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IMAGINE combining: . The worst jet lag you may have experienced after a long haul flightThe most anxiety provoking situationThe feeling that a bulldozer has been through your bedroom in the night and ploughed over you". Lucy. Community Health Professional working long hours for NHSClini
1. Working with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Mel Terry
Specialist Occupational Therapist
Cornwall & IOS Chronic Fatigue/ME Service
Well Being at Work Conference 8-9th March 2011
2. IMAGINE – combining: The worst jet lag you may have experienced after a long haul flight
The most anxiety provoking situation
The feeling that a “bulldozer has been through your bedroom in the night and ploughed over you”
3. Lucy Community Health Professional working long hours for NHS
Clinics, driving, computer, teaching, managing staff.
Glandular Fever, ill for a year, diagnosed CFS/ME, post exertion fatigue, malaise, severe headaches, balance problems, cognitive deficits, depression.
Previously friends with manager, now changed. Work important for keeping her home for her family (single mother)
Enjoys her work when team fully staffed
Previously very active, loves the outdoors, water sports.
Frustrated by the restrictions on her life and worried by the prospects she faces – change/loss of job, relocation, leaving partner in Cornwall
LATER – Rehab programme
4. Aims of the Session Brief overview of CFS/ME symptoms/effects on function
Role of OT and employer
Unique rehabilitation programme
Relapse prevention/contingency management
5. Symptoms of CFS/ME Post exertion fatigue
Pain – generalised/specific
Disturbance in Sleep-Wake rhythm
Cognition deficits – memory/concentration
6. Symptoms of CFS/ME Anxiety
Musculoskeletal problems
Nutritional problems
7. Functional effects of CFS/ME Disrupted routine
Change in roles – relationships
Reduced skill performance – motor, process, communication & interaction
(ADL, Leisure, Productivity, Rest)
Difficulties with environment – physical & social
Poor self esteem – reduced motivation
8. Overall Effect on Work Difficulty maintaining schedule previously required
Poor attention/concentration on previously required tasks
Reduced performance in work abilities
Difficulty being in specified environment
9. Role of OT with Employer