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Driving People Through Organizational Change

Understand the importance of effective communication, stakeholder management, and commitment in driving organizational change. Learn key strategies, statistics, and insights to foster buy-in and navigate resistance. Contact Orlin Marinov, a Senior Consultant and Partner at ITCE, for expert guidance.

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Driving People Through Organizational Change

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Driving People Through Organizational Change Orlin Marinov Senior Service Management and Security Consultant and Trainer, ITCE 20 November 2015

  2. Agenda • Importance of communication • Managing communications and commitment • Stakeholder management

  3. A PMI study The study revealed that the most crucial success factor in project management is effective communications to all stakeholders—a critical core competency to all organizations. Project Management Institute, Inc. The Essential Role of Communications, May 2013.

  4. What statistics say

  5. What statistics say Highly-effective communicators are MORE THAN 5 times more likely to be high performers than minimally effective communicators Project Management Institute, Inc. The Essential Role of Communications, May 2013.

  6. The emergency room effect

  7. communications andcommitment

  8. Why People Resist Change Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s “10 reasons why people resist change

  9. The emotional cycle of change optimum performance P e r f o r m a n c e avoidance acceptance external blame shock self blame Time

  10. Outsourcing projects – effects/defects

  11. Choosing a strategy John P. KotterLeonard A. Schlesinger -Choosing Strategies for Change

  12. Stakeholder management

  13. What are their interests

  14. What is their power/impact Medium High Low High Strong buy-in needed Active consultation Medium Potential impact on stakeholder Maintain interest Keep informed Low Importance of the stakeholder

  15. Commitment

  16. Communication planning Identifying and maintaining sponsorship Removing barriers of resistance – building partnerships Setting a vision of the business objectives

  17. Methods

  18. Monitoring progress

  19. do's and don'ts

  20. THANK YOU!Contact Information:Orlin Marinov, PhD, Senior Consultant and Partner at ITCE ltd.Address: 115G, TsarigradskoShose Blvd., Business center “Megapark”, floor 1, office ITCE, Sofia, Bulgaria Office Tel.: +359 2 4400444;Mail: info@itce.comWeb Site: www.itce.comFacebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ITCE.Ltd

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