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District 5300 District Assembly, April 2009

District 5300 District Assembly, April 2009. INTERNATIONAL MATCHING GRANTS Clive Houston-Brown, PP Rotary Club of Pomona Chair, District 5300 International Matching Grants 2009/2010. Matching Grant (MG) Agenda. What a Matching Grant is Eligible project types and examples

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District 5300 District Assembly, April 2009

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  1. District 5300 District Assembly, April 2009 INTERNATIONAL MATCHING GRANTS Clive Houston-Brown, PP Rotary Club of Pomona Chair, District 5300 International Matching Grants 2009/2010

  2. Matching Grant (MG) Agenda • What a Matching Grant is • Eligible project types and examples • How the funding works • How to find a potential project • Important Websites • Contact information

  3. What are Matching Grants (MG)? Money provided by The Rotary Foundation (TRF)to help fund a humanitarian service project being conducted by clubs in two or more countries

  4. What projects are eligible for TRF Matching Grants funding? • Humanitarian service projects • Involve 2 or more Rotary Clubs in different countries • TRF Matching Grant contribution portion must be at least $5,000 • Have significant Rotarian involvement • Benefit a community, not an individual

  5. What are examples of humanitarian projects? • Water projects (clean drinking water; irrigation; sanitation; etc.) • Training/Education(entrepreneurial; occupational; medical; agricultural; etc.) • Equipment(school supplies; medical supplies; classroom supplies; agricultural supplies, etc.) • Microcredit(business startup; income-generating enterprise, business expansion; etc.)

  6. What can you not use Matching Grants to fund? • Purchase of land or buildings • Construction/Refurbishments(with certain exceptions) • Salaries • Travel expenses (with certain exceptions) • Administrative expenses of any organizations • Post-secondary education activities/research/ professional development

  7. How does the funding work? • Rotary Clubs donate money to the project • Minimum of $100 from international club • Districts can match club donations using District Designated Funds (DDF) • District 5300 matches club contributions 1:1 up to a certain amount (about $4,000) until DDF runs out • The Rotary Foundation matches donations: • $.50 to the dollar for Club contributions • Dollar for dollar for DDF contributions • Grants between $5,000-25,000 are Matching Grants • Grants between $25,001-150,000 are Competitive Matching Grants (and require additional paperwork)

  8. Club Donation: $4,000 Club $4,000 Total: $4,000

  9. District Matches Club $1:$1 Club District $4,000 $4,000 100% Total: $8,000

  10. TRF matches Clubs $.50:$1 Club District $4,000 $4,000 50% TRF $2,000 Total: $10,000

  11. TRF matches District $1:$1 Club District $4,000 $4,000 100% TRF TRF $2,000 $4,000 Total: $14,000 (x3.5 club investment)

  12. How do we find potential projects?http://www.matchinggrants.org(Developed/maintained by District5340 San Diego)

  13. How do we find potential projects?http://www.matchinggrants.org(Developed/maintained by District5340 San Diego)

  14. How do we find potential projects?http://www.matchinggrants.org(Developed/maintained by District5340 San Diego)

  15. How do we find potential projects?http://www.matchinggrants.org(Developed/maintained by District5340 San Diego)

  16. Important Websites • The Rotary Foundation Matching Grants: • http://www.rotary.org/en/ServiceAndFellowship/FundAProject/HumanitarianGrants/Pages/MatchingGrants.aspx • Database of potential projects: • http://www.matchinggrants.org • District 5300 Foundation/Matching Grants Site: • http://www.district5300.org/foundation-rotary/ • Matching Grants example application: • http://www.district5300.org/foundation-rotary/2006-2007/MatchingGrantApplPeru.pdf

  17. District Assembly, April 2009 Contact Information Clive Houston-Brown, PP Rotary Club of Pomona 2009/2010 Chair, District 5300 International Matching Grants cliveinrotary@gmail.com Cell: (909) 538-7203 Home: (909) 971-7022

  18. Questions and Answers Sorry, no time Please catch me during District Assembly, District Conference, or via contact information!!!

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