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First year Linguistics and English Language at Sussex. English Language no particular A-levels req’d ABB/360 tariff points (3A, 1AS) single major joint major English Education Studies European Humanities French, German, Italian, Spanish* Film Studies • (English) Literature
English Language no particular A-levels req’d ABB/360 tariff points (3A, 1AS) single major joint major English Education Studies European Humanities French, German, Italian, Spanish* Film Studies • (English) Literature Linguistics • TESOL major/minor Film French, German, Italian, Spanish* Linguistics no particular A-levels req’d BBB/340 tariff points (3A, 1AS) single major joint major English Language Cognitive Science French, German, Italian, Spanish* Contemporary European Studies European Humanities Philosophy • TESOL major/minor Cognitive Science French, German, Italian, Spanish* Two degree subjects
English Language Year 1: The Making of English* Language & Style Current Soc’l Issues in EL* Year 2: Structure of EL I: Grammar Structure of EL II: Semx/Prax (x2 opt) Socio, Psycho & Cogn Lx* Year 3: Modern English Pronunciation English World Wide* (x2 opt) Psycho, Discourse, Cogn Research project Linguistics Year 1: Approaches to Meaning* Approaches to Grammar Approaches to Pronunciation Language in Society Year 2: Grammar* Semantics and Pragmatics* Phonology* (x2 opt) Socio, Psycho or Cogn Lx* Year 3: Linguistic Typology(*) Historical Linguistics* (x 2 opt) Psycho, socio, discourse, cogn* Research project Two core course offerings* = English Language & Linguistics joint degreebold = double weighted or year-long courses
Challenges we face • All 1st year (& many subsequent) courses include non-majors • All EL/Lx students don’t take same courses, due to joint prgrms • Mix of students w/ & w/o EL A level (both degrees) • Results in some ‘review’ for A level takers • Little uniformity of bkgrnd knwldg, even for those w/ EL A lvl • General student fear of ‘science’, ‘grammar’, ‘maths’ • General student ignorance of notions like ‘noun’, ‘passive’ etc. • Lack of academic skills appropriate to uni level • Offering two full programmes w/ only 6 permanent faculty • Recent increases in intake, shift to larger teaching groups
Tackling the challenges • 1st year Lx courses integrate descriptive, theoretical and applied approaches to lexical semantics, grammar & phonology • 1st year EL courses emphasise links to literature & social issues—following familiar ground from most A-level experiences • Original research tackled from the start (e.g., Adopt-a-Word) • Portfolio assessment, including written work, presentations, course participation, etc. Where possible, including feedback/revision of written work. • Institution of ‘skills curriculum’ (including ‘remedial’ grammar) • Fantastic associate tutors
The skills curriculum • Sponsored by small University Teaching/Learning Devt grant • Identify academic, professional, & subject-specific skills needed • ID appropriate places in curriculum for delivery of skills teaching • Develop seminar/tutorial/handbook materials for skills T/L • Develop interest/enthusiasm/commitment/confidence in teaching skills
Skills to be delivered in Year 1 • Planning/giving presentations* • Dictionary awareness/skills, using OED on-line* • Peer-editing* • Referencing, plagiarism avoidance, web literacy(*) • Word processing for Grammar (Lx 1, EL 2) • Word processing for Phonology (Lx 1, EL 3) • Part-of-speech workshop* • Essay writing (*) (Lx through writing/feedback/revision) • (Negotiating group work)
For more information… http://www.sussex.ac.uk/linguistics/1-3.html