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Discover the importance of initiative and proactivity in overcoming obstacles, fostering creativity, and making impactful decisions. This training covers the concept of initiative, its characteristics, and the role it plays in personal growth and success as an entrepreneur. Learn how to confidently take the lead, identify opportunities, and collaborate effectively. The teaching method includes self-assessment exercises to reinforce key concepts.
INITIATIVE “Think, believe, dream and take a chance ” Walt Disney
Summary 0. Description of theObjectives and teachingmethod1. Whatisinitiative?2. Iniciative and Proactivity3. Misconceptions aboutInitiative4. Creativebarriers5. Howtobe a creativeperson? 6. How are thecreativepeople?7. References
Description of the Objectives and Content • Objective 1.- To define the concept of initiative and its characteristics. • Objective 2- To explain the importance of acting with initiative • facing problems and challenges, encouraging the necessary self-confidence to act proactively. • Contents: Concept of initiative, proactivity
Teaching Method Description • The participant of this training activity must read the slides carefully and follow the proposed exercises in order to get an overview of the importance of the proposed content and its involvement with the success of the entrepreneur person. • At the end of this pill, a series of self-assessment exercises could be found, intended to be a manner of verification of the proposed contents.
1.- Initiative 1.1.- WhatisInitiative? • When a persondoestherightthingwithoutneedingto be told. Whensomeonewho faces somedifficultiesacts and takeadvantageofopportunitieswhoothers do notsee. • In theworkplace, initiativeisconsideredwhen a personactswithautonomy, overcomingdifficultiesthat can arisewhensearchingfor a goal. • Example: In theworkplace, anunexpectedabsenceofthebossbyillnessisfacedby a Young workerwhotakesthereins and distributesthework and managesnotto miss theworkday.
1.- Initiative The problems are not solved when the personal initiative is absent. We can not experience personal growth without initiative and we can not express our potentials unless we have psychological and physical self-confidence.The basis of the initiative is self-confidence. ?
1.- Initiative The problems are not solved when the personal initiative is absent. We can not experience personal growth without initiative and we can not express our potentials unless we have psychological and physical self-confidence.The basis of the initiative is self-confidence. initiative Self-confidence
2.- Initiative Key points that differentiate a person with high initiative: Shows confidence in the success of the actions and plans he/she proposes. Acts proactively. Looks for opportunities that others do not see to offer solutions. Trusts others and works cooperatively Uses different approaches to new situations and adapts quickly and effectively Shapes his/her ideas to be useful for him/herself and others. When he/she faces an unforeseen event, makes decisions or makes recommendations when a quick solution is necessary. He/She may be wrong, but at least he/she has tried to help.
2.- The Initiative is highly related to creativity and innovation in the entrepreneur, as well as to decision-making " Due to the increasing complexity of our societies, entrepreneurs need personnel capable of managing ambiguity and uncertainty, addressing new challenges with initiative, making appropriate and sustainable decisions, assessing their impact and consequences. This is not only what entrepreneurs are looking for, but also what our way of life requires to each of us. Like it or not, any person is expected to be the person who makes the decisions of every choice he/she makes in his/her life ".
2- The Initiative is a key element of ProactivityProactivity does not mean just taking the initiative, but taking responsibility for making things happen; decide at each moment what we want to do and how we are going to do it. It means taking responsibility and assuming control in all circumstances of life in an active, non-passive way. Proactivity is precisely that. The way in which we choose. The ability to analyze the circumstances, anticipate them and transform them. A way to go before the problems long before they arise or give them the right solution once they are evidentProactivepeople:They move by carefully thought out and selected values: many things can happen around them but they are owners of how they want to react to these stimuli. They focus their efforts on the circle of influence: they are dedicated to those things with respect to which they can do something. Their energy is positive, thereby expanding their circle of influence.
El hábito de la proactividad es opuesto a la inacción desde el determinismo. La barrera principal a la proactividad es considerar que no se puede hacer nada…por Determinismo genético, ejemplo “no puedo hacer nada pues he nacido sin capacidad para aprender inglés…”Determinismo ambiental , ejemplo “no tengo capacidad para enfrentarme a fuerzas exteriores que son más fuertes que yo”
With proactivity the problems do not disappear ... but we take control The problems that we can face with a positive attitude because they depend on us, are reduced. In those problems in which the positive attitude is not enough, if we maintain a passive position, generally worsen and our situation is worse.
Proactivepeople:1. Take the initiative: Make things happen 2. Act: Do not let others act for them 3. Use proactive vs. reactive language 4. Focus on the circle of influence (which can be controlled) 5. They commit and maintain their commitments
Proactivepeople:1. They are continuously looking for new opportunities. 2. They mark effective objectives oriented to change. 3. Anticipate and prevent problems. 4. They do different things, or act differently. 5. They take action and venture despite uncertainty. 6. Persevere and persist in their efforts. 7. They get tangible results, since they are results oriented
References DiamondBuilding, CEU Fundación San Pablo. Máster en Coaching. Rovira, J. M. P., & García, X. M. (2014). Competencia en autonomía e iniciativa personal. Alianza Editorial. Sánchez, J. M. S., Martínez, J. G., Sánchez, A. A., & Santamaría, U. D. (2012). Empresa e iniciativa emprendedora. McGraw Hill.