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Using of DINA code in tokamak plasma modeling V. Lukash ( NRC Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia ), R. Khayrutdinov ( TRINITI, Troitsk, Russia ), V. Dokuka ( TRINITI, Troitsk, Russia ). Common description of DINA code.
ASIPP , March19, 2012 Using of DINA code in tokamak plasma modeling V. Lukash (NRC Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia), R. Khayrutdinov (TRINITI, Troitsk, Russia),V. Dokuka (TRINITI, Troitsk, Russia)
Common description of DINA code DINA is a 1.5-D axisymmetric, time-dependent, transport-modeling, free boundary in external magnetic field tokamak plasma simulation code Circuit equations are solved for PF coil currents, vacuum vessel and passive structure eddy currents self-consistently with plasma equilibrium DINA code includes neutral beam and RF heating, impurity radiation model, pellet injection, runaway electrons, mixing and halo-currents models, bootstrap, current drive, particles heating, module for breakdown and null field formation Code has equilibrium reconstruction module with taking into account vessel current and halo currents Khayrutdinov and Lukash. Journal of Comp. Physics, v.109 (1993) 193 Lukash and Khayrutdinov. Plasma Physics Reports, v.22 (1996) p. 99 2 ASIPP , March19, 2012
DINA for plasma scenario control and disruptions Khayrutdinov, Lukash,Comput. Physics, 109 (1993) 193 DINA in TCV • Validation against TCV, JT-60U, GLOBUS-M,ASDEX-U, MAST, DIII-D plasma control experiments • DINA is officialcode for ITER plasma position, shape and current control including plasma initiation stage with taking into account power supply limitations and disruption modeling • MATLAB version of DINA-CH • DINA is installed • >> DIII-D (control & disruptions) • >> TCV (control) • >> ASDEX-U (disruptions) • >> MAST (control & disruptions) • >> Kyoto University (Japan, disruptions) • >> JT-60 SA team (Japan, disruptions) • >> ITER organization (control & disruption) 3 ASIPP , March19, 2012
DINA-CHMatlab-Simulink J.B. Lister,et al. Fusion Eng. And Design 74 (2005) 633 ASIPP , March19, 2012 4
S.H. Kim et al. , PPCF 51 (2009) 105007 DINA-CHis coupled withCRONOS code DINA CONTROL SYSTEM 5 ASIPP , March19, 2012
DINA modeling of ITER plasma current, shape and position control 6 ASIPP , March19, 2012
Simulation of ITER plasma scenarios starting from initial discharge of central solenoid Lukash38th EPS2011 Fist plasma equilibrium simulated with the DINA code (0.1MA) Plasma current, average electron temperature, Zeffand li(3) during first 5 s after breakdown Resistances of the switching network units and waveforms of the feedforward (pre-programmed) voltages in all CS and PF coils from 0 to 1.5 s are taken from the corresponding TRANSMAK simulation 7 ASIPP , March19, 2012
Submitted to 39th EPS2012 8 ASIPP , March19, 2012
Submitted to 39th EPS2012 9 ASIPP , March19, 2012
DINA “real time control” of ITER scenario R.R. Khayrutdinov34th EPS2007 ASIPP , March19, 2012 10
DINA “real time control” of ITER scenario R.R. Khayrutdinov34th EPS2007 Reconstructed plasma 11 ASIPP , March19, 2012
DINA “real time control” of ITER scenario R.R. Khayrutdinov34th EPS2007 12 ASIPP , March19, 2012
Disruption simulations(Integrated simulatorDINA and ZIMPUR) V.E. LukashNuclear Fusion 47 (2007) 1476 • DINA -ZIMPURintegrating code • ZIMPUR – impurity radiation and transport. Multi energy group kinetics for neutrals • Halo currents evolution (DINA) • RE Rothenbluth – Putvinski; axially symmetrical heat loads Simulations of RE in DINA 13 ASIPP , March19, 2012
Halo model inDINAcode Lukash, KhayrutdinovPPR 1996 Ip during disruption z Plasma is shrinking in limiter phase r Limited core plasma together with halo area Halo width definition in DINA code Halo width scaling in DINA 14 ASIPP , March19, 2012
DINAmodeling of halo inASDEX-Uduring disruption G. Pautasso et al. NF 51 (2011) 103009 15 ASIPP , March19, 2012
DINApredictive analysis of ASDEX disruptive plasma G. Pautasso et al. NF 51 (2011) 103009 16 ASIPP , March19, 2012
Minimizing of difference between calculated and measuredВpand l gives information about: Boundary of the core plasmab Boundary of the halo area s = b – w (m- b) Plasma current profile (n=05) Current distribution in vacuum vessel filaments Ives =I0+Amcos(m)+Bm sin(m)(m=15) Error value 2minimization results: b, s, an, bn, Am, Bm, w Magnetic diagnostics in ASDEX-U Fitting mode ofDINAcode M. Sugihara, V. Lukash et al. PPCF (2004) 1581 17 ASIPP , March19, 2012
DINAfitting analysis of JT-60U disruptive plasma H. Tamai et al. NF 42 (2002) 290 18 ASIPP , March19, 2012
MAST Halo Current DINA Simulations M.J. Windridge et al. 34th EPS (2007) 19 ASIPP , March19, 2012
Database of VDE and MD scenarios in ITER plasma is being carried out with DINA M. Sugihara, et al. NF 47 (2007) 1581 20 ASIPP , March19, 2012
Plasma opacity taking into account during disruption in ITER plasma V. Lukash, et al. NF 47 (2007) 1476 21 ASIPP , March19, 2012
Evolution of ITER plasma parameters with Li and Be pellet injection V. Lukash, et al. 23nd IAEA FEC (2010) THD/P2-01 22 ASIPP , March19, 2012
DINA simulation of disruption in ITER plasma 23 ASIPP , March19, 2012
SOL-DINA Modelling of Li limiter Experiments in T-11M tokamak Lukash, et al. 22nd IAEA FEC (2008) TH/P4-12 Numerical results are compared with the experimental lithium distribution in a SOL determined by means of (Li I=670,8 nm) spectral line intensity measurement on the moving C-limiter surface as a function of its position 24 ASIPP , March19, 2012
What is meant by version DINA-EAST • DINA-EAST code version is intended to model the uncontrollable tokamak plasma evolution during a VDE and has to include a module for the calculation of halo currents. This version includes both fitting and predictivesimulation modes. • The fitting mode is being used to calculate an initial equilibrium and to reconstruct the plasma equilibria during the fitting mode time period. • The predictive mode is being used just after the fitting mode switching off. In predictive mode there is a possibility to define the waveform of average plasma electron temperature either from input file or by means of artificial feedback to reproduce an experimental plasma current behavior 25 ASIPP , March19, 2012
Plan of DINA setup for EAST tokamak • Implementation of EAST geometry, electrical properties of the conductors (coils, vessels, in vessel components), magnetic diagnostic geometry into the DINA code • Testing of the EAST experimental EM responses without plasma • Development of interface between the EAST experimental magnetic data and DINA code for fittingmode modelling. Validation of DINA fitting mode against the EAST experimental data • Validation of the DINA predictive mode against the VDE shots in EAST plasma (increment of vertical movement) • Validation of DINA code against the disruption shots in EAST plasma with the halo currents modelling. Comparison with experimental data 26 ASIPP , March19, 2012
Conclusion • 1.5-D axisymmetric, time-dependent, free boundary equilibrium and transport-modeling tokamak plasma evolution DINA codeis used for magnetic control, scenario and disruption simulations • DINA code has been validated in GLOBUS, T11-M, DIII-D, TCV, ASDEX-U, JT-60U and MAST tokamaks • DINA code has been used in KTM design studies • DINA is officialcode for ITER plasma position, shape and current control including plasma initiation stage with taking into account power supply limitations and disruption modeling • DINA is going to be used for analysis of disruptive EAST plasma shots in both fitting and predictive modes 27 ASIPP , March19, 2012