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Cosmic Unveilings: A Journey into the Cosmos

Explore the depths of cosmology with a comprehensive overview including cosmic expansion history, clustering, observational tools like supernovae and CMB, cosmological parameters, and the mysteries of dark energy and dark matter. Delve into the nature of our early universe, ponder the Universe's origins, and contemplate concepts like string theory and the multiverse. Revolutions on the horizon include dark energy's nature, the fate of the Universe, and the enigma of dark matter. Unveil the cosmic smorgasbord with discussions on gravitational lensing, Big Bang nucleosynthesis, galaxy clusters, and more. Gain insights into our place in space and time, from the creation of atomic nuclei to evidence of dark energy. Join us on this cosmic journey filled with mind-boggling discoveries and theories.

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Cosmic Unveilings: A Journey into the Cosmos

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SDSS slideshow


  3. Midsummer holiday, Leksand, Sweden

  4. Max Tegmark University of Pennsylvania Where I was born and raised

  5. Who are you?

  6. The cosmic plan: • Overview of cosmology theory & observation • - 0th order: cosmic expansion history • - 1st order: cosmic clustering history • - Observational tools: supernovae, CMB, galaxy clustering, . clusters, lensing, Ly forest, etc • - Cosmological parameters • Revolutions on the horizon: • - Nature of dark energy • How will the Universe end? Will it? • - Nature of dark matter • What is the Universe made of? • - Nature of our early universe • How did the Universe begin? Did it? • - String theory? Multiverse? • - 21 cm tomography L1: Sarah Church L2: Neal Weiner Sean Carroll, Phil Marshall Sean Carroll

  7. Galaxy surveys Microwave background Supernovae Ia THE COSMIC SMÖRGÅSBORD Gravitational lensing Big Bang nucleosynthesis Galaxy clusters Neutral hydrogen tomography Lyman  forest

  8. What have we learned?


  10. DSE

  11. SDSS movie


  13. The sky as a time machine

  14. Brief History of our Universe Dark matter creation? Antimatter annihilation Creation of atomic nuclei Dark energy evidence Hot Dense Smooth 400 Cool Rarefied Clumpy (Graphics from Gary Hinshaw/WMAP team)

  15. Formation movies

  16. To 0th order: Fluctuation generator Fluctuation amplifier 386 Hot DenseSmooth 400 H(z) Cool Rarefied Clumpy (Graphics from Gary Hinshaw/WMAP team) Cosmological functions (z), G(z,k), Ps(k), Pt(k)

  17. To 1st order: Fluctuation generator Fluctuation amplifier 386 Hot Dense Smooth 400 H(z) P(k,z) Cool Rarefied Clumpy (Graphics from Gary Hinshaw/WMAP team)

  18. 0th order: a(t) 1st order: g(z,k) (Figure courtesy of COBE team) 400 Higher order: gastrophysics 13.7

  19. 0th order: Measuring Expansion: a(t) <=> H(z) (More on this in the lectures of Sean Carroll & Phil Marshall) • Standardizable candles • Standardizable rods • Standardizable clocks

  20. 100dpi Figure from WMAP team

  21. dimmed • redshifted Distant light is 100dpi

  22. dimmed • redshifted 100dpi Distant light is Redshift Dimming

  23. dimmed • redshifted 100dpi Distant light is Redshift Dimming Standard candles, rulers or clocks

  24. Standardizable candles Boomzoom (From Saul Perlmutter’s web site)

  25. Using CMB blobs as a standardizable ruler: Boomzoom Open universe Inflation with  Guth & Kaiser 2005 (Science) + WMAP3 Inflation without  Cosmic strings

  26. Using galaxy correlations as a standardizable ruler: Boomzoom (Eisenstein, Hu & MT 1998; Eisenstein et al 2005; Cole et al 2005) Easiest to understand in real space (Bashinsky & Bertschinger, PRL, 87, 1301, 2001; PRD 123008, 2002)

  27. (Eisenstein et al 2005, for the SDSS collaboration astro-ph/050112) Boomzoom We’ve measured distance to z=0.35 to 5% accuracy Updates in Reid et al 0907.1659, Percival et al 0907.1660, Kazin et al 2009 in prep

  28. Big Bang nucleosynthesis as a standardizable clock: George Gamow 1904-1968

  29. Big Bang nucleosynthesis as a standardizable clock: George Gamow 1904-1968 Kirkman et al 2003, astro-ph/0302006

  30. H = dlna/dt, H2   Assumes k=0 SN Ia+CMB+LSS constraints Yun Wang & MT 2004, PRL 92, 241302 a = 1/(1+z)

  31. Inflationary gravitational waves as a standardizable clock: Qt ~ H/mplanck

  32. H = dlna/dt, H2   What we’ve learned about H(z) from SN Ia, CMB, BAO, BBN, etc: Assumes k=0 SN Ia+CMB+LSS constraints Yun Wang & MT 2004, PRL 92, 241302 Vanilla rules OK!

  33. What we’ve learned about H(z) from SN Ia Riess et al, astro-ph/0611572

  34. curvature: • consistent with vanilla (k = 0) • topology: • consistent with vanilla

  35. 1st order: measuring clustering

  36. History CMB Foreground-cleaned WMAP map from Tegmark, de Oliveira-Costa & Hamilton, astro-ph/0302496

  37. z = 1000 Boomzoom

  38. z = 2.4 Boomzoom Mathis, Lemson, Springel, Kauffmann, White & Dekel 2001

  39. z = 0.8 Boomzoom Mathis, Lemson, Springel, Kauffmann, White & Dekel 2001

  40. z = 0 Boomzoom Mathis, Lemson, Springel, Kauffmann, White & Dekel 2001

  41. 1parmovies CMB Clusters LSS Lensing Lya Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates

  42. 000619 Galaxy power spectrum measurements 1999 (Based on compilation by Michael Vogeley)

  43. 1parmovies LSS

  44. 1parmovies Clusters LSS Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates

  45. 1parmovies CMB Clusters LSS (More from Sarah Church) Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates

  46. History (Figure from Wayne Hu) (Figure from WMAP team)

  47. History

  48. History CMB Foreground-cleaned WMAP map from Tegmark, de Oliveira-Costa & Hamilton, astro-ph/0302496

  49. Why are there any CMB fluctuations at all?

  50. Why the wiggles? What’s their scale?

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