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Croatia, 7-9 March 2005 IOM Presentation

Regional Expert Workshop on International Cooperation on Counter-terrorism, Corruption and the Fight against Transnational Organized Crime. Croatia, 7-9 March 2005 IOM Presentation. Areas of IOM’s Work that Deal with Measures Outlined in SCR 1373.

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Croatia, 7-9 March 2005 IOM Presentation

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  1. Regional Expert Workshop on International Cooperation on Counter-terrorism, Corruption and the Fight against Transnational Organized Crime Croatia, 7-9 March 2005 IOM Presentation

  2. Areas of IOM’s Work that Deal with Measures Outlined in SCR 1373 • Improved operational systems in the migration sector • Border Systems • Travel documents and issuance systems • quality and characteristics of the travel document • registration and issuance systems for travel documents • improvement and integration of source documents • business process, including tendering procedures, related to enacting system improvements • staffing patterns and training requirements and solutions

  3. Areas of IOM’s Work that Deal with Measures Outlined in SCR 1373 • Training and Human Resource Development • actions to improve government capacities to assess training needs, and to design and deliver training programmes • support to government participation in bilateral, regional and broader forums for training and staff development • support to the design and delivery of specific national training events

  4. Areas of IOM’s Work that Deal with Measures Outlined in SCR 1373 • Dialogue and joint planning • assists governments in planning and implementing consultations on migration and security • engaging in joint planning at the policy and technical levels

  5. Areas of IOM’s Work that Deal with Measures Outlined in SCR 1373 • Improved policy and legal frameworks • reviewing and revising legal, regulatory and policy frameworks in the migration sector, including elements that relate to migration and security • focus include those related to the suppression of trans-national organized crime in the migration sector, particularly smuggling and trafficking.

  6. Codes, Standards and Recommended Best Practices • IOM promotes: • achievement of well-articulated migration management systems and approaches by all governments • particular emphasis on assisting the less-resourced and less-experienced governments to develop such systems, and to manage them in a manner consistent with international standards and responsive to the national goals relating to migration

  7. Codes, Standards and Recommended Best Practices • Well-articulated migration management systems, policies, legal frameworks, and cooperation agreements should be: • normal and usual tools of governance • equally supportive of the promotion of normal movement, tourism and trade • supportive of improved security in the migration sector • supportive of efforts to ensure adequate protection of the vulnerable in the migration sector, including actual and potential victims of trafficking • reducing the overall influence of trans-national organised crime, as such crime is present in the migration sector through smuggling and trafficking networks

  8. How Action is Taken • Actions may be developed in several different ways: • IOM may be asked to follow-up on bilateral or regional inter-governmental discussions that have led to the identification of specific needs and shared goals • IOM may be requested by Member, Observer or other government to assist them in particular areas • IOM may respond to priorities defined in strategic cooperation plans from donor countries and agencies, including the European Commission, to set in place such programmes with governments • Actions taken in two ways: • through the development and implementation of specific national, regional and cross-regional projects covering the areas of activity noted earlier • Action is also taken on the consultation level with our Member States, through formal and informal channels

  9. Developments in IOM’s Work since March 2003 • The strongest areas of increased activity are the following: • Expanded activities with governments in border improvement systems, particularly in Africa, the Caribbean, Central Asia, Eastern Europe/Former Soviet Union, South Asia, South-eastern Asia and Oceania. • Expanded activities in travel document and issuance system improvement in the Caribbean, Central Asia, Central and South America, and South Asia. Additionally, IOM has expanded its cooperation with ICAO, particularly through the Education and Promotion Working Group (EPWG). • Expanded activities in related training and human resource development, and in policy and legal framework review, particularly in Africa • Expanded activities in counter-trafficking and counter-smuggling in most regions of the world, including activities to build government capacities to reduce the influence of trans-national organised crime in the migration sector • Expanded consultation on migration and security, including the most recent Joint Consultation on Migration (JCM) for Afghanistan, Central Asia, Pakistan and the Russian Federation, which focused on migration and security, in Moscow, January 2005 • In mid-2003, IOM updated its 2001 report International Terrorism and Migration (which is provided separately as a reference for the Zagreb Regional Expert Workshop), and will again update this report in 2005

  10. Contact Point • IOM’s contact point for CTC: • Charles Harns • Head, Technical Cooperation Service • CP 71, CH-1211 • Geneva 19, CH • Tel: +41 22 717 9111 • Fax: +41 22 798 6150 • Email: charns@iom.int

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