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DNA. The Code of Life. Topics Covered. The DNA Molecule DNA Replication How DNA works Transcription Translation. DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid Discovered by Watson and Crick Made up of nucleotides Double helix 2 coiled strands (twisted ladder) Strands are complimentary. Nucleotide.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DNA The Code of Life

  2. Topics Covered • The DNA Molecule • DNA Replication • How DNA works • Transcription • Translation

  3. DNA • Deoxyribonucleic acid • Discovered by Watson and Crick • Made up of nucleotides • Double helix • 2 coiled strands (twisted ladder) • Strands are complimentary

  4. Nucleotide THREE PARTS • Sugar • Deoxyribose (in DNA) • Ribose (in RNA) • Phosphate group • Nitrogen Base NB S P

  5. G C • Guanine (G) A • Cytosine (C) T • Adenine (A) • Thymine (T) The Four Nucleotides PURINES PYRIMIDINES

  6. C T A A T G Two Complimentary Strands BASE PAIRING (Chargaff’s Rule) • A – T or T – A • G – C or C - G G C

  7. The Double Helix

  8. DNA Replication • Why does DNA need to replicate (copy) itself? • MITOSIS • Replication preserves the sequence of bases in an organism’s DNA

  9. T A C G A T T A A A T G C T A A T T T A C G A T T A A A T G C T A A T T DNA Replication: Step 1 • The DNA molecule unzips

  10. T A C G A T T A A A T A T G C T A A T T T A G C C G T A A T T A T T A A Replication: Steps 2 & 3 • DNA polymerase adds the correct complimentary nucleotide to each exposed strand • A complimentary strand is created for each original strand

  11. DNA, Genes & Chromosomes • Chromosomes • long strands of DNA • How many chromosomes do humans have? • Genes • part of a chromosome • Each gene codes for a different protein

  12. Proteins • Gene Expression • The use of genetic material to make a protein • Protein ultimately determines a trait • Amino Acids • Building blocks of proteins

  13. How does DNA code for a protein? • Nucleotide bases “spell out” the message • ORDER is important • OIGLOBY • BIOLOGY • DNA alphabet has 4 letter • G A T C

  14. transcription translation RNA Protein Protein Synthesis • Transcription • An RNA copy of DNA is made • Translation • RNA is translated in to a protein DNA

  15. C A G RNA • Ribonucleic acid • Messenger for DNA • Single stranded • No thymine (T) has uracil (U) instead U

  16. Transcription • An RNA copy of DNA is made • Called mRNA • Only one side of DNA is copied • Occurs in the Nucleus • Once mRNA is made it leaves the nucleus (through a pore)

  17. T A C G A T T A A A T G C T A A T T T A C G A T T A A A T G C T A A T T TRC: Step 1 • The DNA molecule unzips

  18. T A C G A T T A A A T G C T A A T T TRC: Step 2 • RNA polymerase binds to one strand of DNA at the promoter site

  19. T A C G A T T A A A T G C T A A T T G U A A U U TRC: Step 3 A • RNA pol. Pairs each nucleotide base with its complimentary base • One strand Only!! U C

  20. TRC: Step 4 • New messenger RNA (mRNA) leaves the nucleus through a nuclear pore nucleus cytoplasm A U G C U A A U U

  21. Translation • RNA translated into a protein • Two types of RNA work together • mRNA – messenger • tRNA – transfer • Occurs in the cytoplasm • Genetic Code is the translator • Each “word” is 3 letters • GCA = alanine (see genetic code)

  22. Genetic Code • CODON • three letter “word” in mRNA • Specify a particular amino acid • ANTICODON • Three leter “word” in tRNA • Complimentary to the codon

  23. The Genetic Code

  24. TRL: Step 1 • mRNA “start” codon binds to a ribosome • AUG = start • AUG = methionine ribosome A U G C U A A U U

  25. met met U A C U A C A U G C U A A U U TRL: Steps 2 & 3 • tRNA picks up an amino acid in the cytoplasm and carries to ribosome • tRNA anticodon binds to complimentary mRNA codon

  26. met met U A C U A C A U G C U A A U U TRL: Steps 4 & 5 • Amino acid detaches from the tRNA and attaches to a growing protein chain • tRNA leaves to find another amino acid

  27. met met leu met leu leu leu G A U G A U G A U G A U A U G C U A A U U A U G C U A A U U TRL: Step 6 • Continues as mRNA passes through ribosome and one tRNA after another is selected to match the mRNA codons

  28. met leu A U G C U A A U U TRL: Step 7 • Ends when a “stop” codon is reached and the newly assembled protein is released into the cell stop

  29. G C C C A T T T A A G G

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