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ACADEMIC SERVICES LPC - 2008-09. Basic Skills, Learning Task Force, Learning Communities and Program Review. LPC Academic Services Basic Skills/ Learning Task Force 2008-09. Basic Skills/ Learning Task Force.

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  1. ACADEMIC SERVICES LPC - 2008-09 Basic Skills, Learning Task Force, Learning Communities and Program Review

  2. LPC Academic ServicesBasic Skills/Learning Task Force2008-09

  3. Basic Skills/Learning Task Force • Basic Skills Intranet Site: Grapevine/Academic Services/ Basic Skills: http://grapevine.laspositas college.edu/academicservices/basicSkills.php • Basic Skills Self-Assessment (lots of work by Task Force): http://grapevine.laspositascollege.edu/academicservices/documents/BasicSkills-Self-AssessmentMASTER-3-7-08.doc • Learning Task Force Members: • Cindy Ahre, Jeff Baker, Dale Boercker, Jonathan Brickman, Greg Daubenmire, Michelle Gonzales, Brian Hagopian, Laurel Jones, Melissa Korber, Pamela Luster, Amber Machamer, Barbara Morrissey, Karin Spirn, Catherine Suarez, Angella Ven John, Brenda Weak.

  4. Basic Skills/Learning Task Force, cont. • Basic Skills Intranet Site: http://grapevine.laspositascollege.edu/academicservices/basicSkills.php

  5. Basic Skills/Learning Task Force, cont. • Basic Skills Self-Assessment (lots of work):http://grapevine.laspositascollege.edu/academicservices/documents/BasicSkills-Self-AssessmentMASTER-3-7-08.doc

  6. Learning Task Force Sponsoring Dr. Vincent Tinto • Professional Development Opportunity! • Expert in Student Success and Learning Communities • Friday, Oct. 3, and Saturday, Oct. 4 • 3 Task Forces are Planning Now

  7. Vincent Tinto Planning Teams • Team One: Before Dr. Tinto Arrives • Introduce topics of Student Success & Learning Communities • Plant the seeds of Learning Task Force knowledge • Brown Bag discussions groups, Reading Resources, Focus Groups, etc.

  8. Vincent Tinto Planning Teams, cont. • Team Two: Plans the Actual 2-day Event • Marketing the program (the “Institute”) • Plans rooms, food, registration, budget. • Team Three: Follow-up After Oct. 4 • Continue enthusiasm and support for next events • Follow-up on topics from Oct. 3-4 • Start to plan an “All Spring Term” emphasis

  9. LPC Academic Services Program Review 2008-09 Database, Additional Funding and Application

  10. Program Review Database Sample Page – Aug. 2008

  11. Program ReviewAdditional Funding Resource Chart

  12. Program ReviewAdditional Funding Resource Chart (pg. 2)

  13. Program ReviewApplication for Additional Funds

  14. Curriculum Revision Template

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