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George Macgregor, Centre for Digital Library Research,

George Macgregor, Centre for Digital Library Research, Department of Computer & Information Science, University of Strathclyde http://cdlr.strath.ac.uk/ Lou McGill, Learning Technologist (DIDET Project), Department of Learning Services, University of Strathclyde

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George Macgregor, Centre for Digital Library Research,

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  1. George Macgregor, Centre for Digital Library Research, Department of Computer & Information Science, University of Strathclyde http://cdlr.strath.ac.uk/ Lou McGill, Learning Technologist (DIDET Project), Department of Learning Services, University of Strathclyde http://www.learningservices.strath.ac.uk/ Digital Libraries and Information Literacy Issues within Virtual Learning Environments: An e-Learning Impasse?

  2. The debate: what is a VLE? “The components in which learners and tutors participate in online interactions of various kinds, including online learning” (JISC, 2002) Information literacy often underpins the pedagogical merits of many VLEs VLE models constantly in transition Introduction

  3. DIDET: ‘Digital Libraries for Global Distributed Innovative Design, Education & Teamwork Project’(http://dmem1.ds.strath.ac.uk/didet/) ‘Digital Libraries in the Classroom’ NSF/JISC funding stream with multi-disciplinary teams DIDET approach unique: Digital library management by students What are the issues? Does such a VLE approach question the effectiveness of current IL models? DIDET Project

  4. DIDET aim: “…enhance student learning opportunities by enabling them to partake in global, team based design engineering projects, in which they directly experience different cultural contexts and access a variety of digital information sources via a range of appropriate technology” (DIDET, 2003, p.4). Reflects demands of the global product design development marketplace and creative design processes Desirable to expose HE students to such a reality and resonates with a shift towards project based learning (PBL) Digital Libraries & VLEs: DIDET rationale

  5. ‘LauLima’: VLE & digital library platform Extensively customised TikiWiki software Comprises 2 elements: LauLima Learning Environment (LLE) - informal LauLima Digital Library (LDL) - formal LauLima: Group of People Working Together

  6. Hierarchical File Gallery in the LLE

  7. Metadata: the preserve of librarians? Metadata Workflow needed to make LDL scalable and user-interactive LDL based on Dublin Core: DC resonated with the nature of the content Lack of cataloguing support for more developed schemas Complex schemas would eliminate interaction by students and academics Project sustainability Digital Library & Metadata Workflows

  8. Illustration of LauLima Metadata Workflow

  9. CILIP definition (CILIP, 2004): “…knowing when and why you need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate it, use and communicate is in an ethical manner. This definition implies several skills. We believe that the skills (or competencies) that are required to be information literate require an understanding of: A need for information The resources available How to find information The need to evaluate results How to work with or exploit results Ethics and responsibility for use How to communicate or share your findings How to manage your findings” Information Literacy = e-Learning Impasse

  10. SCONUL ‘Seven Pillars Model for Information Literacy’ (SCONUL ACIL, 2004) Recognise information need Distinguish ways of addressing their information gap Construct strategies for locating information Locate and access information Compare and evaluate information Organise, apply & communicate Synthesise and create Information Literacy = e-Learning Impasse

  11. Alan Bundy in JeLit (2004): IL necessary for participative citizenship, personal empowerment & social inclusion UNESCO Prague Declaration (NCLIS, 2003): IL a ‘basic human right of lifelong learning’ Information Literacy = e-Learning Impasse

  12. VLE models evolving – demands student fluency in skills out with current IL definitions and models LauLima approach not only assumes that students exemplify competencies noted by CILIP et al, but that students have competencies associated with librarianship itself. Information Literacy = e-Learning Impasse

  13. LauLima based on student created metadata Students apply elements such as title, author, citation, description, subject, etc. Students require some knowledge of the storage, organisation, general management of information itself, as well as understanding as to the purpose and function of metadata This isn’t AACR2 stuff…! However… Information Literacy = e-Learning Impasse

  14. The DIDET experience: IL aptitudes inadequate to support meaningful quality metadata creation within a less complex LauLima prototype Prototype: embryonic workflow, no controlled subject vocabulary (‘folksonomy’), fewer elements to complete Lack of student understanding = meaningless descriptions, subject descriptors too broad to support meaningful document retrieval, student inability to discern the subject from which their resource derived, and on and on…. Why should students understand??????? Information Literacy = e-Learning Impasse

  15. Current IL conceptualisations fall short within specific e-learning contexts LauLima quite a unique example, but evolution of VLE models increasingly emphasise incorporation of digital libraries within VLEs ‘Digital Libraries in the Classroom’ Pedagogical paradigm shift: emphasis on PBL & constructivist learning, etc. Similar model to LauLima: ‘InfoBase Project’ (Delft University of Technology), ‘Spoken Word Project’ (Glasgow Caledonian University & Michigan State University) Information Literacy Implications

  16. DIDET experimenting with integrated and embedded IL model which addresses IL anomalies Based loosely on the ‘Big6 Model’ (Eisenberg, 2001): parallels several design process models Model conducive to design engineering pedagogy, esp. where VLEs and digital libraries support PBL. …an exhaustive exposition to feature in the literature soon…! Information Literacy Implications

  17. Accommodating ever sophisticated ICT based learning models within IL will always be a challenge A bigger challenge: ensuring models are adaptive and reflect transient nature of ICT based learning Should LIS community debate the need to augment or revise IL models advocated by CILIP et al? (Of course, these models are still particularly useful…but are they still applicable within specific e-learning contexts?) Students need the skills to unlock the potential of radical approaches to ICT based learning Concluding thoughts…

  18. Email me: george.macgregor@strath.ac.uk Email Lou: louise.k.mcgill@strath.ac.uk Comments? Questions? Thank you for listening! Contact, Comments, Questions

  19. Bundy, A. (2004), One Essential Direction: Information Literacy, Information Technology Fluency, Journal of eLiteracy, Vol.1 No.1, pp.7-22. Available: http://www.jelit.org/archive/00000006/01/JeLit_Paper_1.pdf (Accessed 22 March 2005) CILIP. (2004), Information Literacy: Definition, CILIP, London. Available: http://www.cilip.org.uk/professionalguidance/informationliteracy/definition/ (Accessed 22 March 2005). DIDET. (2003), DIDET – Project Plan, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Available: http://dmem1.ds.strath.ac.uk/didet/about/project_plan.pdf (Accessed 22 March 2005) Eisenberg, M, B. (2001), A Big6 Skills Overview, Big6 Associates, New York. Available: http://www.big6.com/showarticle.php?id=16 (Accessed 22 March 2005) NCLIS. (2003), The Prague Declaration: "Towards an Information Literate Society", NCLIS, Washington D.C.Available at: http://www.nclis.gov/libinter/infolitconf&meet/post- infolitconf&meet/PragueDeclaration.pdf (Accessed 22 March 2005) SCONUL ACIL. (2004), Learning Outcomes and Information Literacy, Society of College, National and University Libraries, London. Available: http://www.sconul.ac.uk/activities/inf_lit/papers/outcomes.pdf (Accessed 22 March 2005) References

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