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International Business Management. Course instructor: Monika Kowalska Institute of International University of Gdansk 2012/2013. Culture is a shared system of attitudes , beliefs , values and behaviour . Culture is the collective mental programming or the software of the mind .
International Business Management Course instructor: Monika Kowalska Institute of International University of Gdansk 2012/2013
Culture is a shared system of attitudes, beliefs, values and behaviour. Culture isthecollectivementalprogrammingorthesoftware of themind. GeertHofstede Culture modelsdeveloped to illustratetheconcept: The iceberg model Theonion model Thetree model
ICEBERG MODEL - Tangibleexpressions of culture and bahaviourabovethesurface of thewater and theunderlyingattitudes, beliefs, values and meaningsbelowthesurfaceof thewater.
ONION MODEL - Layers of culture can be peeledaway to revealtheunderlyingbasicassumptions.
TREE MODEL - Contrastingvisible and hiddenculturewiththerootsproviding an image of thehistoricalorigins of culture. Movingbetweenculturesisliketransplanting a tree – to be successful, therootshave to be protected and support will be neededinthenew environment.
Communication theexchange of meaning sending and receiving of informationbetween a sender and a receiver (throughtheuse of words and non-verbalfactors). The idea comingfromtheSOURCE ENCODING,thatisputtingintosymbols to produce a MESSAGE CHANNEL (medium for communicationsuch as writing) DECODING, thatisInterpretingthemessage by theRECEIVER Communication taking place intheCONTEXT NOISE as anythingdistortingthemessage INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION SENDER AND RECEIVER FORM DIFFERENT CULTURES Communication can break down because of too much cuturalnoise.
. C O N T E X T Noise C O N T E X T Source Encoding Message Channel Receiver Decoding Receiver Response Feedback
Hofstede – culturaldimensions Individualismvscollectivism Power distance Dimension Masculinityvsfemininity Uncertaintyavoidance
Dimension Hall – culturaldimensions Structure of time monochronicvspolichronic Speed of messagesfastvs slow Structure of spaceclosedvsopen Contextorientation high vslow-context
Orientation Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck – basicorientations of humanbeings Man-naturerelationship Humannature Time sense Socialrelations Activity
Trompenaars – culturaldimensions Relationshipswithpeople Dimension Attitudes to time Attitudes to the environment
1. USA OKFrance zeroJapan moneyTunisiaI’llkillyou 2. Germany twoorvictoryBritainvictory (ifthe palm isfacinginwards) 3. Greece and ItalyGoodbyeUSA Comehere 4. GenerallyEverythingisfineNigeria and Australia a rude gesture