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Final Review Sculpture I. Clay that has been completely air dried is called …. Greenware Greenware is air dried clay. It has not been put in the kiln yet. It is extremely fragile and cannot be re-worked. It can, however, be turned back into moldable clay by soaking it in water.
GreenwareGreenware is air dried clay. It has not been put in the kiln yet. It is extremely fragile and cannot be re-worked. It can, however, be turned back into moldable clay by soaking it in water
To build a form by molding or modeling you use this technique…
AdditiveThe process of adding sculptural material is simply called additive
SlipSlip is clay that has been soaked in water to a “slippery” consistency
Armaturean armature is any device that is used to support clay or papier mache. It can be made of wire, wood, plastic or any material.
The machine we used to make the knight helmet cylinders is called an …
ExtruderAn extruder is any device that extrudes or pushes out clay through a “die,” an open shape (circle, square, etc.). In the case of the cylinder two pieces are used; a larger open circle and a smaller closed circle that create an open ring when put together
Two pieces of clay that have not been joined properly will fall apart because …a) the pieces are wetb) the pieces shrinkc) the pieces are too thickd) the pieces are too thin
The pieces shrinkWet clay will stick together because of the moisture but as the clay dries it also shrinks and the two separate pieces pull away from each other
When you remove unwanted material from a sculpture you use a ______________ technique
SubtractiveThe process of removing material is simply called subtractive
A three-dimensional portrait in clay or papier-mache is called a …
BustA bust refers to any sculptural or painted portrait of a person incorporating a view from the chest up
Sculpture that is meant to be viewed from all sides is called …
In the roundIn the round is a term used in sculpture to indicate a work that can be viewed from all sides as you walk around it
GlazeGlaze is a glass based, chemical/mineral formula that when heated to a specific temperature results in a specific color A sample formula for cone 05 Copper Red Glaze (weight in grams)Spar 42.5, Flint 26.6, Colemanite 8.8, Dolomite 8.8, Barium Carbonate, 8.8 Whiting 2.7, Zinc Oxide 1.8, Tin Oxide 2.70, Copper Carbonate 0.514
BisqueBisque is a ceramics term referring to clay that has been fired once in the kiln. When heated to specific temperatures clay undergoes a transformation to hardened state. Water will no longer affect bisqueware.
sunkenlowhighThere are three basic types of relief. Sunken is where the design has been carved into the wood, clay or stone base. Low is when the design protrudes a little above the base and high is when the design protrudes a great deal.
Clay that has dried slightly but is still workable iscalled …
Leather hardLeather hard clay is just as its name implies. The clay has dried a little and feels like leather. It can still be worked somewhat (designs can be scratched or carved into it and, if not too hard, pieces can be added to it with slip.
Firingor to fire These are special terms used for the process of placing objects in a kiln and bringing them to a specific temperature. Other terms like “bake,” “cook” or “heat” are incorrect
To create the 2-D/3D sculpture we used these two drawing techniques …
Scale and OverlapScale and overlap are two dimensional drawing techniques that attempt to recreate a three dimensional appearance on a two dimensional surface. Scale is a technique where objects closer to the viewer appear larger than objects further away.Overlap is a technique where closer objects appear to be in front of distant objects.
A type of sculpture that is designed to be viewed from one side is called …
ReliefA relief sculpture is, in essence, a three dimensional sculptural “painting.” It is meant to be viewed as a painting would be; hanging on a wall or the side of a building.
Clay that has been rolled flat is called …a) subtractive b) thrownc) extrudedd) slabe) rolled
SlabA flat piece of clay is called a slab. It can be created using a baker’s rolling pin or, for better control, a machine called a “slab roller.”
To attach two pieces of clay slab use this technique … a) score and foldb) water and pressc) push and pulld) score and slip
Score and slipSeparate pieces of clay will stick when wet but as they dry they shrink and pull apart. To avoid this the two pieces must be joined permanently together using the score and slip technique where a tool is used to scratch both surfaces and slip is applied liberally. When the two pieces are pressed together they will join. In addition, the edges should be smoothed together to remove any seams.
Abstract art does not contain recognizable objects orimages …a) True b) False
FalseAbstract art may contain recognizable objects.Non-representational art does not contain any recognizable images
Red clay and white clay are both “earthenware” clay…a) True b) False
TrueThe term “earthenware” refers to the type of clay and its firing temperature, not its color
Papier mache is a French word that meansa) chewed paperb) paper mashc) paper stripsd) glued paper
Chewed PaperThe French word for paper is “papier” and the word for chew is “mache.”
Alexander Calder is the inventor of a type of moving sculpture known as a …
MobileCalder’s suspended wire and tin sculptures were called “mobiles”(moving objects) by the French artist Marcel Duchamp. Calder’s stationary sculptures were called “stabiles” (non-moving objects).