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Explore the innovative HydroFX technology that generates active molecular hydrogen, enhancing alkalinity and neutralizing free radicals. Understand its benefits and safety through in-depth insights.
The Essential Facts on Recovery with HydroFX Questions will be asked by Dr. Howard Cohn SevenPoint2 Company Answers will be provided by the Inventor: Dr. Dusan Miljkovic
Introduction What is the Active Principle of ‘Recovery’ (with HydroFX) ? The Active Principle of ‘Recovery’ (abbreviated as Hydrogen (H) - Active Principle)is a patent-pending unique and biologically available blend of “Redox Regulating - Active Molecular Hydrogen-Generating Minerals”in atasteless and odorless form. Recovery reacts with water content of Gastro-Intestinal (GI) tract in Stomach and Small Intestine to fully generate Active Molecular Hydrogen Gas in a specific form of Negatively-Charged Nano-Bubbles that are soluble in body fluids and can penetrate through all tissues. ‘Recovery’ provides a moderate Increase in Alkalinity (Anti-Acid Buffering Capacity), (pH 7 – 7.5) to parallel natural blood pH and the core principles of SevenPoint2. Most importantly, Recovery releases Dissolved Gaseous Active Molecular Hydrogen to the point of virtual saturation,and produces Negative Oxidation Reduction Potential (NORP) in the body which in turn increases the ability to fight free radicals and oxidative stress. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
The Basic Principles of ‘Recovery’ are patent pending in: Patent has been filed in EU, Canada, Australia, Japan, China, Philippines, etc. Personal remark: Whole my life I have been trying to follow the idea of the Great Renaissance Italian Artist and Inventor -Leonardo da Vinci who said: “Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication” : These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Brief History and the Background of our Discovery and its Position regarding the Competing Products By far the best known, most popular and widely available Hydrogen-Generating Device on the Market has been marketed under a commercial name of ‘Water Ionizer’ (WI, which is indeed, a ‘Water Electrolyzer’) that produces so called ‘Electrolyzed Reduced Water’ (ERW). Only recently it has become clear that the active principle of the ERW is Molecular Hydrogen Gas dissolved in water. Therefore, almost all health benefits of ERW is ascribed to Hydrogen! - the fact which is supported by a large peer-reviewed scientific literature. However, tap water cannot be (by its very nature) uniformly defined and controlled but it has been always extremely variable and chemically different all over the world. Therefore, the quality and strength (i.e. biological effects) vary and consequently there is no standard ‘Hydrogen-Rich-Water’ produced by a WI! In addition, WI high price, lack of portability, and relatively unstable low levels of hydrogen in Ionized Water, are the main shortcomings of WI. In our recent discovery the WI status and shortcomings were our main basis to create/build a much more powerful H-generating product with fully standardized strength! These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Product Safety Before we put Recovery on the market, an acute Toxicity Study with our H-Active Principle was conducted. Since that time, hundreds of thousand tablets were commercially produced (under the GMP conditions) and consumed by thousands of humans without any serious side effect observed. The first Acute Toxicity Study experiment was done according to the Current standards for such experiments established by USFDA and EU Food Agency. Table 2a: Body Weights of experimental animals (mice) treated by Proprietary H-Active Principle (dissolved in water) at a dose of 2 g/kg of body weight in the period 9-22-2011 to 10-5-2011. Table 2b: Body Weights of experimental animals (mice) treated by Proprietary H-Active Principle (suspended in olive oil) at a dose of 2 g/kg of body weight in the period 9-22-2011 to 10-5-2011. Actual experiments: Concentrated (pure) H-Active Principle, in a dose of 2 g/kg of body weight, was applied in mice. This corresponds to a dose of 640 (six hundred forty) tablets a day for an average human being!! As you know, we normally recommend taking only 3-9 tablets a day. The control animals show almost identical similar results as above and are not shown here. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
A Simple Inorganic Experiment (Illustration/Demonstration Purposes only) SPRING WATER WITH H-ACTIVE PRINCIPLE (that corresponds to one Recovery tablet) IN A CLOSED BOTTLE WITH IRON NAILS AFTER FOUR MONTHS AT ROOM TEMPERATURE SPRING WATER IN A CLOSED BOTTLE WITH IRON NAILS AFTER FOUR MONTHS AT ROOM TEMPERATURE Iron Corrosion by Oxygen and Water seems inevitable and is caused by the oxidation process which is also known as Iron Rusting, Corrosion or “Aging” . Inhibition of Rusting (Corrosion/”Aging”) is an important process and the compounds capable of doing it are known as Corrosion Inhibitors. H-Active Principle is perfect Anti-Corrosion (“Aging”) Substance for Iron – acting against the oxidation process (in a way equivalent to oxidative stress – we’ll see soon). These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Chlorine Reduction A Possible Application – Full Elimination of Chlorine from Tap Water • H-Active Principle fully neutralizes chlorine which is a Strong Oxidant; the intake of safe permitted levels of chlorine, on a long term, can cause a severe health damage; • By Reducing Chlorine to Harmless Chloride Anion (like one in table salt); this quantitative removal of toxic free chlorine is illustrated bythe following experiment: • Orthotolidine Reagent Turns Yellow When Chlorine is Present • 15 Drops of Reagent Added to both Tap Water and “H-Active Principle (‘HAP’) Water” – It is clear from the photos given bellow that AA Water is Chlorine-Free! Tap Water Chlorinated ‘HAP’- Water No Chlorine It is recommended to use treated water (chlorine removed) with Recovery since if we Take tablets with tap water (containing free chlorine), one part of the active substance will be lost for the removal of chlorine. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some Earlier Pilot Clinical Experiment Performed with Our H- Active Principle* • Randomized/Double Blind/Cross Over • 19 college-level athletes Ingested 1.5 liters of water per day (with 200 mg of H-Active principle dissolved in it - which would correspond to about 8 Recovery Tablets a day) plus an excess of plain bottled drinking water needed individually; • 7-day duration The study was done at the Faculty of Sports and Tourism - TIMS, Novi Sad, Serbia *This study was done under supervision of professor Sergei Ostojic. Remark: SevenPoint2 company and Dr. Dusan Miljkovic are organizing another clinical study again under the supervision of prof Ostojic. The study started end of January 2013 and is scheduled to end in May this year. This time Recovery Tablets are studied to learn if they could speed up the recovery of Injured athletes. A summary of the previous and new study will be given in next slides. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) 10.0 POPULAR SPORTS DRINK 9.0 H-activated water 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 RPE 3 RPE 6 RPE 9 RPE max RPE rec Young Athletes’ Double Blind Placebo Study: Dr. Ostojic, Belgrade University, Serbia Borg Scale of RPE While Running 8.1 miles per hour Hard These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
220.0 210.0 POPULAR SPORTS DRINK H-activated water 200.0 190.0 180.0 170.0 160.0 150.0 140.0 HR max HR AnT HR 8.1 mph HR rec 1 Heart Rate (HR) AA decreases heart rate while running compared to a popular sports drink Remark: HR AnT - Before exercise heart rate increases in anticipation. This is known as the Anticipatory Response These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Lactic Acid level New SevenPoint2 Study in Belgrade, Serbia In the New Planned Study on recovery Tablets, there will consist of 3 groups ( 3 x 12 young sportsmen): Control Group will be composed of injured young athletes treated in a conventional (regular) type of treatment using so called RICE Method (RICE is a mnemonic for a treatment method for soft tissue injuries which is an acronym for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. The first treated group will receive RICE + 4 tablets three times per day of Recovery with HydroFX. The second treated group will have the same treatment as the first treated group + the additional administration of topical hydrogen-rich packs 6 times per day for 20 minutes throughout the study (SevenPoint2 company has the first right of refusal if hydrogen pack therapy works). Participants will be evaluated at the beginning of the study (e.g. at the time of the injury report), after 7 and 14 days after baseline testing for: a) serum C-reactive protein, plasma viscosity and interleukin 6 level, b) pain intensity during rest and walking, c) degree of joint swelling, d) passive joint flexibility, and, e) subjective side-effects. The study is scheduled to finish end of May this year. POPULAR SPORTS DRINK H-Active Principle - 18% Running at speed of 8.1 miles/hour The last result from previous study These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Molecular Hydrogen is a Scientific Miracle Summary: “Hydrogen may have a huge impact as a novel and innovative therapeutic tool for unmet medical needs that currently cause considerable health burdens” – citation from a peer reviewed publication given below. CHIEN-SHENG HUANG, TOMOHIRO KAWAMURA, YOSHIYA TOYODA and ATSUNORI NAKAO: “Recent advances in hydrogen research as a therapeutic medical gas”, Free Radical Research, September 2010; 44(9): 971–982. The above shown Scheme/Figure has been extracted also from this publication. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
OH = HO* “One on One” Selective H-Neutralization of the Most Dangerous Free Radicals Oxidative Stress occurs when dangerous, mainly oxygen- and nitrogen-based, free radicals accumulate in the body and damage cells and tissues. Oxidative stress is formed even by normal cellular metabolic function (such as generation of ATP in mitochondria); Its intensity can increase to a very dangerous level if there is a lack of sufficient self-defense and is the primary or secondary cause of over 100 various human diseases. Free Radical – Atomic and Molecular Species that have one un-paired electron. The constant elimination of the most Damaging Hydroxyl Free Radicals from Human Body, before they cause an Irreparable damage, is of crucial Importance for maintaining the Optimal Human health and Quality of Life. Hydroxyl FREE RADICAL HUMAN CELL One Unpaired Electron Activated Hydrogen converts OH radical to water (H* + OH* = H2O), in a ‘One on One’ – Mechanism These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Reactive Oxygen Species as Signaling Molecules – Messengers and Oxidative Stress – An Apparent Paradox (A needed knowledge to understand the great value of Hydrogen) A. The Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), such as Hydrogen Peroxide, or Superoxide(radical anion), in a greater excess, would be quite harmful to the living cell. However, if formed and delivered timely , in relatively small concentrations, and at the right place they become important Signaling Molecules. For example, the mentioned ROS modify target proteins by oxidizing thiol groups, thus forming disulfide bonds that reversibly alter protein structure and function. Specificity is achieved by localized production. Target proteins containing Reduction-Oxidation (Redox) Sensitive Thiol Groups include: Signal Transduction Pathway Proteins, such as Phosphatases and mitogen-activated Protein Kinases, Embryogenesis regulating proteins, ManyTranscription Factors, RNA-binding Proteins that direct DNA Methylation, and Proteins involved in Histoneacetylation, deacetylation or methylation. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
B. However, in many biological situations, every day and every minute, it comes to a burst of a much greater excess of ROS and RNS(Radical Nitrogen Species) than what is needed for signaling purposes; also, in addition, much more dangerous reactive species are formed: Hydroxyl Radical and Peroxinitrites. These situations are defined as an OXIDATIVE STRESS (OS), a highly dangerous (very common) biological process that causes many pathological conditions.. Oxidative stress is the main cause of over 100 human diseases! Therefore, it is exceedingly important to precisely keep/regulate the balance between moderate and useful concentrations of Signaling ROS-Species (state A), andtheir high and extreme concentrations of ROS when they cause the Oxidative stress and subsequent pathological conditions (state B). • The A and B situations are quite natural. To illustrate the point take this simple analogy: there is a small localized ‘fire’ (analogous to the situation A) that is useful (a fire-place, a grill, etc.), and there is a dangerous difficult to control big forest fire (analogous to B) that has to be taken care ASAP! So NOT any fire is dangerous and harmful; some of them are needed and useful, but should be controlled in a subtle way; definitely, there are both types of ‘fires’!
Our Analysis of the ROS Signaling Process (SP) versus Oxidative Stress (OS) Keeping/Regulating the Signaling ROS-Species(in right concentrations), and Fighting against the Oxidative Stress (in order to prevent subsequent pathological conditions) is a key to a Healthy Life! Using ‘very efficient’ anti-oxidants (with ‘high ORAC values’) on an everyday basis is NOT a very wise approach to the right balance of ROS SP and OS. Normally, in an optimal scenario, you should NOT use a‘Shotgun Principle’ to ‘kill’/neutralize all free radicals (even the signaling molecules such as superoxide and hydrogen peroxide) at any, specially low and useful concentration level); instead, you would rather have a selective antioxidant that would selectively “kill” only dangerous radicals at any concentration level, but would leave intact the useful ROS as SM (a ‘Sniper Principle’).In that respect Hydrogen is the Most Selective Antioxidant Known! Molecular Hydrogen is neutralizing (in a “one on one” basis) the most dangerous biological free radicals and other molecular reactive species: such as Hydroxyl radical and Peroxynitrites. These two very harmful species can contribute to many serious illnesses (such as Cancer, Alzheimer, or Multiple Sclerosis, just to mention a few). These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Now, it has been recently discovered (2011, see the next slide) another exciting aspect of the Beneficial Role of Hydrogen. Namely, Sanetaka Shirahata, et al (BioMed Central Proceedings 2011, 5 (Suppl 8): P18; see the next slide) found and proved beyond any doubt that Hydrogen Molecule Induces a Specific Gene Expression of MASTER ANTIOXIDATIVE ENZHYMES (Catalase, Glutathione Peroxidase and Heme Oxygenase -1).This process is considered as the Strongest Natural Anti-Oxidative Stress Defense! • To conclude, Molecular Hydrogen is acting as an anti-oxidant through two Different Mechanisms: in a “one on one” mode by ‘killing’ – Neutralizing (with a ‘Sniper Precision’) “the bad guys” (OH-Radicals and Peroxynitrites), while, when time and need comes , it is promoting the cell ‘under big fire’ to produce Natural, highly efficient, Molecules/Enzymes (Catalase, SOD, GPx) to extinguish the ’big fire’ using a “Shotgun Principle” (killing non-selectively all free radicals – since the danger asks this time for a non-selectivity – ‘escape or die’.
One year after a prediction was made Hydrogen was proved to be a Signaling Molecule!!! Anti-Diabetes Effect of Water Containing Hydrogen Molecule, Sanetaka Shirahata, et al., BioMed Central Proceedings 2011, 5 (Suppl 8): P18 Heme Oxygenase-1 Catalase Glutathione-peroxidase Figure 2. Induced gene expression of anitoxidative enzymes by hydrogen molecule. L6 myoblast cells were cultivated under an atmosphere of 75%N2 or H2/20%O2/5%CO2 for 2 h and gene expression was analyzed by RT-PCR. *, P<0.05 The exact mechanism how hydrogen activates Nrf2 has yet to be determined. Our hypothesis is that Mrf-2 once transferred to the cell nucleus has first to be reduced the Cys (506) residue (which is done by Thioredoxin 1 (TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES 82, 308–317 (2004), “Compartmentation of Nrf-2 Redox Control: Regulation of Cytoplasmic Activation by Glutathione and DNA Binding by Thioredoxin-1” , by Jason M. Hansen, Walter H. Watson, and Dean P. Jones). the only form of Nrf2 which can pass from cytoplasm through nuclear membrane and reach the active sire (ARE) on the genome. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
REDOX SIGNALING AND HYPOTHESIS ON THE MECHANISM OF HYDROGEN INDUCTION OF ACTIVATION OF ARE (Simplified by D. Miljkovic) Cell membrane S - S Cytoplasm S-H S-H Oxidants GSH/GSSG Redox Couple (Glutathione/Glutathione disulfide Redox couple) + Nrf-2 Keap 1 Nrf-2 Nrf-2 Keap 1 S - S S - S Molecular Hydrogen Gas is activating the Key (“Master”) Transcription Factor - Nrf2 (“Master Switch”). As in life, one can switch off and on a single light (lamp), which is important but not crucial, or you can switch on and off the light in a whole building (or even in a whole town/city/district/country, which is obviously CRUCIAL). Not every gene or protein in a cellular life (just as in human communities) has the same importance! There are rare individual extraordinary important molecules. Maf Nuclear membrane Nucleus + Catalase Glutathione Peroxidase SOD Heme Oxygenase H2 Nrf-2 Nrf-2 ThioRedoXin-1/ThioRedoXin Disulfide (SS) Redox Couple Maf GENE TRANSCRIPTION S-H S-H S-H S-H TRX/TRXSS Redox Couple GENOME ARE (Antioxidant Responsive Element) Our Hypothesis: Active Hydrogen Is involved in TRX/TRXSS Redox Couple in its reduced form, or even may Directly reduce Nuclear Oxidized Nrf-2 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Our New Hypothesis – Involvement of Hydrogen in Mitochondrial Biochemical Processes Human Ferredoxin Active center Fe2S2 - Cluster ? ? H2 Microbial Hydrogenase (Fe) (Fe) These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
“Humans possess two mitochondrial ferredoxins, Fdx1 and Fdx2, with distinct roles in steroidogenesis, heme, and Fe/S cluster biosynthesis” , Roland Lill, et al., PNAS ∣ June 29, 2010 ∣ vol. 107 ∣ no. 26 ∣ 11775–11780 Fig. 6. The two mitochondrial [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins fulfill three distinct roles in mammalian cells. Fdx1 (adrenodoxin) specifically catalyzes reactions central to steroidogenesis (I), whereas Fdx2 is involved in heme A formation and Fe/S protein biogenesis (II and III). Hypothesis: Since Humans possess two mitochondrial ferredoxins, whose structure is Quite similar with the structure of hydrogenase (see the previous slide), we believe there is a chemical interaction between ouractive molecular hydrogen and ferredoxinsin Mitochondria. This leads to a more efficient biosynthesis: of steroid hormones from cholesterol (a key Biosynthetic Process in our organism, and of Heme, the ligand of Hemoglobin, the essential molecule for breathing and using oxygen for ATP generation in mitochondria (our only and basic human energy!!). These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Tablets (dissolved in Water) - Comparison to ERW (from Water Ionizer) Used Methods for Determination of Generated Molecular Hydrogen Concentrations in Water Solutions for: H-Active Principle vs. Water Ionizer. • Originally Developed Method by the Inventor • Experiment 1. 100 mg of H-Active Principle Powder (with is exactly the base for Recovery with Hydro FX tablets) was dissolved in 400 mL of RO (Reverse Osmosis) Water in a well Closed Outer Glass Bottle (External Solution – ES; see Figure 1 below). The pH of the solution was adjusted with small amount of citric acid to about 9. A small sealed PE Bag (with thin polyethylene walls; this could be also a high quality zip-lock bag) filled with 100 mL of only RO water prior to sealing or zip-closing (Internal Solution; IS) was then inserted into the ES of the Outer Bottle. We previously proved that generating Hydrogen Gas diffuses through plastic (PE) bag walls which speaks per se about high (bio)-availability of Molecular Hydrogen Gas! • After assembling the system as schematically shown in the Figure 1, the External Glass Bottle was immediately well closed and the bottle was put into an Ultra Sound Bath for one hour at RT. After that time, internally placed plastic bag was taken out of the bottle and the ORP of this IS was measured (with an insertion of ORP-meter for about 30 seconds) at 0 time (immediately after taking it out) and after each 30 minutes at RT (each time the bag was opened only for the measurement within 30 seconds and again re-closed – a good quality zip-lock bag may be used at best for this type of experiment). • ES in the Exp.1 was 100 mg HAP • in 400 mL 0f RO water • ES in the Exp. 2 was • ERW from the Water Ionizer • Experiment 2. Experiment with Electrolyzed Reduced Water (ERW), in ES, was done in the same way as in Experiment 1. This experiment was performed with a commercially available ionizer. The exciting results are shown on the next slide. Figure 1: Schematic Presentation of the Experiments 1 and 2 NORP-b NORP-a These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
a) Originally Developed Method by the Inventor (continued): Important Remark: The ORP of the starting External Solution is composed of two components: one originating from Dissolved Active Hydrogen Molecules, and the other Hydrogen-independent component. We are interested only in the NORP originating from active hydrogen component; this one is obviously proportional to the dissolved hydrogen gas concentration. Our easy-to-accept further assumption is that the transfer of Active Hydrogen gas through the membrane creates a NORP again proportional to the molecular hydrogen concentration in IS (since hydrogen has been the only molecular species that can pass/diffuse through PE membrane). The results of the experiment are shown below: IS = - 423 mV (0 point) 30 minutes = - 370 mV 60 minutes = - 320 mV 90 minutes = -280 mV 120 minutes = -230 mV 240 minutes = -200 mV IS = - 240 mV (0 point) 30 minutes = -200 mV 60 minutes = -120 90 minutes = -90 mV 120 minutes = - 25 Results: Freshly prepared ERW had a starting ORP of -800 mV which was achieved by using a very hard water – with TDS of about 600; however, the NORP (Hydrogen) part “transferred” to the IS was only - 240 mV. On contrary, the HAP powder gave the starting (ES) solution of about – 500 mV, but as high as -423 mV were “transferred’ through PE wall to the IS! These results indicate minimum 3 times higher concentration of molecular hydrogen in HAP solution than in ERW! Conclusions:ERWhas been consumed (via WI) for almost 50 years. Numerous users noticed health benefits and that was absolutely correct and proportional to the amount of active hydrogen that existed in ERW (what we also proved). However, our Invention and our Recovery Product do provide a much higher concentration of Active Hydrogen in a much simpler, more affordable and straightforward way! ERW HAP These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Determination of Active Molecular Hydrogen Gas Concentration and its Physical Form - in HAP–based Products b) Two independent new methods have been performed by Dr. V. Safonov from the “MAG & BIO DYNAMICS”, INC., ESCONDIDO, CA, USA. A. The first method is based on Gas Chromatography determination of Hydrogen Gas. TABLE 1. RESULTS OF THE ACTUAL EXPERIMENT Sample Time 0.5 h 1h 2h 5h 7h #1 ( %H2) 4.93 5.75 6.69 9.49 8.056 #2 (%H2) 10.64 9.81 14.73 15.85 16.76 #3 (%H2) 0 0.044 0.044 0.0018 0.042 #1 – 1 (80 mg of HAP corresponding to one mmole of Hydrogen*) #2 - 2 (160 mg of HAP) #3 – Control; Only dd Water; No tablet *One mmole Hydrogen has a volume od 22.4 mL (~15% of total Hydrogen – is in the GP, ~ 85% is in ALP). Experiment was conducted in 125 mL serum glass bottles closed with butyl rubber stopper and sealed with aluminum seals; Tablet(s) was(were) dissolved in 100 mL of dd (deionized and degassed) water and the gaseous phase (25 ml) above the aqueous liquid phase (100 mL) was analyzed for the presence and concentration of hydrogen gas; Analysis was performed by taking of 1 ml head space atmosphere by 1ml syringe; 1 ml gas sample was injected into 10 ml analytical vial to analyze hydrogen in % using Gas Chromatograph (Agilent, Micro GC 3000). System is Closed by Butyl Rubber Seal – An Elastic Valve Gaseous Phase (GP) 25 mL Aqueous Liquid Phase 100 mL “ALP” These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
An Interpretation of the Results from the Previous Slide: The result interpretation described above is quite unexpected! Namely, it has been firmly established that hydrogen gas at room temperature has a solubility in water (under standard conditions, 1 atm, RT) of about 2 mg per L, which represents a one millimolar hydrogen aqueous solution. Since we have ~ 0.85 mmoles of Hydrogen gas in 100 mL (0.1 L) water, that would correspond to 8.5 mmoles (in 1 L of water) and that would be 8.5 times MORE THAN Henry Law of Gas Solubility predicts! Thus, our Hydrogen solution presents a “Super-Saturated Aqueous Hydrogen Gas”. For human consumption this is the highest ever recorded level of Active Molecular Hydrogen Gas in water!! Now, the “Hydrogen-Rich-Water” obtained by simple bubbling a hydrogen gas (from its compressed gaseous state in a stainless cylinder) through water until one reaches a saturation point would produce only 1 mmolar solution, ~ 2 mg of H2 per one Liter of Water). Thus we have about ten times more concentrated Hydrogen Gas solution in water than ever before (for a human consumption)! An independent conclusion has been derived from another physical experiment: NMR studies of the HAP powder in water solution are independently confirming the existing super-saturated state of our H2 in water. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
NMR Measurement of AA Tablet Solutions Under the Supervision of: DR. VLADIMIR L SAFONOV: “MAG & BIO DYNAMICS”, INC., ESCONDIDO, CA, USA Web Site: http://www.magbiodyn.com/index.html The Actual Experiment: The sample (powdered HAP; 4 mg) dissolved in 1 ml of the mixture 10% H2O and 90 % D2O was placed in a 5 mm NMR tube. The control sample was only 1 ml of the same mixture in a separate 5 mm NMR tube. 1H NMR spectra have been recorded using 500 MHz Varian Unity/Inova NMR spectrometer at 23oC. Spectra at different times after adding the tablet material to the solvent, together with the spectra of the control sample (dotted lines), recorded 1 min before, are shown below: Precise Interpretation of this experiment is beyond the possibilities of popular science. However, the final picture that was created based on this experiment is shown on the next slide. In short, in the process described above, it looks like an equilibrium of various hydrogen bubbles is created whereupon micro- and macro-hydrogen bubbles escape from their water solution and accumulate in the vapor phase above the water while the Hydrogen Nano-bubbles do NOT escape quickly (at least during the first 24 hours!) and they remain pretty stable in water solution and can easily reach Super-Saturation Hydrogen Concentration Levels! ! These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Mechanism of AA Interaction with Water – A Working Hypothesis Remark: All sizes are a rough approximation and they are extremely schematic – just for illustration purposes Escape(s) Hydrogen Nano-Bubbles: They do not escape, they stay stable in a “stabilized form”; Their solubility is much higher than the Macro- and Micro-Bubbles that themselves comply with the Henry Law. However, the “Hydrogen Nano-Bubbles” do not obey the Henry Law and can be dissolved in water at enormously higher concentrations than ones predicted by Henry Law. Hydrogen Macro-Bubble(s) Hydrogen Micro-Bubble(s) A possible Structure of a Nano-Hydrogen-Bubble (a schematic enormously enlarged version) This Hypothesis/Model Explains: 1. Based on our experiment described on HAP powder and WI (one that is related to a diffusion of Hydrogen through plastic membranes), it has been clear that the main portion of NORP created upon dissolution of HAP powder in water is caused by the Dissolved Hydrogen. This fact can only be explained by the proposed “Charged Hydrogen Nano-bubble Model” . Otherwise, the classical hydrogen solubility model (i.e., uncharged big bubbles) does not even predict a NORP for dissolved hydrogen; namely, the ORP-meter is calibrated towards the standard Hydrogen Electrode and shows really a 0 (zero) relative value for NORP. 2. We can envision that the Charged Hydrogen Nano-Bubbles can penetrate/diffuse/pass through plastic PE walls and thus we do observe a “transfer” - “spreading” of the NORP from original External Solution (ES) to Internal Solution (IS) through PE film. Cation-Coating and Hydration of the Charged Hydrogen-Nano-Bubbles seem to be of a crucial importance. Finally, Electrons in this Hydrogen Nano-Bubble Model need not be necessarily totally free; they might very well be oscillating among many of available anti-bonding H2 molecular orbitals (again beyond usual popular models). H2O H2O Mg2+ Mg2+ Mg2+ e- H2 H2 H2O e- H2O H2 e- H2 Mg2+ Mg2+ e- H2 Mg2+ Molecular Hydrogen - H2 H2O H2O Electron – e- These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.