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View of the development of medical education in Russia through the prism of the TEMPUS project

View of the development of medical education in Russia through the prism of the TEMPUS project. Dennis Mizgirev, Elena Vasilyeva NSMU , Arkhangelsk. Project output. What have we seen ?. What do we have ?. Where will we go further ?.

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View of the development of medical education in Russia through the prism of the TEMPUS project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. View of the development of medical education in Russia through the prism of the TEMPUS project Dennis Mizgirev, Elena Vasilyeva NSMU, Arkhangelsk

  2. Project output

  3. What have we seen? What do we have? Where will we go further?

  4. How many and which projects can emerge from the depth of TEMPUS-IV? Benefits of the European medical education Areas for improvement of medical education in Russia Problem-based learning (PBL) Simulation training Information technologies Quality control system

  5. «It isn’t that they can’t see the solution. It is that they can’t see the problem» G.K.Chesterton • Two scenarios of the future events: - poor (--) - very poor (---)

  6. Technology ofproblem-based learning Europe Russia Traditional Prediction? • Traditional • Problem-based learning

  7. Studying hardstudying smart • Experimental preparation for introduction of PBL - 5-6 universities (1-1.5 years) • Education of teaching staff and managers (1 year) • Training of tutors (6 months) • Direct execution of the experiment (full cycle of specialist training - 6 years) • Analysis, correction and introduction of new learning technologies

  8. Technologies ofproblem-based learning – scenarios of the future events • Poor─ ─ Introduction of technology of PBL (at least 10 years) • Very poor─ ─ ─ Fall out of single educational space

  9. Technologies ofproblem-based learning • New project: • Introduction of PBL in the system of medical education coordinator - Bochum

  10. Simulation trainingin medical education

  11. Simulation training –what do we have? • Organization, management, efficiency? • Stuff training? • Methodological support? • Material resources? • Accreditation?

  12. Simulation training in medical education – scenarios of the future events • Poor─ ─ • Elaboration and adoption of a concept of • multi-level simulation training (years) • Very poor─ ─ ─ • Spontaneous development in the absence of standards for equipment and activities (decades)

  13. Simulation training in medical education Lille Strasbourg Nice • New project Kazakhstan Russia Moldova

  14. Information technologiesin medical education • Virtual Medical Francophone University • Global Medical Education Community • Digital University of Health and Sport Science MedEdWorld unf3s

  15. Information technologiesin medical education – what do we have? • Absence of common information space • Problems of intercultural communication

  16. Information technologies in medical education – scenarios of the future events • Poor─ ─ University Interuniversity National International • Very poor─ ─ ─ Non-systemic development ofe-learning in the regions Information space

  17. Information technologiesin medical education • New project Lille Russian HEIs

  18. The quality control system in medical education – what do we have? • Federal State Educational Standard-3 • Lack of standardization of state education quality control ?

  19. The quality control system in medical education – scenarios of the future events • Poor ─ ─ Development of a system of certification in higher educational institutions (objective evaluation methods and tools) • Very poor ─ ─ ─ Maintenance of traditional evaluation system • The third variant • Organization of a common State Examination by RF Ministry of Education and Science

  20. The quality control system in medical education • What have we seen? State control and regulation of the final certification (France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg) • Future projects? Strasbourg Bochum Luxembourg Lille

  21. TEMPUS-IV Problem-based learning Quality control system TEMPUS-V? Simulation training Information Technologies

  22. Thank you!

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