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It is a fully certified centre for the Institute of leadership and Management (ILM) and works closely with civil and public sector organisations as well as multi-nationals SMEs’ and individual clients throughout the country. http://htraining.net/
Sales Development Programmes We offer programmes for sales reps, sellers in retailer environments and telephone / contact centres. Our sales programmes focus primarily on three main areas: Managing the sales territory; becoming effective in the sales conversation and maintaining motivation in the sales environment.
Awards & Extended Awards for Young Leaders This programme examines the fundamental messages young people hear or give themselves about the world and how these either help or hinder them in life. As well as guide them in their careers our programmes offer supporting and positive ramifications in every area of life.
CoachingProgrammes Eachcoachingprogrammesfocusesonevery competencyrequiredatalllevelsofleadershipand management. Throughself-reflectionandpractical applicationintheworkplacewedevelopthese competenciestointernationallyrecognisedlevels. InterviewCoaching HereatH-Trainingwehavesupportedthousandsof clientsatalllevelsinadvancingtheircareers. Wedo thisbyhavingdevelopedbehaviouralcompetencies foralmostthirty-yearsandapplyingthisexperienceto eachroles.
Leadership & Management Programmes Eachprogrammefocusesoncompetencies requiredateverylevelofleadershipand management. Throughself-reflectionand practicalapplicationwedevelopthese competenciestointernationally recognisedlevels. Weofferthorough insightintoyourleadershipand managementstylesenablingyouto performbetterinanyleadershiprole.
MAILINGADDRESS H-Training, Liskillea, Waterfall, CorkT12PT0C EMAILADDRESS htraining163@gmail.com PHONENUMBER +353852069099 & +353872553080 http://htraining.net/