Slam ball rules When you score in slam ball it has to be at the opponents ring. Pretty much the opposite of basketball. If the player doesn't touch the hoop inside 3 point range it counts as 2 points. To see more slam-dunks than any other game played slam-dunks are worth 3 points. Pretty obviously outside the 3 point range is 3-points. 4 players are on the court which leaves 5-4 players on the bench. Subs are unlimited such as in hockey. Each team has a coach, an assistant coach, managers, people who count the stats, doctors, ext. The game is played in 5 min quarters and the game starts with a bounce ball which is where the ball is bounced in the centre. The main positions are, handler. This person does pretty much the same as you think a handler would do. Handles the ball. The other main position is a gunner. He is pretty much the goal scorer. The final person is the stopper. He tries to stop the other person from getting to the ring. Each person can only get 3 fouls before he gets fouled out. The fouls are the same as basketball fouls.
equipment A slam ball court is 100ft by 62ft. About 20 of the Americas best carpenters have put together an amazing court made out of trampolines. The court is surrounded by a layer of glass that is 3 feet high. The players have to wear various pads. Knee pads and elbow pads are musts, the helmet is not. The shirt is a regular polo top
History of slam ball Mason Gordon was the name of the person who came up with slam ball. After thinking about what the game was going to be like {which was full on action} he rang Mike Tollin. He films smalllville, Wild hogs and coach carter. After he heard the concept he agreed to help Gordon out. 6 months after long planning a court was built in L.A. Once the court was built Gordon went out to street basketball games to find recruits who would suitthe game well. In 2002 slam ball made its T.V debut on Spike T.V. A team called theChicago Mob kept winning. After the first season there were 2000 people who had written and expressedinterests inplaying slam ball. Out of those 2000 people about 30 were chosen. These players formed the Riders and the Bandits. A new court was built at Universal City. After the season of 2002 it was no longer broadcast. They returned in 2007 with the “PoweradeSlam Ball Challenge”
Credits http://www.google.com/images?as_q=slamball&hl=en&btnG=Google+Search&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&imgtype=&imgsz=&imgw=&imgh=&imgar=&as_filetype=&imgc=&as_sitesearch=&as_rights=&safe=images&as_st=y http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slamball http://www.slamball.net/ I wish I had sweet PowerPoint skills