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IFAP - UAJY. Lecture 11: BALANCE SCORE CARD. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT THINKING FRAMEWORK. If we can measure it, we can manage it If we can manage it, we can achieve it. Definition. Menurut Kaplan dan Norton [1996], Balanced Scorecard merupakan:
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT THINKING FRAMEWORK If we can measure it, we can manage it If we can manage it, we can achieve it Wiwik-2010
Definition • Menurut Kaplan dan Norton [1996], Balanced Scorecard merupakan: “…. a set of measures that gives top managers a fast but comprehensive view ofthe business….includes financial measures that tell the results of action already taken…complements the financial measures on customer satisfaction, internal processes, and the organization’s innovation and improvement activities operational measures that are the drivers of future financial performance.” Wiwik-2010
Definition Wiwik-2010
Definition • The traditional Balanced Scorecardsupplemented traditional financial measures with criteria that in addition measured performance from those of customers, internal business processes, and learning and growth. • The new Balanced Scorecardtranslates a business unit's mission and strategy intotangible objectives and measures. The measures represent a balance between external measures for shareholders and customers, and internal measures of critical business processes, innovation, and learning and growth. Wiwik-2010
The Strategy Focused Organization Vision – What we aspire to be Mission – What we do Goals - What we want to achieve Strategies – How we accomplish our goals Measures – Indicators of our progress Wiwik-2010
Customers Financial Learningand growth Internalbusinessprocesses The Balanced Scorecard Management translates its strategy into performance measures that employees understand and accept. Performancemeasures Wiwik-2010
How do we lookto the owners? In which internalbusiness processes must we excel? How can wecontinually learn,grow, and improve? How do we lookto customers? The Balanced Scorecard Wiwik-2010
Financial Perspective • “To succeed financial, how we should appear to our shareholder?” • Financial performance measures indicate whether the company’s strategy, implementation and execution are contribution to bottom line improvement • Typically are related to profitability: Operating Income, ROCE, EVA, Sales Growth, Cash Flow Increases siklus hidup produk Wiwik-2010
Financial Perspective • How do we look to stockholders? • Survive • Succeed • Prosper Wiwik-2010
Customer Perspective • “To achieve our vision, how should we appear to our customers?” • To identify the customer and market segments in which the business unit will complete and their performance in these target market • Typically includes customer satisfaction, customer retention, new customer acquisition, customer profitability analysis • Enables managers to articulate their unique customer for producing superior future financial returns Wiwik-2010
Customer Perspective • How do our customers see us? • New products • Responsiveness • Quality Wiwik-2010
Perspektif Pelanggan Wiwik-2010
Perspektif Bisnis Internal • To satisfy our shareholder and customers, what business process must excel at? – the business processes: innovation,operations and post sales services • To identify the critical internal processes in which the company must excel, in order to increase customer satisfaction • Typically includes: time need to produce a new product, product cycle time, machine efficiency Wiwik-2010
Perspektif Bisnis Internal Wiwik-2010
Internal Business Perspective • At what must we excel currently? • Manufacturing/service excellence • New product/service introduction Wiwik-2010
Perspektif Pertumbuhan dan Pembelajaran • “To achieve our vision, how will we sustain our ability to change and improve?” • Identify the infrastructure that the company must build to create long-term growth and improvement • 3 principles sources: people, systems and organizational procedures • Typically includes: employee satisfaction, employee retention, employee training, and employee skill Wiwik-2010
Innovation and Learning Perspective • Can we continue to improve and create value? • Technological leadership • Time to market • Employee training and satisfaction Wiwik-2010
Cause effect relationship Wiwik-2010
Advantages • Comprehensive • Coherent • Balance • Measurable Wiwik-2010
Example Wiwik-2010
The End Wiwik-2010