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National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign 2008. Group I Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chattisgarh Daman & Diu Goa Jharkhand Sikkim West Bengal. General Observations.
National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign 2008 Group I Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chattisgarh Daman & Diu Goa Jharkhand Sikkim West Bengal
General Observations Higher Targets for area and production for most of the States during 2008-09. States are confident to achieve the targets. Fertilizer Availability in most of the States is adequate except Assam and West Bengal where some shortfall in SSP. Seed availability in most of the States is adequate and tie up arrangement for additional quantity of seed has been made. Credit is a constraint in most of State. Some of the States have lowered the interest rate on agricultural loans. Lack of adequate manpower is constraint in most of the States. The availability of Micronutrients and gypsum is a problem in most of the States. Post flood management arrangement for utilization of rice fallows has been made in Assam and Bihar.
Assam AREA & PRDUCTION OF KHARIF CROP (Area in lakh hectare & Production in lakh MT)
Bihar Kharif 2008 - Assessment Source-Directorate of Agriculture, GOB
Chattisgarh CEREALS
KHARIF ACHIEVEMENTS -2007 -Jharkhand Unit- m.t.
West Bengal Kharif Assessment – 2008-2009 (P) Figures corresponding to Achievement 2007-08 are provisional A = Area in ‘000 hect. Y = Yield rate in kg/hect P = Production in ‘000 tonnes (+) = yield rate in bales of 180 kg. each/hect., Production in ‘000 bales (++) = yield rate in bales of 170 kg. each/hect., Production in ‘000 bales 10
Bihar Normal Area, Production & Productivity –Av. of 5 years 2003-04 to 07-08 Source- Directorate of Agriculture, GOB.
REQUIRED MEASURES FOR IMPROVEMENT OF CROP PRODUCTION • Area Expansion, Crop coverage during Rabi is targeted as 4.70 lakh ha instead of last year target of 2.25 lakh ha. • Input Supply – Quality seed are being supplied to different identified crop land where water resources are available. • Seed Replacement - Local inferior varieties are replaced through HYV certified seeds and the SRR is 5 to 24%. • Increase in area coverage of Paddy in identified area through Hybrid Paddy Seeds. • Demonstration of zero tillage to attract more farmers towards viable wheat production. • Balanced use of fertilizer and supply of Bio-fertilizers.
West Bengal Rabi Assessment – 2008-2009 (P) Figures corresponding to Achievement 2007-08 are provisional A = Area in ‘000 hect. Y = Yield rate in kg/hect P = Production in ‘000 tonnes (+) = yield rate in bales of 180 kg. each/hect., Production in ‘000 bales (++) = yield rate in bales of 170 kg. each/hect., Production in ‘000 bales 21
Chattisgarh • Seeds : 1. Breeder Seeds : Unit – in quintals 2. Certified Seeds : Kharif 2008 Rabi 2008-09
Goa Seed distribution during Rabi 2007-08 and target for Rabi 2008-09 is as follows: Rabi 2007-08Rabi 2008-09 • Paddy 88 tonnes 100 tonnes • Groundnut 16 tonnes 16 tonnes …contd..3..
Sikkim • The total quantity of Rabi Seeds have been procured from NSC and have been dispatched to all VLW Circles. • Seed Treatment -604 Qtls. of seeds treated and 400 ha. of paddy nursery treated. • Seed Testing - 4489 Seed samples tested .
West Bengal Availability of Seed 27
Arunachal Pradesh Fertilizer supply plan already discussed in details and allocation is finalized in the Zonal Conference held at Kohima on 08.09.2008. Requirement for Rabi 2008 – 09:- i) Urea : 400 MT. ii) DAP : 300 MT. Supplying agencies are also finalized. iii) SSP : 200 MT. iv) MOP : 100 MT. The requirement of Chemical fertilizer is higher by 8.6% than the consumption during last Rabi: 2007. Efforts are continued to bring N:P:K Ratio in the level of 4:2:1 from the level of 6:3:1 in the last year. Subsidy against Nitrogenous fertilizer is reduced by 20% in the year 2008 – 09.
Goa During Rabi 2008, it is targeted to enhance sale of fertilizers to following quantities: …contd.3..
West Bengal Availability during September 2008 * Domestic producers with the lifing of ban on direct marketing will go for production and marketing. Overall Kharif 2008 was comfortable in respect of availability of fertilizers. 31
Arunachal Pradesh: Seed treatment campaign through ATMA programme. Integrated nutrient management (INM) with special focus on anionic micronutrient and Zinc in some areas where deficiency noticed. Popularizing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) concept. Encouraging Organic farming by popularizing organic and biofertilizers in the areas where farming practice is traditionally organic. Awareness and sensitization through print & electronic media about developingAgro-eco tourism. Inter-district / State exposure visit of farmers, Kisan Mela, Farmers-scientist interaction under ATMA programmes. SRO technology introduced from Kharif: 2008.
BEST PRACTICE-CHATTISGARH • Setting up model Agri-village Dev. Programme under RKVY for creating need based infrastructure facilities • Krishi Gyan Ganga Yatra-1 month yatra organise in 462 villages covering 4 districts. 51,000 farmers benefited.
BEST PRACTICES • West Bengal • Adoption of zero tillage machine & drum seeder • Bihar • Mukhyamantrai Tibra Beej Vistar Yojana launched under which 2 farmers from every village to get foundation seed for ½ acre at 50% cost.
BEST PRACTICES ADOPTED BY JHARKHAND • Birsa Pucca Water Storage Structure with Pump set : A key to assured irrigation with water lifting device, farmers are getting enhanced crops produce. • Recharge wells with pump set : Constructed by the side of the water bodies for getting recharged have been providing assured irrigation with water lifting device. • Plantations (Horticultural/Forest) : Have been effective in providing food, fodder and fuel. Extremely effective in maintaining ecological balance. • Water harvesting structures : Harvested rain water has been useful in getting better crop produce. • Field bunding (Bunds across the slope) : An effective treatment measure for insitu moisture conservation. • Gully Reclamation/Control : Has been an effective treatment measure to check soil erosion in the down stream side of check dam and arrest silt flood. Gully beds get converted into paddy field thereby benefiting farmers. • Seed Treatment – 80 % Seed treatment .
Assam : PROGRAMME IN FLOOD AFFECTED AREA • Immediate Measure in Kharif - Coverage of flood damaged area of Winter Paddy by paddy seeds (direct seeded under delayed condition) and locally procured Winter Paddy seedlings.. • Proposed programme in Rabi- Special programme on Rabi crops viz., Wheat, Maize, Rape & Mustard, Pea, Lentil, Summer Rice, Rabi Vegetables, Onion, Potato, and Coriander.
BEST PRACTICES ADOPTED BY THE STATE • Birsa Pucca Water Storage Structure with Pump set : A key to assured irrigation with water lifting device, farmers are getting enhanced crops produce. • Recharge wells with pump set : Constructed by the side of the water bodies for getting recharged have been providing assured irrigation with water lifting device. • Plantations (Horticultural/Forest) : Have been effective in providing food, fodder and fuel. Extremely effective in maintaining ecological balance. • Water harvesting structures : Harvested rain water has been useful in getting better crop produce. • Field bunding (Bunds across the slope) : An effective treatment measure for insitu moisture conservation. • Gully Reclamation/Control : Has been an effective treatment measure to check soil erosion in the down stream side of check dam and arrest silt flood. Gully beds get converted into paddy field thereby benefiting farmers. • Seed Treatment – 80 % Seed treatment .
Issues • Bihar • Special agri rehabilitation package for Kosi victims • Release of 1st instalment for ISOPOM & RKVY scheme • Availability of foundation seed for gram and lentil
Issues • Assam -Coordination in procurement by SFCI -Provision for marketing infrastructure including cold storage to be strengthened
Utilization of Rice Fallows in Assam : Mustard cultivation (2007-08)
Thank You 42