs have risen significantly over pre-industrial levels. • Surface ocean pH has also declined by 0.1 as additional CO2 dissolved. Source: IPCC Third Assessment Report, 2001
Assumed Advances In: • Fossil Fuels • Energy intensity • Nuclear • Renewables • Gap Technologies: • Carbon capture & disposal • Adv. fossil • H2 and Adv. Transportation • Biotechnologies • Soils, Bioenergy, Adv. Biological Energy The “Gap” Source: J. Edmonds, PNNL The Need for Breakthrough Technologies
External Institutions in US and Worldwide The GCEP R&D Program to Generate Technology Options • The Global Climate and Energy Project (GCEP) was established to conduct pre-commercial research necessary to develop the technology options needed to address the “gap” • GCEP is an unprecedented research alliance between a university and leading global corporations • It represents a 10-year, $225M commitment to developing groundbreaking technologies that may have a significant impact on a global scale Mission To Conduct Fundamental Research to Develop Technology Options for Growth in Energy Use With Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions That May Operate at a Significant Commercial and Global Scale
Injection Geologic Storage of CO2GCEP Project, Stanford University Create a suite of tools for design and implementation of geologic sequestration projects: • Site selection and evaluation: effective methods to assess the integrity of geologic seals that limit CO2 migration. • Fluid migration: very efficient methods for predicting the flow paths and long-term fate of injected CO2. • Monitoring: appropriate tools for monitoring the state of injection projects at each stage. continuous shales discontinuous shales
CO2 Storage: Sleipner Field, Norway • A growing CO2 “bubble” observed after injection • Deformation of the storage formation