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WELCOME STUDENTS. Dr B’s Lifespan Development. THE PEOPLE AND THE FIELD MARKERS SHAPING DEVELOPMENT Impact of socioeconomic status developed and developing world Impact of culture collectivist and individualistic societies !!!!! IMPACT OF COHORT!!!.
WELCOME STUDENTS Dr B’s Lifespan Development
THE PEOPLE AND THE FIELDMARKERS SHAPING DEVELOPMENTImpact of socioeconomic statusdeveloped and developing worldImpact of culturecollectivist and individualistic societies!!!!!IMPACT OF COHORT!!!
Cohorts traveling through time: Scanning our evolving life-span Changing conceptions of children and childhood middle ages-21st century Life gets easier and we can have childhood EDUCATION EXTENDS CHILDHOOD MA l900 l940s------ -today adult at?------3--------primary school------high school/-Teenagerhood---------- 25ish- Changing conceptions of the aged and Elderly Colonial era-21st century (20thcentury life expectancy revolution;Young old-old old; maximum life-span)
20TH CENTURY LIFE EXPECTANCY REVOLUTION When it (mainly) happened (early 20th century) 1900-1930s approx= added 25+ years to life!! • Shift from infectious to chronic disease • People living to later life THE YOUNG OLD and OLD OLD • from frisky (60s & 70s) to frail 80+ Maximum lifespan= the longest you can live
Scanning life-expectancy in the developed worldWhy do women outlive men?Why do so many nations live longer than us?Is the 20th century life expectancy revolution reversing?
Changing conceptions of adulthood, final third of the 20th century (Baby boom cohort b 1946-61ish) TRACKING THE BABY BOOM 1950s----------- l960s ------------------------ 2013 2030 (born/child) teens young old old-old THE 60s lifestyle revolutionsThe age boom arrives THE 60s lifestyle REVOLUTIONS: An in depth view • Women’s movement= women and men are “equal” at work; no defined gender roles in the family (theoretically) • Sexual revolution= you can have sex before marriage; no sexual double standard= women are allowed to have sex too!( a note: the civil rights movement; What is the last freedom movement?
The 60’s family revolution: downsidesGreat increase in divorceMore women in their 20s give birth outside of marriage than within=Great increase in child poverty
A note on The GREAT Recession of 2008; and income inequalities Housing bubble meltdown; Income inequalities: Richest fifth Drop in spending; layoffs; richer( L) very rich much richer(R) Unemployment Part-time/wants to be full time
LENSES FOR INTERPRETING THE LIFESPAN: THEORIES General theories of behavior and thenature/ nurture perspective Nature= heredity Nurture= the environment
Traditional BehaviorismEmphasis on finding basic laws; who we are is shaped by nurture; no definite changes “with ageOperant conditioning==get reinforced, learnSchedules of reinforcementVariable schedule= get reinforced irregularly, so keep goingApplications of traditional behaviorism/variable reinforcement to everything from childrearing, to staying with your spouse, to living in a nursing home
BASIC BEHAVIORAL PRINCIPLES SUMMARIZED * it’s the reinforcer’s fault not the person’s.. In other words people are not basically good or bad (they easily change if we change the reinforcers) * to extinguish “bad” behavior be consistent. Never give in • to cement “good” behavior in you need to fail (but only sometimes) • Pay attention to positive behavior (ignore negative behavior== AKA use time out!)
Social learning theory/cognitive behaviorism --human beings as thinkersA note on modelingwho we modelHow modeling changes with ageSelf-efficacy– “I can do it if I work” Using efficacy feelings to predictschool motivationfeelings of confidence in romancecan efficacy as a teen predict career success?Enhancing efficacy in kids and you
A note on Attachment theory love== everything; love you get early in life determines how you will love; Bowlby’s appeal== nurture (parenting/caregiving imp.) + nature (attachment response built into our human…and animal..biology… to keep us safe..)
Nature makes a comeback: behavioral genetics A historical look at the nature/nurture debate 0------------------------------- -l950’s/60s------------------- l970s-80’s Nature (blood/rank at birth) Behaviorism/nurture Beh genetics “the aristocracy” Hitler as an object lesson nature is A LOT!! “the master race” Exploring the medication revolution Exploring Behavioral genetic research
Twin and adoption studies-- their rationale; their method; the findings Twin studies described: • Identical twins== same egg and sperm then split (genetic clones) • Fraternals= 2 different egg and sperm unite; (like siblings) Adoption studies described; Compare adopted children with biological parents and adoptive parents. Thomas Me and my husband Maureen If more like bio parents (Maureen) its____________ If more like adoptive parents (my husband and I) its__________ Twin/adoption studies described Adopted at birth and go to DIFFERENT families! Scanning the amazing findings
WHERE WE ARE TODAY: NATURE AND NURTURE COMBINE. Our nature (biology) shapes our nurture (environment) evocative/active interaction we select our environments to fit our talents (active) our personality evokes certain responses from others (evocative). Paranoid people have enemies Loving people live in a caring world (Implications: as nature + nurture go together what start out as small differences become huge.. as we develop and grow into adulthood)
Nature and nurture interact Bidirectional influenceschildren shape parents, spouses shape each other; teachers shape students; students shape teachers etc Fit environment to “best” self (person environment fit)== success
Postscript: Human Genetics can change!! (via nurture=the environment)Exploring the (tentative)triumph of our better angelsExploring the reality of the Flynn effect
THE “STAGES LINKED TO AGE” POINT OF VIEW Piaget's cognitive developmental approachlearning through acting; qualitatively different stages of thinking; child’s world view is totally unlike our own (assimilation and accommodation) Assimilation=fit world to self Accommodation=in the process change or grow (examples: from sucking at one month to making sense of this class)
Erikson’s psychosocial stages Emphasis on the developing self and relationships Age- linked developmental tasks A sampler (basic trust; auton
TOOLS FOR STUDYING THE LIFESPAN: RESEARCH METHODS Why do research? Designing a standard quantitative study . Getting a hypothesis (moms who hit have kids who hit) 1) Measuring your concepts Naturalistic observation=watching the behavior (+s –’s) self reports= taking questionnaires (+s-’s) observer assessments= having experts rate behavior (+s-s)
Selecting your design—two types of research Correlational research --finding relationships (what other forces could be causing the relationship between hitting moms & agg. kids?) Experimental research-- determining causes (Could you randomly assign kids to diff moms?)
Measuring development: two approachesCross sectional studies (Diff ages at same time)2013age group 20 40 60LONGITUDINAL STUDIES + -follow one or more groups2013 2033 2053atage20---------------40---------------60Longitudinal study fun facts: A sampler
PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT= step 1 getting to fertilization and implantation
Step 2= Making a baby= the embryonic stage(cephalocaudal, proximodistal, mass to specific principles )
Pregnancy from the mother’s (and dad’s) point of viewlandmarks of the trimesters1-12---------------------------- 12-26---------------------27-40morning sickness quickening BIG miscarriage ultrasoundlive BIRTH
The Emotional Context of Pregnancypregnancy supportpregnancy fearsproblems getting pregnant (and keeping the baby)assisted reproductive technologies
BirthThe process: three distinct stagesDilation and effacementBirthExpulsion of the placenta
BIRTH COMPLICATIONSproblems with getting the baby out(see drawing)Being born too soonPreterm labor; very low birth weight; neonatal intensive care
A history of childbirth and the growth of the natural childbirth movementEarly 1900s (getting it together)— late l960s (au naturel comes on strong)--- today (a variety of choices
Issues and questions around birthtechnologies vs natural approachespoverty, childbirth and infant mortality(c-sections; infant mortality)
INFANCY (O-3)Developing Brainsynaptogenesis;mylenation; blossoming and pruning phases; frontal lobes
Basic states 1: EatingFrom newborn reflexes to 2 year old food cautionsSocial issues and Eatingrooting/sucking reflexbreast feeding; stunting)
Stunting and malnutrition: A deeper look at the developing world and U.S.
Basic States 2: Crying and Sleepingcrying changes; how to quiet a crying babysleeping changes; how to GET THAT KID TO SLEEP!!Colic; Kangaroo care; self-soothing
Sensory and motor processes 1: visionThe remarkable things newborns know about facesthe remarkable things we learn NOT to seeseeing and fearing heights(Visual cliff)
Focus on movingdevelopmental milestones (and remarkable variability!)4----------------------- 6----------------------------------------- -1ishlifts head (pushup phase) scooting and its fab variations WALKINGSafety issues (baby proofing)
Piaget’s sensory motor stagegrowth of sensory-motor thoughtcircular reactions (primary, secondary, tertiary) little scientist behavior ition (Piaget’s sensory- motor stage) *The growth of sensory motor thought: learning by acting; stages of thinking (Circular reactions—primary, secondar tertiary—little scientist behavior) *The evolution of the object concept an means-end behavior
Piaget’s sensory motor stage cont.growth of object permanenceA not B error means end- behavior
Language and social cognitionTracking emerging languageCan babies understand emotions?(infant directed speech--IDS)
Attachment: the motor of human (and animal) lifeMaking the case
The dance of attachment and the growth of the attachment responsedance--- separation anxiety; stranger anxiety; clearcut attachment __________ 7-8_______________________3 _
Deviations from the attachment normNo caring caregivers=Entering the Romanian orphanages;Multiple caring caregivers:the Elf