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CANNABIS RULES BUT WE NEVER KNOW. Brief History of Cannabis. The origin of cannabis are not entirely clear, but biologist and cannabis researchers generally agree that the plant first took root somewhere in the HIMALAYAS.
Brief History of Cannabis • The origin of cannabis are not entirely clear, but biologist and cannabis researchers generally agree that the plant first took root somewhere in the HIMALAYAS.
Cannabis can be grown nearly anywhere as long as the temperature is not consistently cold and there is enough sunlight and food. 連路邊都可以亂長 可見大麻的適應性有多強
Let’s know something about cannabis • Seed-only the female plant produces seeds. • Bud-mostly used to make joint and hashish.
Hashish大麻球 Joint大麻菸捲
Why POTS make you HIGH? • Cannabis plants produces psychoactive ingredients called cannabinoids. The main ingredient within it is called THC, 四氫大麻酚which make user high. • THC can be extracted out of the buds.
THC • The LEVEL of THC is determined genetically, which cannot be influenced by growers. But the QUANTITY of THC can be varied from 20% to 70% per bud under grower’s control. • 換句話說 若是種植技術越高 所得到的THC濃度就愈高
Cannabis are far more useful besides as a kind of soft drug • 根據歷史學家的研究,人類和大麻的淵源可以追溯到遠古時代的中國。早在數千年前,中國人已經懂得食用大麻籽並且利用大麻作為衣服的原料,《神農本草經》是目前發現最早記載大麻具有醫療效果的藥典,最初的造紙技術也是以大麻為主要原料;不單是中國,世界其他民族也都記錄著大麻的栽種及使用。 • Cannabis sativa在拉丁文的含義代表「有用的大麻」(useful hemp)
And MORE… • Hemp material is more durable than the one made from cotton. (a pair of jeans made from hemp will stand longer than cotton) • Paper industry: Trees need to be grown at least 50 years, but hemps need only 3 months. • Researches have revealed that cannabis contain the ingredients possible to cure cancers (eliminating the growth of cancer cells) • Cannabis oil can also be extracted as burning fuel, which is far superior to fossil fuel.
Even Buddhist smokes POTS 釋迦牟尼佛並不禁止祂的弟子抽大麻,因為在印度瘴癘之氣很重,對不對?潮溼、悶熱,瘴癘之氣很重,所以很多弟子都抽大麻。
Is it so bad as evil to be forbidden? 藥物濫用及防治宣導 資料來源:管制藥品管理局
大麻受體的發現對於大麻醫療方面的研究具有革命性的影響,同時也間接肯定了幾千年來人類使用大麻的醫療價值。不可否認的,大麻的確含有某些具有毒性的物質,以THC為例,其吸入性半數致死劑量在大老鼠為42 mg/kg ,然而毒物學裡有一句名言:「所有的物質都有毒性,差別只是在劑量的多寡。」因此有關當局應該以客觀的角度評估大麻,在毒性和醫療之間取得平衡點。
If cannabis are so good, why our government ban it? It’s because… • US government incorrectly classed cannabis as an opiate during opium wars. • Cotton industries wanted to see an end to cannabis hemp industries. And the cotton industry financially backed politicians. • Shortly after WW2, cannabis was prohibited because it was claimed that it would make men docile and unable to fight the communists.
The press media generally promote the negative respects of marihuana, which is supposed to be a type of soft drug, but people are made to believe cannabis are the equivalence of evil. • Questionable sources- Most researchers use doctors as the only authority for their cannabis research, which relate mostly in medicine, but cannabis has other uses besides being a medicine. WHY? The pharmaceuticalindustries should be the one to blame.
0 National Institute on Drug Abuse. NIDA
結論 每一項藥物都具有其毒性 就算感冒葯也不例外 而大麻在藥物運用的歷史洪流中被冠上的罪名 或許太過沉重了 除了種種pleasure hating culture的影響 還有政治經濟等種種利益的糾葛 大麻成為了代罪羔羊 被列為萬惡的毒品之列 然而 也就是因為政府對於大麻的種種限制 造成了黑市大麻的急速氾濫 使得一般大麻使用者在獲取大麻之時 完全沒有任何保障 例如品質、來源、價格 所以 若是政府能夠正視大麻的醫療價值 進而將大麻合法化 將能夠化阻力為助力 不但爲有需要的人開出一條新路 同時也將能化解當前因為黑市大麻交易所衍生的社會問題