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National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign 2008-2009. 24 th -25 th September, 2008 NASC, PUSA Complex, New Delhi Presentation by Himachal Pradesh State. Kharif Prospects 2008. Rainfall: June (+) 100%, July (-) 37%, Aug. (-) 14%. Rainfall Pattern. Rabi 2008-2009 Targets.
National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign 2008-2009 24th -25th September, 2008 NASC, PUSA Complex, New Delhi Presentation by Himachal Pradesh State
Kharif Prospects 2008 Rainfall:June (+) 100%, July (-) 37%, Aug. (-) 14%
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (STREAM-I) 2007-2008 (Rs. in lacs)
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (STREAM-II) (Rs. in lacs)
Status of DAP/ SAP and Programme Implementation SAU appointed as Consultant for DAP/ SAP Work of DAP’s in 11 Districts Completed and DAP’s/ SAP’s submitted to GOI in 17th July 2008 Implementation of programmes sanctioned under Stream-I & Stream-II during 2007-2008 near completion Release of 10% remaining funds for completion of Stream-I projects. Request sent Outlay for 2008-2009 Rs.15.11 crore. Meeting of SLSC fixed for 29th Sep., 2008, agenda sent to G.O.I. in 13th August, 2008 Rs.252.00 lacs released under Stream-II Unspent amount Rs.8.69 lacs revalidated
Extension 2007-2008: SREP of all District Completed Funds approved by G.O.I. -Rs.507.77 lacs Funds Released & Utilised-Rs.414.17 lacs Progress:
2008-2009: SEWP approved -Rs.499.72 lacs (14th July, 2008) Funds released -Rs.224.80 lacs(2nd Sep., 2008) Progress:
Seeds(Availability, Treatment, Testing) Seed requirement for Rabi 2008-2009 = 72,000 qtls. Seeds arranged = 72,000 qtls. Seed Treatment: Percent Seed Treatment 46% 60%
National Horticulture Mission Fund allocation and Utilization: * U.C.Submitted
Marketing APMC Act amended and New Act enacted on lines with Model Act. Provisions made in New Act for; * Alternate marketing system (Pvt./Coop.) * Contract farming * Direct marketing * Single point levy of market fee Rules under APMC Act framed Pilot project for “Strengthening of Agricultural Marketing system” taken up with NIAM/ USAID Setting up marketing infrastructure by Pvt. Investors (CA stores, carton manufacturing & processing units contact farming) * M/S. Adani Agrifresh Ltd. * Dev Bhumi Cold Chain Pvt. Ltd. * Reliance; Mother Dairies * ITC, Container Corp. of India
Fertilizer Availability: Kharif - 2008: (in M.T.)
Rabi 2008-2009: (in M.T.) Suppliers are reluctant to supply complexes, SSP & MOP as freight reimbursement policy is not clear.
INM and Organic Farming 2008-2009(Target and Achievement) NPK Ratio Achieved4: 1.3 :1
Best Practices Diversification from traditional crops to off-season vegetable helped farmers to raise income, 55000 ha. area diversified Protected cultivation in vegetables, flowers has become popular, 21000 green houses (15 lac sq.mtrs.) shall be constructed in next 3 years through NABARD project Organic farming becoming polupar. 10000 farmers registered for certified organic farming Plan chalked out to have Vermi compost pits in every farm house by end of XIth Plan 5 lacs soil health cards already provided. All farmers shall be covered in XIth Plan Micro-irrigation and water harvesting adopted in a big way. 20,000 ha. area to be brought under micro-irrigation through project funded by NABARD
Issues Reimbursement of Freight of Fertilizers; Fertilizer subsidy regime-III: Suppliers of Complexes, MOP, SSP have not agreed to supply fertilizers as per rates fixed by Government of India Supply Plan (Movement) of Fertilizer (FMS); Supply plan (movement) is not as per requirement submitted by the State which leads to shortage