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Chapter 27 Check-in. Group 1 : Make a comment. Group 2 : Make a connection. Group 3 : Ask a meaningful question. Group 4 : Share a prediction. “ Say Something”. Ask a question : *Why did . . . *Who is . . . *What would happen if . . . *Do you think . . .
Chapter 27 Check-in • Group 1: Make a comment. • Group 2: Make a connection. • Group 3: Ask a meaningful question. • Group 4: Share a prediction.
“Say Something” • Ask a question: • *Why did . . . • *Who is . . . • *What would happen if . . . • *Do you think . . . • *I don’t get this part here . . . Make a prediction: *I predict that . .. *I think that . . . *Since this happened (fill in detail), I bet that the next thing will be . . . *I wonder if . .. Make a comment: *This is good because . . . *This is hard because . . . *This is confusing because . . . *I like the part where . . . *I don’t like this part because . . . Make a connection: *This reminds me of . . . *This part is like . . . *This is different because . . . *I also . .. *I never . . .
Journal • Option 1: Write about somebody with whom you feel you share a unique connection. For whatever reason, the two of you either just “clicked” when you met, OR it could be somebody who you feel just “gets you” like nobody else does. • Option 2: Think about a time when you discovered something good about yourself that surprised you. Maybe it was a physical ability that you did not know you had, or it could also be something about school, your personality, a different talent, etc. • Requirements: • At least 125 words • Strongest thinking and convention skills • Written in your Tri 2 Google Doc with today’s date: Mon, 2/3
Brainstorm Time! • You are going to have a timed brainstorm today. • Your teacher will give you the name of a character. • Your job: Write down everything you can think of that you know about the PERSONALITY of the character. Keep typing/thinking/brainstorming until the timer goes off. • Because this is a brainstorming activity that you will use tomorrow and Wednesday (hint, hint), you may select whatever app or medium that you would like.
Brainstorm everything you can think of about… THOMAS • What does he SAY? • What does he DO? • What does he THINK? • What do OTHERS SAY about him? • GO!
Brainstorm everything you can think of about… NEWT • What does he SAY? • What does he DO? • What does he THINK? • What do OTHERS SAY about him? • GO!
Chapter 28 • As we are reading Chapter 28, be on the lookout for anything that you can add to your list. • It could be details/evidence that CONFIRM what you know. • Or, it could be new ideas or traits.
Brainstorm everything you can think of about… CHUCK • What does he SAY? • What does he DO? • What does he THINK? • What do OTHERS SAY about him? • GO!
Brainstorm everything you can think of about… MINHO • What does he SAY? • What does he DO? • What does he THINK? • What do OTHERS SAY about him? • GO!
Chapter 29 • Now, do the same for any and all of these characters for Chapter 29 (they won’t all appear in this chapter).
To prepare for tomorrow… • FINISH Chapter 29. • If you want to make your life easier for tomorrow, make sure that you have at least TWO characters who you feel you have really strong traits and evidence for. • Having AT LEAST (2) traits, along with 3-4 pieces of evidence for each trait, you will be thanking yourself a LOT tomorrow. • Any part of the book that we have read so far as a class can be used as evidence!