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THE STATE ENVIRONMENT FUND. of Czech Republic 1 991 - 2 001 Prague. Basic information about the State Environment Fund. together with the state budget, the fund is an important source of financial resources for environmental protection,.
THE STATE ENVIRONMENT FUND of Czech Republic 1 991 - 2 001 Prague
Basic information about the State Environment Fund • together with the state budget, the fund is an important source of financial resources for environmental protection, • the fund’s activities are set out in Act No. 388/1991 Coll. and related regulations – the Statutes and Code of the Ministry of the Environment on the provision of financial resources from the Fund, • the priority activities of the fund are regularly updated by appendices to the Code (all documents mentioned are available in English versions).
payment for the release of waste water into surface waters (13.3%), fees for the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere, including the payment of loans provided within the framework of the Program for Air Renewal (32.5%), fees pursuant to the law on waste (2.5%), levies for the permanent or temporary removal of agricultural land from agricultural production (12.2%), fees for the production and import of substances that are harmful to the Earth’s ozone layer, penalties charged by the Ministry of the Environment and the Czech Environmental Inspectorate and the payment of loans (39.5%). The Fund’s standard income is from
subsidies (only for non-profit organisations or municipalities), The Fund’s standard types of expenditure are • support in the form of loans with 2% interest (only for non-profit organisations or municipalities), • support in the form of loans with 5% interest (for commercial enterprises and other entities), • contributions to the part payment of interest on loans up to 5%, for a period of at most 5 years; the amount of the contribution is limited to a fixed sum of 50 million CZK.
reducing water pollution (particularly for moderate pollution sources, i.e. 5–10 thousand equivalent population), The Fund directs its costs (in accordance with a document approved by the Minister for the Environment, called Strategy of the Fund in the pre-accession period, and in accordance with the state environmental policy) into the following areas: • reducing air pollution (particularly for moderate pollution sources, i.e. 0.2–10 MW), • minimisation of waste, particularly hazardous waste, • promotion of clean (low-waste, low-emission and less energy- demanding) technologies, particularly in small and middle-sized enterprises, • protection of nature and the landscape (with the emphasis on increasing the water-retaining capabilities of the landscape and on flood-control measures).
In 1992 - 2000, resources from the Fund provided financial support to: • 803 water-treatment plants and sewers, • 120 campaigns for the removal of flood damage, • 2 365 instances of the surface introduction of gas to municipalities and the introduction of gas to boiler rooms, including other technologies, • 729 campaigns to reduce burdening of nature and landscapes.
Distribution of projects supported by the State Environmental Fund in period 1992 - 2000
Basic activities of SEF by the processing application for the financial means
Receipt and registration of application: • application recording • application checking from the view of accuracy of submittes indications • application checking from the view of formal completeness of document required • application registration and enlistment into relevant programme • Action final evaluation: • evaluation of ecological contribution, action volume and fulfilment of Minister´s decision and Agreement on support provision conditions • approval of support provided (until action final evaluation only advance-allocation) • Procotol of definitive support admission issue • Supervisory activity at the place of action implementation: • verification of real operations at the place • verification and control of technical and economical data on which are payments based • Evaluation of application and preparation of minister´s decision: • ecological evaluation (specific costs´ amount on displaced pollution unit, ecological urgency of territory preservation, ecological contribution) • technical evaluation (assessment of suggested technical solution level with emphasis on BAT) • economy of the project (financial analyse) • applicant´s economy (credit worthiness, own sufficient resources) • regional policy priorities • Release of funds on the invoicing basis: • verification and approval of payments (from technical and economical view) • transation and bookkeeping of payments • Agreement on support provision: • preparation of base for agreements • preparation and approval of agreements on support provision, event. Mortgage contracts • Fund Council (advisory body) and Minister of theEnvironment : • positive or negative Decision of Minister of the Environment
ISPA Programme (The Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-Acccesion ) • special subsidiary programme prepared by the European Commission to provide a support to the associated states during the pre-accession preparation in the years 2000-2006 • ISPA programme is in principle Pre-Cohesion Fund aimed at improving the environment and traffic infrastructure • an estimate of the subsidy destined in the Czech republic make about 80-100 million EUR per year as for the sector of the environment so for the sector of the transport
ISPA Programme • ISPA programme financial means can be generally provided as grant up to 75% of total costs to the municipalities, associations of municipalities, organisational parts of the state, and the like • the projects must have significant impact in the sector of environment and the total costs of the project must be of amount at least 5 million EUR • the registration and the evaluation of applications for ISPA programme support is co-ordinated by the Directive for submission of application for aid from the European Community ISPA programme, approved in January 2001 that fully reflects the requirements of the European Union
ISPA Programme Implementing Agency – Environment • According to the Government Decree No. 149 from February 14, 2001 the SEF became Implementing Agency in the sector of environment for projects approved by the ISPA Co-ordination Committee of European Commission from the 2001 onward. • the Implementing Agency above all prepares tenders, supervises project implementation, releases financial sources, makes reports, keeps accounts, etc.
Evaluation of applications for fund support : In general, applications for fund support are evaluated according to four groups of criteria, which are allocated appropriate weight. The groups of criteria are as follows: • ecological criteria group – 30% (weight–maximum recalculation value of the group: 300) • economic criteria group – 30% (weight–maximum recalculation value of the group: 300) • regional criteria group – 20% (weight– maximum recalculation value of the group: 200) • technical criteria group – 20% (weight–maximum recalculation value of the group: 200) The individual criteria are recalculated according to the relevant weight and their sum is the foundation for the proposal of subsequent priority within the region.
1. Area of water protection 2. Area of air pollution control 3. Environmental management, protection and use of natural resources 4. Waste management 5. Technology and production 6. Support of projects for using renewable sources of energy Actual areas of Fund’s financial support :
1.1. Programme - Medium sources Measures for sources of contamination of a size equivalent to 2 000 up to 10 000 inhabitants, where a waste water treatment plant has not yet been built, or where the existing water treatment plant will be extended to the above given capacity (this holds also for a construction of the public part of sewerage). Area of water protection:
1.2. Programme - Protection of the drinking water measures for municipal sources of contamination of a size equivalent to 2 000 inhabitants, which lie in the drinking water protection areas. 1.3. Programme - Industrial sources measures for industrial sources of contamination, which reduce the amount of organic substances, heavy metals, nitrogen substances and phosphorus in discharged waste waters Area of water protection:
1.4. Extension or intensification of the existing municipal waste water treatment plants measures for municipal waste water treatment plants in the form of extending their capacity or intensification of the purification process to a capacity equivalent to 10 000 up to 50 000 inhabitants. The specified number of equivalent inhabitants represents the incoming waste-water contamination. Area of water protection:
1.5. Programme – Extension of sewerage measures for sources of contamination where to the existing sewerage, whose part is a waste water treatment plant of sufficient capacity, is connected another source of contamination corresponding to the equivalent of 300 up to 10 000 inhabitants. Area of water protection:
2.1. Programme for reducing emissions of air contaminants from small and medium sources of air pollution operated in the interest of public benefit 2.2. Programme for reducing emissions of air pollutants from the air polluting sources PROGRAMME FOR REDUCING THE MAIN POLLUTANTS AND EARTH´S CLIMATE PROTECTION WITH EMPHASIS ON THE ENERGY SAVING SOLUTIONS
2.3. Programme of using the combined heat and power units the goal of the programme is the reconstruction of small and medium air pollution sources 2.4. Program of the infrastructure development of small municipalities the program is intended for municipalities with max. 1000 inhabitants and parts of municipalities up to 1000 inhabitants this concerns especially the following measures: development of the public parts of connections and medium pressure gas ducts, development of the public parts of connections and networks of the central heat supply system PROGRAMME FOR REDUCING THE MAIN POLLUTANTS AND EARTH´S CLIMATE PROTECTION WITH EMPHASIS ON THE ENERGY SAVING SOLUTIONS
2.5. Programme for reducing emissions of volatile organic substances the goal of the programme is to reduce the air pollution with organic substances from equipments of technological processes at small and medium sources of air pollution defined in article 3, paragraph 2, letter b) and c) of the Act No. 309/1991, on air pollution control, in the valid wording. This concerns especially the following technologies and Measures : technology of the coating of painting materials, printing industry, degreasing of metals and electrical parts with chlorinated organic solvents, purification of textiles, leather and furs with organic solvents. PROGRAMME FOR FULFILMENT OF THE PROTOCOL TO THE EHK UN CONVENTION ON LOWERING THE CONTENT OF VOLATILE ORGANIC SUBSTANCES
2.6. Programme for the protection of the Earth´s ozone layer the goal of the programme is the complex securing of disposal and recycling of wastes containing regulated substances depleting or endangering the Earth´s ozone layer. This concerns substances given in the Supplement to the Act. No. 86/1995 on the protection of the Earth´s ozone layer, the programme is intended for municipalities, association of municipalities, and for other budget or allowance organizations. PROGRAMME FOR FULFILMENT OF THE MONTREAL PROTOCOL ON SUBSTANCES THAT DEPLETE THE OZONE LAYER
2.7. Programme of reducing the territorial emission and air pollution environmental load 2.7.1. Programme for processing the concepts of reducing emissions of contaminants and air pollution 2.7.2. Programme of implementing the concepts of reducing emissions of contaminants and air pollution PROGRAMMME FOR REACHING THE AIR QUALITY IN RELATION TO THE EUROPEAN UNION REQUIREMENTS
3.1. Programme of environmental management the goal of the programme is the support of measures for nature and landscape protection in regions of special protection and in the open landscape, carried out outside the current scope of obligations defined by the Act No. 114/1992, on nature and landscape protection, Act No. 289/1995, on forests, and Act. No. 334/1992, on protection of agricultural land resources. Preferentially will be supported measures in National Parks, in the first and second zones of Protected Landscape Areas, and in small protected areas with important landscape elements. The measures will be included in the following partial programmes according to their character: Environmental management, protection and use of natural resources
3.1.1. Establishing elements of the territorial systems of ecological landscape 3.1.2. Recovery of important landscape elements, protection of notable trees, recovery of important protected parks and gardens 3.1. Programme of environmental management :
3.1.3. With respect to the nature economical management in forests 3.1.4. Area and vegetation management in national parks, their protection zones and protected landscape areas 3.1. Programme of environmental management :
3.1.5. Establishment and implementation of protection plans for especially protected territories in the category of National Nature Reserve, National Nature Park, Nature Reserve, and Nature Park 3.1.6. Buyouts of lots on the territories of special protection 3.1. Programme of environmental management :
3.1.7. Preservation programmes of especially protected plant and animal species 3.1.8. Contributions to compensation of the proven harm to agricultural and forest resources according to the Act No. 114/1992, Act No. 334/1992, and Act No. 289/19 3.1. Programme of environmental management :
4.1. Programmes supporting remedial measures and reclamations of the old waste sites the goal of the programme are remedial measures and reclamations of the old waste sites of municipal waste, especially those operated on the basis of special conditions according to the cancelled Act No. 238/1991, article. 15, paragraph 1, letter b), on wastes, in the wording of the Act No. 300/1995, coming in force according to the Act No. 62/1992, article 2, and subsequently according to the Act No. 41/1995. Waste management
4.2. Programme for supporting the use and disposal of wastes the goal of the programme is to support complex solution of waste management in the region by supporting technological lines, which contribute to a substantial utilization of wastes and thus to reducing the overall environmental load. The programme is intended for legal persons and physical persons, entitled to business activity in the given field, budget and allowance organizations, municipalities and towns. The basic types of measures which will be supported: technological lines for additional sorting of wastes and construction (establishment) of collection yards, technological lines for waste recycling, equipment for utilization of wastes, equipment for use of wastes in power engineering, equipment for utilization of sludges from purification plants. Waste management
4.3. Programme for processing approaches to waste managements the goal of the programme is processing the approaches to waste management in the individual regions according to the new classification valid in the Czech Republic from January 1, 2000. The conceptions will be processed for a period of at least 5 years, according to the methodology issued by the Ministry of the Environment and must be in accord with the State Policy of the Environment. Waste management
5.1. Programme of the best available techniques (BAT) the goal of the programme is to support and stimulate the introduction of the best available techniques in the Czech industry. This program is the continuation of the Programme for cleaner production and supports the strategy of prevention and integrated solutions This program will support the following: innovation measures of technological character, integrated into the existing processes, whose introduction will make it possible to lower the amount of pollutants and at the same time promotes the economical efficiency of the process, introduction of new technologies, with the parameters of the best available technologies (BAT). Technology and production
5.2. Programme of the introduction of the management of enterprises and audits from the environmental point of view (the EMAS programme) the goal of the programme is to support the EMAS programme in the sense of the decision No. 466/1998 of the government of the Czech Republic, primarily in small and medium enterprises and furthermore in the health sector and services. The support is intended as a contribution to costs connected with the project of the EMAS application, including education, until the phase of declaring the state of the environment. The condition for providing the support is the fulfilment of one of the following conditions: introduction and certification of the environmental management system in the enterprise according to a series of the ISO 14000 standards, introduction and certification of the environmental management system in the enterprise in accord with the requirements of the EMAS Programme, introduction and certification of the quality management system according to a series of the ISO 9000 standards by accredited authorities and accredited environmental auditors for the EMAS Programme. Technology and production :
5.3. Programme supporting the infrastructure development of the ecological public city transport the goal of the programme is to support the public city transport using natural gas or electricity, by building or extending its technical supporting facilities, i.e. by building the filling or charging stations etc. the condition for providing the subsidy is that the proposed measure is in accord with the territorial plan of the pertinent territory, or with the concept of transport. The programme has a priority for the city and district territories requiring special air protection (Supplement No. 1 of the decree No. 41/1992, in the valid wording). Technology and production :
A. Support of investment projects for using renewable sources of energy B. Support of selected non-investment projects in the region of use of renewable sources of energy Under environment-friendly way of heating or production of electric energy shall be understood heating or production or electric energy with the help of modern technologies using renewable energy sources. Under the term renewable energy sources shall be understood usable energy source the energy potential of which is renewed by natural processes. The matter are especially energy potential of solar radiation, biomass, water, wind, mineral environment and atmosphere. Technologies which are subject of the support correspond to this potential: thermo solar systems for heating of hot service water and additional heating, modern technologies for energy use of biomass of all outputs, small water power plants, wind power plants and heatpumps.. Support of projects for using renewable sources of energywithin the State Program of Support of Energy Savings and Use of Renewable Energy Sources
1.A.a. Investment support of the environmental friendly heating systems and hot service water heating (further only TUV) for apartments, family houses and apartment houses, including the objects of civic facilities and social care and accommodation facilities this holds exclusively for local systems, except for heat providing the supply of heat, or TUV for one building or a small group of buildings. In the case of solar systems, systems will be preferred with additional heating, i.e. with all-year-round heating. A. Support of investment projects for using renewable sources of energy
1.A.b. Investment support of the environmental friendly heating systems and hot service water (TUV) heating for apartments and family houses of physical persons this holds exclusively for local systems, except for heat providing the supply of heat, or TUV for one building or a small group of buildings for physical persons. In the case of solar systems, systems will be preferred with additional heating, i.e. with all-year-round heating. A. Support of investment projects for using renewable sources of energy
2.A. Investment support of the environmental friendly heating systems and hot service water heating in the municipal sphere with the central system of heat supply and water the programme refers both to the construction of new systems using renewable sources and to a transition from the existing sources using fossil fuels, to renewable sources (further reconstruction). This concerns primarily the central systems using biomass. A. Support of investment projects for using renewable sources of energy
3.A. Investment support of the environmental friendly heating systems and hot service water heating in the educational system facilities, health care system facilities, budget institutions and facilities of the non-profit institutions including the social care this concerns the substitution or partial replacement of the heating, including the TUV heating, with facilities for utilization of renewable sources of energy (boilers for biomass, heat pumps, solar systems), or introducing these facilities in the newly built structures. A. Support of investment projects for using renewable sources of energy
4.A.a. Investment support of the heating using heat pumps in apartment buildings, including family houses and buildings of civic facilities and accommodation facilities this support concerns exclusively local heat pumps for heating of a single building or a small group of buildings or, as the case may be, a combination of heat pumps with another source 4.A.b. Investment support of the heating using heat pumps in apartment buildings, including family houses for family persons this support concerns exclusively local heat pumps for heating of a single building or a small group of buildings or, as the case may be, a combination of heat pumps with another source for physical persons. A. Support of investment projects for using renewable sources of energy
5.A. Investment support of the construction of small hydro-electric power plants the support relates to construction and reconstruction of power plants up to 10 MW of installed power output. This partial programme relates to all subjects (municipalities, budget organizations, other non-profit entities, physical persons and legal persons). A. Support of investment projects for using renewable sources of energy
6.A. Investment support of the construction of wind-power plants this partial programme relates to all subjects (municipalities, budget organizations, other non-profit entities, physical persons and legal persons). A. Support of investment projects for using renewable sources of energy
7.A. Investment support of the construction of facilities for the combined heat and power production from biomass this programme concerns the construction of combined heat and power units, where biomass is used as the fuel (e.g., the biogas formed by agricultural waste fermentation, spontaneously on waste sites or in the water treatment plants, or by thermal gasification of wood, a steam boiler for the biomass burning with a steam turbine etc.). A. Support of investment projects for using renewable sources of energy
8.A. Investment support of the environmental friendly heating systems and hot service water heating in the purpose-built facilities this support concerns installation of solar systems, heat pumps and systems using biomass, except for units serving for heating and warming water in households etc. . Into consideration come also public swimming pools (water collectors), sports facilities, furthermore driers (primarily with season operation – hot air collectors), the use of waste heat from the cooling facilities of waste waters, sewerage, and also the biomass substitute for burning fossil fuels or the use of non-contaminated biomass from the production A. Support of investment projects for using renewable sources of energy
9.A. Investment support of repairs and reconstructions of solar systems in the agriculture this support concerns reconstructions and repairs of solar systems for drying forage and service water heating, that were installed in the eighties in the agriculture sector A. Support of investment projects for using renewable sources of energy