Giant PandaS Langley Driskell
Habitat • Giant Pandas live in a few mountain ranges in central china in sichuan, shaanxi, and Gansaprovinces.They once lived in louland areas, but forming forists clearing, and other devlopment now restnc Giant Pandas to the mountains.They live in rain forests
Endagered • Giant Pandas are threatened by habitat loss, today there are ongly 2,500 left
Save this animail • Peaple are giving money to save the Giant pandas. You can adopt a panda at WWW.GIFTS.WORLD WEB . COME.
Giant Panda’s diet • 99% bamboo, and some times fish, honey, eggs, leves, froot, and root vegetables.
COOL FACTS • Giant Pandas spind most of ther day eating, sleeping, and seeking.baby pandas are helpless wen just born.Some males are biger then females, males can weigh up to 250 pounds in the wild.
References • World wild life. Org and nashnail zoo. Siedu.