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COMPE 3 4 3 Database Systems and Programming 201 2 -201 3 Spring Murat KARAKAYA Department of Computer Engineering. COMPE 343. Instructor : K. Murat KARAKAYA Email : kmkarakaya@ atilim.edu.tr Office : Z-14 Lecture : Tuesday 15:30-17:30 @ 1009
COMPE 343 Database Systems and Programming 2012-2013Spring Murat KARAKAYA Department of Computer Engineering
COMPE 343 Instructor : K. Murat KARAKAYA Email : kmkarakaya@atilim.edu.tr Office : Z-14 Lecture :Tuesday 15:30-17:30 @ 1009 Office Hour :Tuesday 15:00-15:30 @ Z-14 TA :Dinçer ÖZORAN Email :dozoran@atilim.edu.tr Office : Z-13 Lab:Thursday 09:30-11:20 @ MULT. MED.LAB Course Web page is on Moodle
Objectives & Content Objectives: To cover advanced DB concepts To introduce DB programming (PL/SQL & PHP) To introduce OODB concepts. Content: Concurrent operations on databases Transaction processing Concurrency control DB recovery Security and authorization Introduction to DB programming Object Oriented DB concepts
Text Books and References Course Book: 1. Database Systems Concepts, Silberschatz, Abraham, Korth, Henry F. Sudarshan, S., 4thEd., Mc-Graw-Hill, 2001 2. Oracle 8i: A Practical Guide to SQL, PL/SQL, and Developer 6, Ali Yazıcıand Aydın Şekihanov, Atılım Yayınları, 2001 Other Sources: Modern Database Management By: J. A. Hoffer, M. B. Prescott, F. R McFadden, 8thEd., ISBN: 013221211-0 Introduction to Relational Database and SQL Programming, C Allen, S. Chatwin, C. A. Creary, ISBN: 0-07-222924-1 Database Systems, 2ndEd., Garcia-Molina, Dllman, Widom, ISBN: 0-13-135428-0 An Introduction Database Systems, by C. J. Date, ISBN 032118956-6 Database Management System, R.Ramakrishnan, ISBN: 007-005775-9
Grading (Tentative) Midterm(s)/ Pop Quizes* 30% LAB (Midterm+Final) 30% Final Exam 35% Attd. + Active Participation 5% If you miss 4 or more classes OR 3 or more LAB sessions you will get NA grade! Passing grade >= 60 ..... not 59! * Pop Quiz: an unscheduled or unannounced quiz.
Grading Policies Missed exams: no make-up exam for midterms without approved excuse! you will get zero for each missed pop quiz! no make-up exam for final for any excuse! Lateness: Late assignments are penalized up to 10% per day. Ethics: All assignments/projects are to be your own work. Participation: You are supposed to be active in the class by involving and participating disscusions via asking questions, proposing solutions, explaning your ideas, etc.
EXPECTED SKILLS Basic Knowledge of C++, PHP, HTML 5, JavaScript, and programming concepts DBMS (Prerequiste: COMPE 341) RDBMS concepts SQL ORACLE / MySQL Data structures Array Set Heap Tree