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UNIT 5. Rights & Responsibilities of Citizens. American Citizens. * Citizenship is stated in the 14 th Amendment. *2 ways: Born Naturalization. Citizens Rights. Citizens rights are based on: Security, Equality, Liberty. Citizens rights can fall into 3 categories:
UNIT 5 Rights & Responsibilities of Citizens
AmericanCitizens * Citizenship is stated in the 14th Amendment. *2 ways: • Born • Naturalization
Citizens Rights Citizens rights are based on: Security, Equality, Liberty Citizens rights can fall into 3 categories: personal, political, or economic.
USA Citizens Duties • If a person fails to complete their duties they are subject to legal penalties, fines, or imprisonment. • When people accept their duties it strengthens our community & helps secure our nations rights.
USA Citizens Duties Paying taxes provides services Obeying the law helps protects & gives people safety. Everyone must/should defend the nation by volunteering or the draft
USA Citizens Duties Serve in Court by being a witness or on a jury Attend School to be a productive & knowledgeable citizen
USA Citizens Responsibilities Be Informed Speak up & Vote
After the American Revolution, Federalists and Anti-Federalists debated the structure of the new government. The Federalists believed in a system of governance in which power was shared between the federal government and the states. Which belief was not part of the Anti-Federalists’ opposition to Federalism? • the desire to see important political power left to the states • the fear that a strong executive might become a tyrant • the belief that the executive should have more power than the legislature • the desire to have a bill of rights added to the constitution
Voter Registration * Fill out form at least 25 days before election. • Form can be obtained through: • County/ state/ welfare offices & agencies • DMV due to Motor Voter Act • Mail • Internet
Voting Eligibility • 18 years or older • Resident of state for a specific period • USA citizen • Not be imprisoned • Register Voter • Electorate
How to Vote? Fill out, 1 week before election, an Absentee Ballot= mail order ballot given when someone cannot Vote on election day at the poling place & is not counted until election day Vote in person between 6:00am & 8:00pm at a Polling Place= location of where a person is assigned to vote After voting, people/media are known to try & find out result ahead of time, by conducting Exit Polls= survey based on the public’s vote, after leaving the polling place
USA Citizens Responsibilities Respect the Rights of others & their property, because the public pays for it in the end. Respect Diversity through toleration Do not be a bystander & contribute to the common good
Volunteerism Brings real & immediate change to the welfare of the community Since bureaucracies/ bureaucrats Cannot respond to problems quickly. People tend to volunteer when they have a personal connection or know others involved.
Benefits of Volunteering People volunteer to know they have served the community & in return served themselves. Makes a difference in the community: * better place to live *gain new opportunities to learn *make friends *improve teamwork, leadership, & problem-solving skills.
Ways people volunteer Donate Money or time Cleaning up public property Being a mentor Tour Guides Record books for the blind Preparing things for needy families Visit homes Help at animal shelters Collect canned goods
Ways companies volunteer give money for community projects/ scholarships, match charitable donations, or give employees time off to volunteer. sponsor teams or donate prizes
Volunteer Programs Peace Corps Charities fight for specific causes Senior Corps USA Freedom Corps/ Citizen Corps Schools enforcing community service hours American Red Cross/ AmeriCorps
Use the amendment excerpts to answer the questions. • What did the language of the Fifteenth Amendment appear to accomplish? • What were the actual results of the Fifteenth Amendment? • Describe why the Twenty-fourth Amendment was necessary. • Explain the results of the Twenty-fourth Amendment. • Why are these amendments important to citizens today?
Struggles that gained Amendments African-Americans civil rights were violated through forms of discrimination& segregation (Jim Crow Laws) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & the Freedom Riders demonstrated the need for change through non- violent protest.
Struggles that gained Amendments Organizations such as the NUL& NAACP, provided help for African-Americans & fought against discrimination People participated in sit-ins& held court cases like Brown vs. Board of Education to fight segregation
Outcomes from the struggles that Gained Amendments • Civil Rights Act of 1957 • Equal Pay Act of 1963 • Civil Rights Act of 1964 • Voting Rights Act of 1965 • Open Housing Act of 1968 • Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 • Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Challenges Amendments Face Today Affirmative Action helps minorities deal with discrimination; while facing accusations in itself. Racial Profiling can help prevent hate crimes; but at the same time it hinders equal rights & individuality