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Street Deviance

Street Crime/Delinquents Con Artists. Street Deviance. Street Crime. I. Delinquents/Criminals A. Subculture of Violence Hypothesis B. Wolfgang’s Study of Homicide 1. Time 2. Alcohol 3. Relationship 4. Race 5. Sex. Street Crime.

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Street Deviance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Street Crime/Delinquents Con Artists Street Deviance

  2. Street Crime I. Delinquents/CriminalsA. Subculture of Violence HypothesisB. Wolfgang’s Study of Homicide 1. Time 2. Alcohol 3. Relationship 4. Race 5. Sex

  3. Street Crime 6. Age7. Motives8. Prior Criminal Background9.Victim-Precipitated Homicides

  4. Street Crime • Wolfgang’s Delinquency in a Birth Cohort Longitudinal Study of 9,945 boys born in Philadelphia in 1945 1/3 had some police contact Chronic Offender (repeated contact) 6% of Sample

  5. Street Crime • Arrest and Court Experience Inversely Related to Recidivism • Cohort IINew Sample: Born in 1958Larger: 28,000 (13,500 Males)Chronic Offender=7.5% of SampleMore Violent than Original Cohort

  6. Street Crime • Selective IncapacitationPeter Greenwood--RAND Corp. StudyPredicting Criminality Prison Conviction on Same Charge Incarceration for more than Half of Preceding Two Years Conviction of Crime Before Age 16

  7. Selective Incapacitation Incarceration in a Juvenile Facility Drug Use during Preceding Two Years Drug Use as a Juvenile Employed Less Than One Half Preceding Two Years

  8. Selective Incapacitation • Problems:False PositivesFalse Negatives • Gun Control • Robbery

  9. Street Deviance Con Artists Short Cons vs. Long Cons Short Cons are designed to obtain whatever money the victim has on his person at the time he’s approached. Thousands of variations.

  10. Street Deviance • Con Games • Examples include: Pickpocketing, three card monte scams, circus grifters. • The social organization of con games—roles and players.

  11. Street Deviance • Pickpocketing: The Mark, The Tool, the Stall, “Fanning” • Three Card Monte Slides, Shills and Slingers Most lose their money in three bets or less.

  12. Street Deviance • Shell Game—find the pea • Circus GriftersEssentially two types: Short changing by ticket sellers or “gaff joints.” Bucket Joint, Bottle Joint, Others • Fortune Telling Con Goffman’s article Cooling out the Mark.

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