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Migrants participatory practices in decision making & NGOs roles in integration processes. This work package of the Routes project has two main objectives:
Migrants participatory practices in decision making & NGOs roles in integration processes
This work package of the Routes project has two main objectives: • Compile knowledge of the character, role and activities of different kinds of immigrant organizations' and NGOs in the integration processes on national, regional and local level. • Identify the role of immigrant organizations' and NGOs in the decision making processes on different governance levels on integration policies within the European Regions involved in our project.
Mapping of the immigrant organizations & NGO landscape. Type of Activities/Fields: Education Socio-cultural Housing Health Economical help Family Religious service Labour market orientation Preventing/ promoting Human rights Intercultural Contact/ cooperation with surrounding society Empowerment Activities for lands of origin
Concrete Output & Deliverables Examples from our partners’ reports: Policy changes New Immigration Regional Law Changing the program for asylum seekers Negotiations with public hospitals for free access to treatment Establishment of regional network of cultural mediators Raising awareness of local population by cultural artistic initiatives Activities towards lands of origin
Decisionmaking process Implementation EarlyPlanning Consultative Hidden parameters
What is integration? Two main lines can be observed: 1 Labour market oriented approach 2 Holistic approach What is integration? Two main lines can be observed: 1 Labour market oriented approach 2 Holistic approach The entirety of conditions necessary for a person to feel happy. Reorientation of life. Rediscovered cultural dynamics, pragmatism, energizers.
Uppsala conference the 14th & 15th of February 2008 • Four complementary and accumulative inputs: • 1. A summary presentation and analysis based on partners’ reports • 2. Four partners’ illustrations guided to show more light on themes included in wp3 • 3. Contributions from external speakers to make picture of integration processes more complex • Conclusive Round Table - discussions on three overarching topics, bridging over to wp4 • Public sector as promoter of NGOs? • NGOs role in safeguarding Human Rights dimension in integration and inclusion processes? • Mediating as a constructive method?
General conclusions: • Lack of terminological and methodological congruence • Further discussion on character and potentials of civil society • Inconsistence between formal and informal influence on decision making • Deepened discussion on the multidimensionality of integration • Combine public funding with respect for the genius of civil society • Promote win-win cooperation between public sector and civil society
Recommendations for further partnership: All stakeholders shall create the best conditions for a constructive balance and cooperation between all parts. They shall have an insight of interdependency, instead of inequity, rivalry and mistrust. Method development: Respect for and trust in culture, language and identity as promoting individual, collective health and wellbeing, favouring social and cultural sustainability.
Collaboration in method development By recognising mutual and complementary interests public sector will become more eager to receive and encourage initiatives from civil society. Today, there are too many stories about relevant and intelligent initiatives from individuals and associations that are neglected, or even opposed, by public sector. Instead of cultivating a sense of rivalry, both partners should support each other’s initiatives.
Christmas crib and labour market activities??- Socialandculturalintegration throughpartnershipbetweencivilandpublicsectors • Culturally oriented method development in order to transcend dichotomy and create a bridge between ndividual and collective minority identity and identification with the surrounding society • Facilitation of integration proceses through mutual learning and insights into cultural and historical interconnectedness • The Christmas crib as a comprehensive symbol for human conditions (conditio humana)
ChildrenofAbraham/ Ibrahim Bridge builder Sara/ Isak - Hagar/ Ismail Common role model, Father ofFaith Covenant including three religions The prophetic ethics; my brother’s keeper Anti-rasism; solidarity, respect, generosity Jesus /Isa and Mary /Mirjam in the holy Books
Aninclusiveidentityconqueringdichotomy- Common ground for an enriching dialogue • Shared history, symbols and associations • Mutual sharing, identification and learning • Broadened and deepened communication dimensions • Cultural heritage as a way to reorientation of identity • Complementarity between minority and social identity • Processess of reorientation and reconciliation • Reference to civil society as creator of core values • Rediscovered cultural dynamics, pragmatism, energizers • Concretization of peace building, sustainability • Concretization of participation
The interreligious christmas crib- Microcosmos and metaphor for conditio humana • Hope, longing for deliverance and dignity • Reconsideration of exile and migration • Personification of vulnerability and need of shelter • Promise being born anew, future as a promise • Existance as benevolent, proitective, salutogene • Sense of belonging in the depth of fundamental needs • Complementary blance betwen likeness - difference • Legitimizing pluriform identities and loyalities • Providing with a sense of home • Channelizing and dramatizing existential issues and life-handling /coping strategies • Culture as awakener, renovative