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FITNESS REPORTS. Fitness Reports. Single most important personnel management tool - impacts all personnel decisions. Performance documentation from entry to separation - continuity. Performance is everything! Make the best of every situation.
Fitness Reports • Single most important personnel management tool - impacts all personnel decisions. • Performance documentation from entry to separation - continuity. • Performance is everything! Make the best of every situation. • Boards select based on the written record - the written record IS the individual.
Fitness Reports Narratives • Do not write a job description in block 41- already in block 29. • State performance with outcomes and metrics. • Does the narrative match the grades? • Is there a written promotion recommendation? • If you have questions/concerns regarding your FITREP, discuss with reporting senior before signing.
Fitness Reports Narratives • Reporting Seniors must clarify marks/also break out MP and P officers if large groups. • Forced distribution. “My #1 MP, would have been EP but ranked against highly competitive senior officers”. • “My #1 LCDR out of 25 of all designators” • Headquarters commands—large pool of “stars”—comments especially important. • Reporting Seniors should clarify any “blanket command policies regarding ranking” in the narrative (i.e. newly promoted officers do not receive “EP” rankings).
Fitness Reports Sample Narrative Format • Short opening statement – Breakout! • #3 of 15 LCDRs regardless of designator (esp. if 1/1 billet) • “If not for forced distribution and being junior LT…” White space • Several bullets with most important listed first • Cause and effect (impact) bullets White space • Closing statement with promotion recommendation. • Command recommendation if up for CAPT. • Statement is critical when serving in 1/1 assignment. EP marking is not a stand alone if the narrative is weak/marginal.
Fitness Reports Other Important Blocks • Block 29: 14 character/space primary job abbreviation—use your leadership role, e.g., Director, DH, etc. rather than specialty. • Include job scope - # of people supervised, budget oversight if applicable (optional for operational billets). • Block 40: Don’t leave blank! Milestones should be consistent with rank and specialty. Be realistic—don’t recommend a brand new O-4 for MTF CO.
Fitness Reports • Don’t repeat bullets from previous fitness reports—each FITREP should present new material. If each FITREP sounds the same during a tour, it doesn’t show growth and development—can be a negative factor. • Be smart and know the BUPERSINST 1610.10A—don’t depend on others to know it. It is your career, manage it.
Fitness Reports Detailer perspective when reviewing Failure to Select (FOS) Fitness Reports: - Narratives - not written for impact, too technical, job descriptions rather than performance, no demonstrated growth or increasing responsibility, no further job/promotion recommendations, stock comments or phases—not meaningful comments, and too much repetition from report to report. - Did not break out from the pack either in EP or MP ratings or in the narrative. - Accomplishments/contributions as a Naval officer, MSC officer, and a professional--must be addressed in the narrative.
Fitness Reports Summary • Performance, performance, performance! • Diversity of assignments and responsibilities. • Remember – no specialty-specific jargon…write so ALL board members will understand • Write cause and effect bullets • Not just a list of what you did; emphasize IMPORTANCE of accomplishments • Lastly, do spell check—sounds like a no-brainer but it happens and it reflects poorly on both the command and the officer………