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Community Development Core Competencies for Extension Professionals in the North Central Region. Foundations of Practice. The Foundations of Practice: Community Development Core Competencies for Extension Professionals is composed of three major components:
Community Development Core Competencies for Extension Professionals in the North Central Region
Foundations of Practice • The Foundations of Practice: Community Development Core Competencies for Extension Professionals is composed of three major components: • Understanding Communities and their Dynamics • Developing Successful Community Initiatives • Areas of Specialization and Emphasis
Component 1 • The first component, Understanding Communities and their Dynamics, is a series of seven core competencies that focus on: • The ability to understand community of place. • The nature of public issues. • The dynamics and interdependencies of the various segments of the community. • The basics of community development work.
Understanding Communities and their Dynamics • Basic Understanding of Community • Community Demographics • Community Economics • Community Power Structure • Natural Resources and Sustainability • Community Situational Analysis • Community Development Process
Community Demographics • This presentation was originally developed by: • Andy Lewis • Professor and Community Development Specialist University of Wisconsin Extension • Fall 2005
Learning Objectives • Develop an understanding of how to use economic and demographic data to better understand a community's present and future needs. • Identify sources of information about community issues to increase understanding and insight into the complexity of challenges that affect the community.
Learning Objectives cont. • Illustrate how sound data can be used to challenge our assumptions that keep us from learning the “real” truths and prohibit us from becoming learners. • Learn how to use data to begin constructing community development strategies that address emerging community trends.
Community Demographics • Understanding a demographic profile and trends in a community is essential to identifying issues and sustainable alternatives. This includes trends in population growth/ decline, age, ethnicity, educational level, length of residence and many other important population characteristics as they affect the identification and priority of issues and possible actions. • Source:Cooperative Extension’s Community Development Foundation of Practice, January 2005, http://srdc.msstate.edu/nacdep/foundationofpractice_jan05.pdf
Is That Your Final Answer? • What percentage of the households in the U.S. lived in the same dwelling throughout the entire period, 1995 to 2000? • 81% • 51% • 66% • 74% • Source: Table H38, Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF 3)
The Community Development Factor… • If we recognize the mobility of Americans, we can’t lose sight of the fact that we need to build communities where people want to stay and economic opportunities are only part of the equation.
Is That Your Final Answer? • What percentage of U.S. farmers (principal operators) work off of the farm 200 days or more? • Less then 5% • 15% • 27% • 40% • 60% • Source: U.S. Census of Agriculture, 2002
Is That Your Final Answer? • Indiana has the 26th highest graduation rate in the country (74%). Where does Indiana rank in high school graduation rates for African-Americans among the 39 states that track this statistic? • 1st • 7th • 23rd • 39th • Source: High School Graduation Rates in the United States, 2002, Jay P.Greene, The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, • http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/cr_baeo.htm
Who Wants to be a Millionaire? • Over a 30-year career, an individual with a bachelor’s degree earns about one million more in income then the high school drop out. • A high-school dropout earns just 49% of what an average adult worker earns each year. • Source:U.S. Census Bureau, March, 2001: • http://www.census.gov/population/socdemo/education/ppl-157/tab08.pdf
Is That Your Final Answer? • What percentage of Tippecanoe County, Indiana residents (16 years and above and working) work within the County boundaries? • 38% • 75% • 56% • 92% • 100% • Source: U.S. Census 2000, County to County Worker Flow Files,http://www.census.gov/population/www/cen2000/commuting.html • U.S. Census Bureau 2000, Place of Work for Workers (SF3, P 26) Data • http://factfinder.census.gov/
U.S. Census Worker Flow Data Workers Working In County Of Residence Note: As a Percent of Total Workers 16 Years and Above Residing in the County
Benefits from employment tend to be regional, but…. • Should communities think about how commuting for employment impacts the following? • Where do commuters do their shopping? • What is the expense of commuting? • How much time is spent commuting that could have been spent on income earning activities, or community and family building activities? • What is the environmental impact and transportation impact of commuters?
Using Demographic Data • How could you use demographic data to better understand your local community and economy? • What are some of the community problems and opportunities that might be informed by good reliable data? • Are there specific issues in your community where you have struggled to find data sources? • What are the significant economic and demographic trends that you are observing in the communities you serve?
DATA SOURCES • Existing Reports • County Workforce Profiles • County Economic Profiles • Agriculture Profiles • Easy to Use Sources • Indiana New Economy Workforce Statistics – Indiana DWD • SETA/Take Charge – Iowa State University • American Factfinder –US Census Bureau • STATS Indiana – Indiana Business Research Center, Indiana University, Kelly School of Business
Information Overload? County Economic Profile American Factfinder, U.S. Census BearFacts, Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis, downloadable economic data. Community Economic Toolbox , Developed by Penn State University. You select the state and then the county that you're interested in examining. Census of Agriculture (2002), United States Department of Agriculture The Census of Agriculture is done every 5 years. Use the "Query Downloadable Options" for securing County and state level data. County Business Patterns 1993-2002, U.S. Census DataPlace, A "one-stop" source for data about your community or any place in the US developed specifically for housing and community development professionals. Find key statistics on any region in the US through maps, charts, tables and rankings. Educational Finance Statistics by School District, National Center for Educational Statistics . For a list of the school districts within a county, first go to:http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/ Location Quotient Calculator, U.S. Department of Labor Quarterly Workforce Indicators: U.S. Census, NAICS data by year and quarter. QWI measure the performance of the local economy - where jobs are, for what kind of workers, how much workers can expect to make and employers expect to pay them. Shift-Share Analysis Calculator, University of Georgia PCRD: Purdue Center for Regional Development, RUPRI: Rural Policy Research Institute, For Indiana data, see http://www.rupri.org/resources/rnumbers/states/Indiana.pdf Tiger Maps (Base Maps), U.S. Census: At the bottom of the page, type in the name of the County and the state, and then click on "search". SETA: Office of Social and Economic Trend Analysis , Iowa State collects, analyzes, interprets, and disseminate information on social, economic, and demographic trends in support of community and regional analysis with emphasis on Iowa (but also includes data on Wisconsin!). This web-site is being updated to include data on all 50 states....see SETA Take Charge! STATS Indiana: is an information service of the Indiana Business Research Center For data, see http://www.stats.indiana.edu/
U.S. Census Quick Facts http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/
Tippecanoe County, IN http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/
U.S. Census Factfinder http://factfinder.census.gov
U.S. Census Fact Sheet http://factfinder.census.gov/
Percent Workers Travel Time Percent workers 16 years and over, not working at home with Travel Time less than 30 Minutes Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000; SF3
SETA – State of Indiana http://www.seta.iastate.edu/
Age Matters • Age COHORTS • What happened to all the residents of your community who were age 20 to 29 years old in 1990? By the year 2000, they had all turned 30 to 39 years old. These are called AGE COHORTS. • Looking at the age structure of your community’s population is important for projecting future trends: for example, as the baby boomers move up the population ladder into retirement they will generate many new social needs because of the size of their cohort and because they have different expectations from previous elder generations.
http://lehd.dsd.census.gov/led/index.html Quarterly Workforce Indicators
Quarterly Workforce Indicators http://lehd.dsd.census.gov/led/datatools/qwiapp.html
Site Selection Data Standards:Published by the IEDC http://www.iedconline.org/index.php?p=Data_Standards
Indiana Economic Development Corporation http://www.in.gov/iedc/site/indiana_properties.html
What Is the Appropriate Question?…. • Do you really want to know everything there is to know about your community and region? • Do you want to know where information resides so that when a question arises….you know where to find the appropriate data? • Do you want help in understanding significant community trends?
http://www.uwex.edu/ces/cced/indicate.html Community Indicators
Community Indicator “Tools” http://www.uwex.edu/ces/cced/Indicators_Links.htm
Topics Covered To Date • Mobility: A Culture on the Move • How long have you lived in your community? In the United States, only half the population is living in the same place that they lived in five years ago. According to James M. Jasper, the only group that moves more frequently than Americans are nomadic tribes. What does that mean for your community? How does your community compare? To find out how your community compares, take a look at the following Community Indicator.
Topics, continued… • Get an Education and Double Your Salary • A 2-part series which examines the best predictor of income. • Part I (Focus on High School) • Part II (Focus on Higher Education) Source: U.S. CensusBureau
Topics, continued… The Indiana Self Sufficiency Standard calculates how much money working adults need to meet their basic needs without subsidies of any kind. It accounts for varying costs of living and working by family size, composition, the age of children and by where these families reside in Indiana. The Self-Sufficiency Standard is calculated for 70 different family types in each of Indiana’s 92 counties. The 70 family types range from a single adult with no children, to one adult with one infant, one adult with one preschooler, and so forth, up to two-adult families with three teenagers. For more information, contact the Indiana Institute for Working Families, ICHHI at (317) 636-8819. The Indiana Standard is available online at www.ichhi.org
Topics, continued… • Keeping Them Down on the Farm • 47% of principal farm operators report that they work more then 100 days off of the farm. Could these business people be the source for new innovative enterprises?
Why Community Indicators? • As specialists we try to be responsive to local needs but also try to anticipate better questions and solutions. • Community “Snapshot Profile” and “Overview” are equally important
Economic Snapshots http://www.indianaeconomicdigest.net/
Economic Snapshots http://www.incontext.indiana.edu/
Census of Agriculture •