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Report Tile

The Senior Executive Service. Report Tile. Applying for the SES. Carol A Harvey harveydirect@yahoo.com. Definition. Directs an organizational unit Accountable for the success of one or more specific programs or projects

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Report Tile

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  1. The Senior Executive Service Report Tile Applying for the SES Carol A Harvey harveydirect@yahoo.com

  2. Definition • Directs an organizational unit • Accountable for the success of one or more specific programs or projects • Monitors progress toward organizational goals, periodically evaluates, & makes appropriate adjustments to such goals • Supervises employees other than personal assistants • Exercises important policy-making, policy-determining, or other executive functions

  3. Greater agency authority Highly competent Governmentwide corps Career/noncareer interface Executive utilization, mobility Accountability Link performance, pay, and retention Goals

  4. SES Senior Level Scientific & Professional

  5. SES by Agency

  6. Separate personnel system President sets pay annually Basic pay: $119,554 – $165,300 If certified perf mgt plan: $119,554 – $179,700 Max comp in certified system: $230,700 Rank in person Mobility requirement What’s Different

  7. No COLA No overtime or comp time 8 hours AL per pay period max carry over 90 days Sabbaticals Last Move Home What’s Different?

  8. Health insurance Retirement TSP What’s Unchanged

  9. Agency Head Executive Resources Board (ERB) Performance Review Board (PRB) Agency Role

  10. Criterion A Demonstrated Executive Experience Criterion B Graduate of OPM- approved CDP Criterion C Special or unique qualifications Career AppointmentSelection Criteria

  11. Leading Change Leading People Results Driven Business Acumen Building Coalitions Executive Core Qualifications

  12. Competencies Research-based 28 identified Governmentwide Periodically revisited ECQ’s

  13. Foundation for Success in each ECQ Interpersonal Skills Oral Communication Integrity/Honesty Written Communication Continual Learning Public Service Motivation Fundamental Competencies

  14. Ability to bring about change, within & outside the organization, to meet organizational goals Ability to establish an organizational vision & implement it in a continually changing environment Leading Change

  15. Creativity & Innovation External Awareness Flexibility Resilience Strategic Thinking Vision Leading ChangeCompetencies

  16. Ability to lead others towards meeting organization’s vision, mission & goals Includes ability to provide inclusive workplace that: Fosters development of others Facilitates cooperation & teamwork Supports constructive resolution of conflicts Leading People

  17. Conflict Management Leveraging Diversity Developing Others Team Building Leading PeopleCompetencies

  18. Ability to meet organizational goals & customer expectations Includes the ability to make decisions that produce high-quality results by applying Technical Knowledge Analyzing Problems Calculating Risks Results Driven

  19. Accountability Customer Service Decisiveness Entrepreneurship Problem Solving Technical Credibility Results DrivenCompetencies

  20. Ability to manage human, financial & information resources strategically Competencies Financial Management Human Capital Management Technology Management Business Acumen

  21. Ability to build coalitions internally & with other Federal agencies, State & local governments, nonprofit & private sector organizations, foreign governments, or international organizations to achieve organizational goals Building Coalitions

  22. Competencies Partnering Political Savvy Influencing/Negotiating Building Coalitions

  23. Selection for training & SES CDP’s Career planning Assess yourself Identify skills & experiences you need Task forces, special assignments, work groups, details What you need to be an effective leader Why Know the ECQ’s?

  24. Agencies can choose approach Traditional narrative on each ECQ Resume-based Accomplishment Record Bottom line: demonstrate leadership DocumentingECQ’s

  25. Make it easy for the reader Introductory summary statement ECQ Tips

  26. I direct the Information Resources Management Division and serve as the agency Deputy Chief Information Officer. I lead over 200 professional, technical, and administrative employees and 85 contractors who provide IT services to over 128 national and 11 international offices. I plan, direct, acquire, develop, implement and manage information solutions, and manage a budget of approximately $50 million dollars. Sample Introductory Statement

  27. Tell a story Don’t copy position description ECQ Tips

  28. During my career, I have applied strategic thinking competencies in assessing and evolving, establishing, and managing execution of strategies, strategic plans, and objectives dedicated to resolving this problem. I performed these functions in evolving and executing an initiative to reduce excess space (which produces no revenue). These strategies, plans, and goals were executed through implementing multiple creative solutions.

  29. Federal agencies that were required to use our services may now contract with private sector vendors. To survive, we must earn and keep their business. I identified ways to make us the vendor of choice by reducing customer costs while improving satisfaction. I identified and eliminated empty space, which produces no revenue. This reduced our cost by 35%. I instituted a simple but useful report to track customer satisfaction. We found that we are timely in responding to requests, but that clients sometimes needed to follow up because a problem reappeared. I set a goal to do it right the first time, and created a simple follow-up customer survey. Repeat problems dropped to zero, and we have customer satisfaction data to present to potential customers. Since implementing my strategy, we retained all current clients and attracted two new ones. Story

  30. Avoid Jargon & Acronyms ECQ Tips

  31. I engaged the Miami IFO and AFS-50 to gain an understanding of why they were not using a risk based approach for surveillance. I worked with AFS-300 to get the IFO Inspectors trained in using the RSAT and it is now being used by the IFO. I also asked the regional ORA to analyze our surveillance on 129 operators and 145 repair shops. I directed the Miami IFO and South Florida CMO to implement a strategy using attributes of both ATOS and SEP. Avoid Acronyms

  32. Give 1 or 2 powerful examples per ECQ Which story best demonstrates your leadership? What skills/experience are they looking for? May use same situation more than once but not identical description 10 pages max Be Concise

  33. Measurable accomplishments & results Numbers, not generalizations Results, not activities Be Specific

  34. Due to my efforts and those of my highly motivated staff, the agency completed three times more administrative projects in one year than in any other year. Measurable Results

  35. Managerial / Executive level experience Strategic thinking and actions ECQ Tips

  36. Specific actions you took When I took over the branch, we had a lot of customer complaints. I was able to inspire and motivate an unproductive team to significantly improve its performance. Be Specific

  37. When I took over the branch, our group generated more customer complaints than any in the division. I met with the three customers who provide 85% of our workload and learned that their requests disappeared for weeks or even months in our system. I met with each staff member to learn what they did and how they thought we could improve our operation. I convened team meetings to identify techniques to reduce processing time. I set performance goals for the unit, and informed the staff of our progress or need to improve. Most employees responded well. One employee was a marginal performer whose negative comments and attitude undermined the progress others were making. I met with him privately, let him know that I was aware of his actions and the impact he had on the team. I informed him that he was important to the team’s success, and I expected him to step up to the plate and contribute. Although he did not became a star performer, he stopped the negative behaviors that pulled us down. Within 6 months we reduced processing time by 45%, and met 4 out of 5 performance goals. I expect to meet the 5th goal within 3 months. Specific Actions & Results

  38. We vs I Your contribution to task force, group Be Specific

  39. Private sector and volunteer work are relevant Recent experience has most impact typically 3 – 5 years can use up to 10 years Experience has more impact than training ECQ Tips

  40. Plain language A funding battle complicated expeditiously moving forward to remediate the issue. Active voice Be Concise

  41. Passive Voice: A newsletter was created … Wordy I am responsible for … I have been able to … ECQ Tips

  42. Passive Voice - No ownership Delta Air Lines’ bankruptcy has increased our level of communication with Headquarters. Information concerning oversight and status of the carrier is being moved vertically and laterally through the organization. Be Concise

  43. Active Voice - Ownership I increased communication with Headquarters to address safety issues generated by Delta Air Lines’ bankruptcy. I ensure that information concerning oversight and status of the carrier moves vertically and laterally through the organization. Be Concise

  44. Challenge Context Action Results Model

  45. Challenge - Reduce backlog in 60 days & eliminate it in 4 months Context - No funds or time to hire more staff Action - Reviewed & sorted inventory to determine level of review needed; created 5 teams; developed new procedures & standards Results - Established team spirit & pride; eliminated backlog within 4 months CCAR Example

  46. Challenge – Become the provider of choice for products & services Context – Once held monopoly, now agencies can choose Action – Identified poor performing assets; eliminated empty space; tracked customer satisfaction; goal to get it right the 1st time Results - No re-do’s; reduced costs by 35%; kept all current clients & attracted 2 new ones CCAR Example

  47. Use CCAR to guide thinking; do not label/identify Structured interviews STAR Most important: Actions, Results CCAR Tips

  48. 12 point type White space Page limitations No typos, spelling, or grammatical errors Do not include ECQ definitions Format

  49. Leading People Building Coalitions/ Communication Results Driven Leading Change Technical Competence Business Acumen Percent Responding “Important”

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